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Everything posted by pipin78

  1. From dev version 07-01-2015 EXE rev. 133832 (game) EXE rev. 133831 (launcher) Added: Amphibious engine simulation for vehicles using tankx simulation (http://feedback.arma...ew.php?id=19911)How to test? None of the vanilla tracked veichles seems to be amphibious. I've tried the CUP and the RHS ones but on entering the water they just turn in circles (RHS BMDs, Sprut) or freeze half submerged(CUP BMPs).
  2. pipin78

    The Mi 48 Kajman

    Since it was relased in the beta this gunship has bugged me the most. Not because it's a fictional helicopter but because of the cockpit modeling.. At first I've noticed the apache MFDs.. then I realized: It's an actual apache cockpit!! those russians stole it!!! XD Look.. mi-48 pilot arma 2 apache pilot mi-48 gunner: arma 2 apache gunner: Even the exterior model has some problems: Since in the dev branch the DEVs started fixing the copy-pasted tank gunner view can BI consider adjusting this cockpit? This is a Mi-28 cockpit that can be used as ispiration: more pics here: (russian) http://topwar.ru/5467-letnyy-centr-v-torzhke-mi-28n.html At the very least change the MFDs and fix the ugly side textures!!
  3. All in all great additions! Some bugs -The Mora IFV ammo casing eject point does not rotate with the turret. The mirrors also do not work. -The Kuma MBT has no "destoyed" texture or model and the player can walk through the model once destryed -The T-100 has got a new coax MG! but when firing the smoke come out from the commanger MG
  4. -Rear view mirrors for Marshall the mirrors do not work for me.. they appear with black texture. Can anyone confirm? -The Gorgon commander head clips out his hatch all the time! He can be shot dead.. -Sparks of Sabot hit should glow even at night now Great!! :)
  5. -Gorgon driver is clipping out his hatch all the time.. -The new Gorgon mirrors are nice but useless.. they should be turned to look more on the side of the vehicle.. as they are now you can't see the road behind.. -The new runway lights are nice but the red ones are still misplaced on their model..
  6. What did change? The sparks particles are still not bright at night..
  7. As stated you can go over the clouds, but it is not like in a standard flight simulator.. the effect is stange.. the clouds form a sort of cilinder around your plane and as you go highter you start seeing patches of blue sky looking above. The CAS jet needs a bit of time to get there as it's engine is pretty weak.. To me the "overcast" effect needs a lot of work but I think it's low priority given the fact that you cant see neither the island nor the sea from that hight even in clear sky ---------- Post added at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:51 PM ---------- Is this still being implemented? From my test I went as hight as 3200m but the rain never stopped. I could see patches of blue sky above me.
  8. No it's not worse than before!! Now it has proper collision so it does not rain indoor anymore and is affected by wind and some(just for now I think) lights.. The rain texture can be better yes, but it is still wip.. I do not think the project cars rain can be implemented: that is a racing game with limited enviroments related mostly to tracks.. it can afford more sophisticated effects because of that. For a more correct example you should look at the rain in skyrim: better texture yes but it still passes thru objects.. not much better
  9. The new rain is a great step forward but I think it needs a little more work: -Add some sort of splash effect when rain hits the ground, water or objects.. -the rain streak orientation is not influenced by the speed of the player.. ie the rain looks always vertical even flying thru it in a jet -I dont seem to be able to fly over the rain... even at 3200m is still raining.. -It should interact with veichles windshield in some ways to have an effect on gamepaly (maybe make the wipers working..) -It should be rendered in PIP displays -Check that every light source correctly apply to the rain.. -maybe add random rain pools texture decals to the ground after sometime that is raining.. -Explosion dust should be reduced when raining.. New tank muzzle blast ok but check the round tracer effect and the impact effects too: APFSDS round hitting water still kicks up dust and when hitting metal the sparks are still not visible at night. The tracer effect is from an mg, it should be bigger and yellowish, more round looking.
  10. pipin78

    The T-100 Varsuk

    Another thing that bugs me in the final release is the T-100 tank. In the Field Manual is stated that this tank is an evolution of the t-95 tank prototype featuring an unmanned turret and a 135mm cannon. But the ingame model and stats does not match the field manual.. it has a clearly manned turret and a 120mm gun the above model is instead based on the cancelled "Black Eagle" tank (Obyekt 640) which it was supposed to have a manned turret with bustle autoloader and a 125mm gun The t-95 prototype(Object 195), also cancelled, could look like this based on leaked photos: Obviously the fastest thing that BI can do is fix the field manual description but it would have been interesting to have a tank with such a different crew layout since armor penetrations that can kill crew are modelled ingame..
  11. I see the fume extractor working.. good but still need some work: -muzzle blast look ugly and low res compared to other smaller guns. -APDSFS round hitting water throws up dirt and rocks instead of water.. also the effect is smaller than the one of he coax mg.. look: -APDSFS rounds hit effect sparks still invisible at night..
  12. In the latest DEV or in the next one? If the latest I can't confirm: The crew can still be seen from the turret back and side.. but I cannot kill them now.
  13. pipin78

    Mods and ARMA 3 on the same level as FSX?

    VBS is not targeted at gamers but at the military. To me they should continue with the traditional model: payware big expansion like OA with a lot of content. The released DLCs from BIS where not that good: BAF was ok, PMC and especially ACR where mediocre..
  14. pipin78

    Mods and ARMA 3 on the same level as FSX?

    He's right the engine is not ready for this type of business model. A model that I don't like anyway.. the community will implode when payware addons start appearing.. this is a mostly multiplayer game, not single player as fsx.
  15. pipin78

    Tank destruction effects: some suggestions.

    I'm hoping BI would fix the ones we already have adding missing weapons and loadouts.. creating new damage/destruction effects and correcting the bugs in models and physics. Even if the types of tank BI choose to include to me make no sense for the given factions, they can become much better.. I know you are working on a great effects mod but I would like some improvements in vanilla too for the servers that don't allow mods..
  16. As most may have noticed, vehicle destruction effects in Arma 3 are (as in most games) pretty basic.. the texture turns black an the model is replaced with a generic destroyed one. The tanks to me are especially bad: they are a step back even from Arma 2. In Arma 2 the tanks used to keep their turret when destroyed with the orientation they where killed in.. giving at lest a little variation to the battlefield.. Now we go from this: To this: As stated in the image, turret and part of the tracks just disappears, big flame is pasted on the model, and the texture turns to a generic "burned out" one. The T-100 model even sinks in the ground (to simulate depressed suspensions?!?): My suggestion is to take some inspiration from other games.. For example, in Iron Front (based on Arma 2 engine!!) a destroyed tank look like this: Notice that the flames and smoke come only from the hatches and no big black texture but localized burns only. BI, the big black textures HAVE TO GO! we're not in '90 anymore!! At the very lest keep the turret on (it's unrealistic for it to fly away in those type of tanks), depress the suspensions, and move the "big flame" to the top as in Red Orechestra 2: Last little thing: the "new sabot hit" effect sparks are still invisible at night! BI, test your effects in basic conditions before introducing!! It's a very simple fix..
  17. When you're fighting insurgents maybe.. In 2035 apparently we will be fighting iranians in the mediterranean.. not quite the same. But this is not my point.. It's silly to have such big spaces like the central plains only to engage at rifle ranges..
  18. Yeah but infantry focus on a 270 square Km map it's a bit silly..
  19. pipin78

    Tank destruction effects: some suggestions.

    Yes it's very good. Depending on where you hit the turret can also be blown in the air. BI made a mistake not supporting the IF guys more..
  20. Confirm! Same problem for me. The white ones turn yellow when close..
  21. pipin78

    The T-100 Varsuk

    No.. as stated above in not based on the t-95 at all. Different gun, different turret, different crew layout.. Sometimes it's reffered as Объект 195 but I'm no expert and I do not speak russian.
  22. pipin78

    The Mi 48 Kajman

    To me the best "cockpits" are the Strider and Ifrit ones.. full of nice little touches like an "mp3 player" in function and animated gear lever (ifrit)
  23. pipin78

    The T-100 Varsuk

    Do you mean the T-99 Armata? I'm curious too but the last time they were about to show the t-95 and suddently they cancelled it instead.. I wish BI choosed the T-90MS: nice and modern looking with good references around. The Black Eagle is nice and massive but it is not that futuristic.. it's from the early '90s.. ---------- Post added at 09:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ---------- And it works underwater too! up to 5m deep!! XD (no joke: try in the editor.. enemy AT infantry even waste their missiles trying to sink you.. BI should add torpedoes!!)
  24. pipin78

    The T-100 Varsuk

    Do you know? This can be realistic!!! According to the wiki the "Black Eagle" turret was just a mockup with nothing inside.. BI got it right!! XD
  25. pipin78

    The T-100 Varsuk

    yeah and both tanks and heavy IFVs are stopped in the traks by small objects and they can still flip in the air and bounce back .. but I think all this issues will get fixed in time.. It's the strange internal inconsistencies and the copy-pasted content that bugger me.. It's like the content was not planned well but trown in on the go..