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Everything posted by becubed

  1. Not always. In a book I read about the US Skunk Works and the design of the original stealth fighter, they mentioned that they designed a low observable aircraft carrier to present to the navy. It looked a bit like "Darth Vaders helmet" apparently. It was canned with the observation that no Admiral would be seen dead on a ship that looked like that.
  2. becubed

    Reality At Its Finest

    Unless it's been changed you only get lense flare in Arma in 3rd person view
  3. becubed

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I totally agree with this, the other thing is that often the clever things happen out of the view of the player. Sometimes when building missions I've put tracking markers on them and they can be very clever about flanking.
  4. Thought that this might be handy for some modders out there. http://candrsenal.com/pov-gallery/
  5. Call it an inelastic collision, the bullet hits the vest and comes to a total stop being deformed in the process. Conservation of Momentum says that the momentum (mass * velocity) of the system remains the same. Momentum before the impact Bullet ( 5.56mm NATO ) 4 grams @ 925 m/s = 3.7 kg m/s Person standing 120 kg loaded with gear @ 0 m/s Total Momentum = 3.7 kg m/s After Impact Combined mass 120kg (Not worth adding bullet) So 3.7 = 120 * x where x is the final velocity in m/s Gives x = 3.7/120 = 0.03 m/s or 3 cm in one second Put your finger on a ruler and move it at a speed that it travells 3cm in a second and you can get the idea how little effect the bullet will have.
  6. becubed

    Clipping issues

    Are you an ostrich?
  7. This was covered ad nauseum long ago, do a search for "cover system", most people at that time did not want it.
  8. You shouldn't do it in a game set in 2035 :)
  9. becubed

    Unrealistic weapons damage

    Try turning off extended armour in your game settings. If you do that you can die to your hearts content on a single grenade.
  10. 100 rounds of 5.56mm against a stacked pile of bricks 2 deep 100 rounds of 7.62 Given that this is about a one second burst from a mini gun I see them being able to chew up buildings without any problem
  11. Check in your windows audio control panel that you don't have a "Dynamic Compression" setting on. It may be called many things but basically it lowers the volume of loud sounds and increases it for soft ones. Another user had the same problem. He couldn't hear gunfire above ambient noise.
  12. Technology marches on
  13. You could always just run it in a window at lower res and save yourself some cash. I do on mine as 2560x1600 is a bit much for my rig.
  14. becubed

    Weapons feel far weaker now?

    You don't have some kind of dynamic sound damping set in your sound drivers do you? Another poster had this issue.
  15. becubed

    Body armor

    Do you have anything about this I can look at? My understanding is that blunt trauma is really only an issue with a flexible vest not a rigid one as the plates effectively spread the impact out over the entire surface area of the plate, this would be sufficient to prevent any form of life threatening trauma. Oh and Lvl3 will stop 7.62 FMJ ammo at the muzzle
  16. becubed

    Body armor

    Thanks. I think I might look into getting a copy.
  17. becubed

    nothing will lock on?

    Are you using the 'T' key ( I think that is the default ) they changed the key binding a while ago so check in the options what is set.
  18. becubed

    Body armor

    Is the book any good and if so what is it? I've read a few on Afghanistan and Iraq lately, some have been good and some not.
  19. becubed

    Cannot see heat vision of TWS through glass

    That's correct see here
  20. becubed

    Unrealistic weapons damage

    Yes and no, do a search for 5.56 and ineffective, there are many people who say that the rounds aren't. I remember reading Blackhawk Down and one of the main interviewe's in that made the point that they would regularly hit the enemy, they were close enough to see the impacts and the targets continued to moving as if uneffected. This has also been reported from Afghanistan. Everyone hit by a bullet responds differently.
  21. Just as a point, the wound there was infilcted through soft body armour, that means very little distribution of the force over a greater area, unlike if it was hard armour where the force would be distributed over the entire area of the plate.
  22. This has been discussed here and other threads ad infinitim, the energy from a bullet does NOT knock you down.
  23. I subscribed to a few then went and copied the downloaded mission files into my normal Missions folder in the ARMA3 directory, then unsubscribed.
  24. Flank right and left send the nominated troops out to hold position further out than they normally do. I believe that supressing fire does do something as I can remember it being discussed ages ago. It's just not what you would think it is, do a search for it if no-one else chimes in.