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Everything posted by nikiforos

  1. nikiforos

    Skylake CPUs - worth an upgrade?

    i5-2500k @4.5 Ghz I can run almost all new games with high FPS including GTA 5 (minimum 60 FPS with high or very high settings) but if an upgrade could give me maybe 10-15 FPS then I think it's worth it.
  2. nikiforos

    Skylake CPUs - worth an upgrade?

    I agree but the upgrade is not supposed to be only for Arma 3 but for future games as well.
  3. nikiforos

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Finally the day is here!! :)
  4. nikiforos

    [WIP] Terrain Diyala province Iraq

    Sorry to hear that :( Also I would love to be some kind of beta or alpha tester if you need anyone.. Most desert maps look Arma 2ish in Arma 3 but yours looks great and very realistic.
  5. Excellent, thank you very much :) A good thing is that using the scroll lock and depending on the map you are playing you can easily turn it on and off .. Some maps might not work as good as Altis with Real Light. But overall I think that this mod is a game changer.
  6. I use the v5 version.. The only one working for me right now with sweet fx 2.0.
  7. Thanks Solano. I changed my settings within the game brightness and gamma to 0.8 now it feels better. I will make some further testing later. I think this mod is especially needed when playin in rainy or storm situations which was quite boring with vanilla looks. Now it's fun again to play that kind of missions :)
  8. Sorry to ask again but I wonder which setting I must change to make the game less bright? I've downloaded notepad++ so I can change reshade settings if needed.
  9. nikiforos

    [WIP] Kihnu Island

    Reminds me a lot of Orshanets the Ukrainan map.. IMO the best grass for Arma 3 so good choice!
  10. Thank you Solano. Problem is that my game crash everytime I try to run with "Framework (Running on ReShade)" so that is really not an option for me. Worst case scenario I stay with v5 which already is fantastic :) I
  11. I managed to run Real Light v5 with SweetFX 2.0 (Running on ReShade) and I must say I'm impressed. Now I would like to run Real light v6 but keeping sweeFX2.0 (running on ReShade).. What file do I need to make it run? Maybe just an updated Reshade FX file?
  12. nikiforos

    [WIP] Terrain Diyala province Iraq

    Map looks absolutely amazing!!
  13. My eyes hurt guys please change the white to some more friendly theme! I don't think I can stay within the forum for more then 3-5 minutes it feels uncomfortable.
  14. Maybe I can test this soon when I update to win 10.
  15. Hi, sorry I didn't follow all the discussion but I have some problems with this mod. First I have no recoil in weapons. Some tanks can't move correctly. Is this known issue or just on my end?
  16. nikiforos

    Ambient battle sounds Module

    I really like this mod.. It contributes a lot to the war feeling during a mission.
  17. nikiforos

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I don' even play MP so I'm just talking SP performance... Put 20 vs 20 in a city with tanks and helicopters and tell me if you enjoy the fight..? But hey I don't want to play with less than 45 FPS maybe I should "lower" my expectations right? Why does people talk about Arma 4 ? BI didn't announce it and if I remember correctly they plan to move on with other games in the future.. Wish thinking maybe?
  18. nikiforos

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Had some friends with kind of medium computers, they wanted to buy the game but I couldn't recommend it because of the bad performance. Unfortunately BI lost many many customers thanks to this.
  19. nikiforos

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    I feel your pain but let's be realistic nothing will happen. Maybe we get lower FPS , yes that might actually happen.
  20. That's the problem too many vehicles!!! Have seen mods with less that never got released and having that amount of vehicles as a goal will most probably lead to a no release. I hope I'm wrong but my long experience within the game and mods tell me to be much less enthusiastic.
  21. nikiforos

    1.48 BIS ...Marek Spanel is back ??

    Wishful thinking I guess
  22. THanks for the update!! Are you planning to release Lingor island as well?
  23. Thanks mate, will take a look at it later :)
  24. Do you have an updated win7?