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Everything posted by Colossus

  1. Colossus

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Would someone kindly seed the A3MP 1.4 torrent? Ah, missed that post. Got trouble finding seeders on my client side then.
  2. Colossus

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Nice! They look great :) Picture 1 - To-199 and the new stadium Picture 2 - A-164 and a hotel? Unfamiliar to me, perhaps I've forgotten this area. Picture 3 - Tempest (heavy trucks) Picture 4 - Can't tell if there's anything new here. Pic of a Marshall and infantry. Picture 5 - Use of a different "safe" walking animation? Picture 6 (Twitter - Mořický) - Front part of the A-164
  3. Colossus

    Ukraine General

    Crimea parliament declares independence from Ukraine ahead of referendum - RT So much for votes, eh? :rolleyes:
  4. Colossus

    Ukraine General

    One cannot deny that the revolt did in part contain far-right-wing entities and that parliament do have far-right-wing members. However, as I see it, the Russian government and media portrays it as if these agents control and influence nearly everything in Ukrainian politics. How can 8% of the current parliament do this, if I may ask? How can these 8% manage to ousted their president, their leader, which ran away and wasn't heard from for days? Maybe the answer lays more to the fact that members of the Party of Regions, Yanukovych's own party, signed off and went independent instead, which tipped the scale towards the then opposition. Now, I'm not sure whether or not the elections in Ukraine will go through in May, as announced, but I reckon that recent events with Crimea might actually have fueled radicalization of voters. Giving Svoboda more seats. Basically what could have happen here is an inverse consequence as a result of the deployment of the so-called "civil protection" army, which roams Crimea. One could argue that these "civil protection" folks could either be shot or arrested on sight, as they could be described as unidentifiable armed militia. Mercenaries, if you will. But in a way I'm happy that this hasn't happened. It would most likely end up in a blood bath, one way or another. If there are anyone who deserves medals, it's the Ukrainian soldiers, for their discipline and constraint in taking violent action against their unlawful occupiers.
  5. Colossus

    Ukraine General

    Haven't seen a lot of articles about how the Crimean parliment went to vote on the referendum, but Aftenposten posted one today. (Personally I find this newspaper to be quite serious) Voting fraud secured pro-Russian majority in Crimean parliament - Aftenposten
  6. Colossus

    Ukraine General

    Now here is an interesting turn of events. Yanukovych has had a heart attack (unian.net), and there's unconfirmed reports that he might be dead. Guessing we'll find out soon enough.
  7. Colossus

    DayZ References in ArmA 3

    Yeah, somewhere around the time the first campaign episode was launched they were given these items from the DayZ team. Here are most, if not all, the items added: Development Branch Changelog - Oct 15 2013 Kinda nice of them to do so, makes it a bit more authentic :)
  8. Colossus

    Ukraine General

    Is it just me or is Russia being a total d**k about this whole situation? One can argue the legitimacy of the current government, yes, but that's no reason for any of the parties to dismiss a dialog. This has a very nostalgic Bush-policy feel to it.
  9. Colossus

    Ukraine General

    That won't have repercussions at all! Both the Ukrainian goverment and the Russians should calm down a notch until Ukraine has undergone its elections. This is definitely a fire they don't want to play with.
  10. Colossus

    Ukraine General

  11. Colossus

    ArmA 3 | Flappy Bird Game

    Sure, why the hell not?
  12. Colossus

    Ukraine General

    Well, they sure ain't your typical bandits, with their nice AK-74Ms and identical "standard issue"-looking uniforms and equipment :rolleyes: Though we don't know the full picture, didn't Russian troops do similar acts in former Yugoslavia in the 90s? EDIT: Found it - "Incident at Pristina airport"
  13. Colossus

    Free Games

    I've lost the box unfortunetly but I still got the CDs, which is great because the original installation program on RA was just brilliant :cool:
  14. Colossus

    Free Games

    This one is kinda of fun too :p - OpenRA (openra.res0l.net)
  15. Colossus

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I agree. The maps I'm most fond of are indeed winter/N.Europe themed. Namalsk and most of FDF's island. (OT: Gah, another Winter War mod would have been awesome)
  16. Colossus

    Music Recommendations

    Since Take On Helicopters came out I've spend more and more time listening to Hardstyle, and it's perfect for workouts. I still got my "normal" music taste, but yeah.. Dank je wel, DnA :rolleyes:;) http://youtu.be/6ga7l1sEE5g and a bit darker.. http://youtu.be/zBWDEvuQvlU
  17. Colossus

    What's the story behind your username and avatar?

    I think I just wanted something that sounded cool at the time. I took the nickname "Colossus" after the Colossus of Rhodes. Don't know why I started with having avatars of old black and white war movies I've watched, but it has gone to be a thing. First up was Colonel Mathieu, played by Jean Martin in "La battaglia di Algeri" ("The Battle of Algiers") from 1966: The next being Major Saint-Auban, played by Richard Anderson in "Paths of Glory" from 1957: And as of right now it's Major John Howard, played by Richard Todd (or William Shatner is disguise) in "The Longest Day" from 1962: :)
  18. Colossus

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Yeah, thanks for all the support and service, guys :)
  19. Colossus

    Battlefield 4

    Hehe, funny. I recognize the shouting at 1:02 from the "Battlefield Friends" series. :biggrin:
  20. Colossus

    Galactic Civilizations III

    I'm looking forward to GC3. I liked the GC2 quite a lot, but I haven't really played it in a while. Hopefully they won't do a full turn around on how its predecessors functioned.
  21. Colossus

    New sound mod

    Well, if you search you might find a few more laying around. Apart from that, wait and see.
  22. Damn, and here I thought BI had learned from Hinduism's Vishnu.:( Either way, zGuba, thanks for what is already fixed at least. :)
  23. Yup, kudos to Lukáš for this :ok: Nice to see that fixed, but the BTR-K still has the same issue - well, nearly the same at least. It has no slow, normal or fast speed. Only goes after one maximum speed for around 70 km/h (I believe it was). Either way, there is a ticket about it right here: TICKET #0011663
  24. Colossus

    Steam discussion

    Now to finish the circle with a Steam Controller - http://store.steampowered.com/livingroom/SteamController/ Sorry, no Half-Life 3 this time. :)
  25. Colossus

    CiA Petition Letter to BIS and DnA's Response

    Yes, great letter and response. Though much of it has been said and answered before, it has for the most part been conveyed in fractions across the A3 forum. The points are a concern, though hopefully in due time we'll see DnA's and the rest of the developers' vision come clearer. As of right now it's, on my part at least, a waiting game. Hear, hear, for postmortem analysis. As for previous postmortem analysis, Spanel's postmortem on Operation Flashpoint might be of interest. I think there exist another one - it might as well be an interview - but I'm not completely sure.