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Everything posted by code34

  1. INIDBI2 Lastest Version : 2.06 by Code34 Direct Download from Dropbox Direct Download from Armaholic Github: https://github.com/code34/inidbi2 Steamworkshop: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1768992669 Like to Donate ? Donate with paypal inidbi2 is a rebuild from scratch of inidbi project with C# and SQF++ for windows client/server Major improvements: New architecture oriented object support improve differents methods preload addon README DOCUMENTATION You can save and load data persistently for your mission. Save money for players, inventories, etc. This is meant for servers but it could be used for clients, too. Have fun ๐Ÿ™‚ You can also find video tutorials from gokitty1199 on this page:
  2. OO POKER Lastest version: 0.1 by Code34 Description OO Poker is a class (object oriented) that permits to play texas holdem poker in A3. Like to Donate ? Donate with paypal Github: https://github.com/code34/oo_poker.altis Download: https://github.com/code34/oo_poker.altis/archive/master.zip Reference: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167980-Object-Oriented-SQF-Scripting-and-Compiling Features: - Drawing of cards to several players Licence: Under Gpl, you can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original author Documentation: /* Author: code34 nicolas_boiteux@yahoo.fr Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Nicolas BOITEUX CLASS OO_POKER This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _poker = ["new", ["nameofplayer1", "nameofplayer2"]] call OO_POKER; Create a new poker object Parameters: array containing the name of players Readme: /* Author: code34 nicolas_boiteux@yahoo.fr Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Nicolas BOITEUX CLASS OO_POKER This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ Create a main bus message between clients & server Usage: put the "oo_poker.sqf" and the "oop.h" files in your mission directory put this code into your mission init.sqf call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_poker.sqf"; See example mission in directory: init.sqf Licence: You can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original author logs: 0.1 - OO POKER - first release Examples call compilefinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_poker.sqf"; sleep 2; poker = ["new", ["code34", "computer", "Jamy"]] call OO_POKER; player addAction ["Distribute cards", {'distributeCards' call poker;}];
  3. ARMAGO Version 0.3 Hi, good news if you like golang like me, I give you a golang template that allows to quickly create extensions in .dll or .so You can fork : Github ARMAGO Template You can also find a full french article on Nestheat which describes how it works: https://arma409626711.wordpress.com/2018/06/16/arma-creer-une-extension-en-golang/ Edit: Please if you like it, don't forget to rate this topic :)
  4. Hi the best and safe way to share datas between 2 servers or more is to use a database instead inidbi (try a look on extDB3).
  5. Hi The new version 1.44 has been released ๐Ÿ™‚ - replace my own hashmap with the new hashmap builtin - add escorts around convoy - add new lobbies params - add 500 enemies zone as parameters - rework ui https://www.dropbox.com/s/tp8xnrk8tqvbzl7/combat_assault_1.44.altis.pbo?dl=0
  6. COMBAT ASSAULT Lastest Version: 1.42 by Code34 Download: Steam workshop Download: Dropbox Like to Donate ? Donate with paypal References Github: https://github.com/code34/combat_assault.altis/releases Make Arma Not War Entrie: http://makearmanotwar.com/entry/wMMw2CnLNV Steam: Combat Assault group Goal Combat Assault is a big evolution of the insurgency mission. Combat Assault keep the look of sector conquest on the map, but replace totaly the core engine/logics to gives it new modern functions, and performance improvements. Enemies can win sector, expand battlefield, and conquer progressivly the map. A simple sector battle can become a region battle and ultimately end in a total map war. Your goal is to clean all enemies sector on the map. The mission doesn't require any addons and can be played by everyone in team or not. Features Full ticket system : Game is ended when tickets are at 0 War simulator : AI expands its terrority, by winning new sector around the battlefield when you lost a battle Unbelievable battles : AI uses its own intellignce that gives it a human feeling More fighting, less words : 1 ball = 1 kill Players always in heart of actions : Player can pop back directly into the battlefield, on friendly players Most of the stuff, in your hands ๐Ÿ™‚ 4 levels of difficulty from Novice to Cheated All weapons avalaible on the server (autoload) All enemies infrantry avalaible on the server (autoload) Full dynamic mission using strategical grid, caching system, etc New kind of patrols scripts Enemies units, convoy, artillery, convoy, air battles through map Dynamic Weather Optimize mission : full FPS on server and client side > 60 Technics New Coding langage SQF++ Support If you like this game, please support it on the make arma not war web page entrie ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks All testers,streamers, and members of combat assault group community Sponsors like Jp ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Hi I just release, the V1.42 with small fixes relative to UI, spawn of objects https://www.dropbox.com/s/3hgv9us8810goao/combat_assault_1.42.altis.pbo?dl=0
  8. OO_EXTDB3 - A driver for extDB3 addon Mysql Lastest version : 0.2 by Code34 GitHub : https://github.com/code34/oo_extdb3.altis OO_extDB3 is a driver for extDB3 addons Features - Encapsulate totaly EXTDB3 commands through an object - Standardize methods name and return values Licence Under Gpl, you can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original author /* Author: code34 nicolas_boiteux@yahoo.fr Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Nicolas BOITEUX CLASS OO_EXTDB3 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ Create a main bus message between clients & server Usage: install the extdb3 addon put the "oo_extdb3.sqf" and the "oop.h" files in your mission directory put this code into your mission init.sqf call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_extdb3.sqf"; See example mission in directory: init.sqf Licence: You can share, modify, distribute this script but don't remove the licence and the name of the original author logs: 0.1 - OO EXTDB3 - first release Author: code34 nicolas_boiteux@yahoo.fr Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Nicolas BOITEUX CLASS OO_EXTDB3 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _extdb3 = "new" call OO_EXTDB3; Create a new extdb3 object Parameters: string -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _version = "getVersion" call _extdb3; Return string extdb3 version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = "isDllEnabled" call _extdb3; Return bool - is extdb3 is loaded -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setEscapeChar", _string] call _extdb3; param string : "TEXT", "TEXT2", "NULL" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setSessionId", _string] call _extdb3; param string : unique string to identify the session (default "SQL") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setIniSectionDatabase", _string] call _extdb3; param string : set Ini Section concerning Database (default "Database") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setDatabaseName", _string] call _extdb3; param string : set the databasename used ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setQueryType", _string] call _extdb3; param string : set the type of SQL queries (default SQL) "SQL" : Classic sql "SQL_CUSTOM" : SQL prepared statement "LOG" : log ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["setSqlCustomIniFile", _string] call _extdb3; param string : set the SQL CUSTOM ini file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _bool = "connect" call _extdb3; connect to database Return bool - true if connected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _return = ["executeQuery", [_query, _defaultreturnvalue]] call _extdb3; params: string SQL query or SQL CUSTOM method default value return if nothing is return ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _return = ["executeQuery", _query] call _extdb3; params: string SQL query if nothing is return, return empty string ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["lock", _string] call _extdb3; Disables all System Commands except for VERSION + LOCK_STATUS + various TIME/DATA Commands params: string - password lock return array ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["unlock", _string] call _extdb3; params: string - password lock return array ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = "lockStatus" call _extdb3; return array - lock status [0] // extension is unlocked. [1] // extension is locked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = "reset" call _extdb3; reset the dll when debug .dll is used return: return [0] or return [1] if success ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _locatime = "getLocalTime" call _extdb3; return array - local time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _utctime = "getUtcTime" call _extdb3; return array - utc time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _uptime = ["getUptime", _string] call _extdb3; params : "SECONDS", "MINUTES", "HOURS" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _array = ["addDate", _array] call _extdb3; params : param [[0,0, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds], [+x Days, +x Hours, +x Minutes, +x Seconds]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: _scalar = "getOutPutSize" call _extdb3; return _scalar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: ["delete", _extdb3] call OO_EXTDB3; Destroy the template object Parameters: object - extdb3 object Return : nothing Examples call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "oo_extdb3.sqf"; sleep 2; /* SQL CUSTOM Example with prepared statements in test.ini files Call the query getAll private _extdb3 = "new" call OO_extDB3; ["setDatabaseConfigName", "Database"] call _extdb3; ["setDatabaseName", "extdb3"] call _extdb3; ["setIniFile", "test.ini"] call _extdb3; ["setDatabaseProtocol", "SQL_CUSTOM"] call _extdb3; _result = "connect" call _extdb3; private _query = ["getAll", []]; _result = ["executeQuery", _query] call _extdb3; hintc format ["%1", _result]; */ /* SQL CLASSIC QUERY private _extdb3 = "new" call OO_extDB3; ["setDatabaseConfigName", "Database"] call _extdb3; ["setDatabaseName", "extdb3"] call _extdb3; ["setDatabaseProtocol", "SQL"] call _extdb3; _result = "connect" call _extdb3; private _query = "SELECT * FROM test LIMIT 10;"; _result = ["executeQuery", _query] call _extdb3; hintc format ["%1", _result]; */
  9. You have to send the data from the arma server to the arma clients through mp commands ๐Ÿ™‚ Ask on scripts forum how to do that through command like publicvariable
  10. it s not relative to oo_extDB3; You should use the database on server side, and send date to client.
  11. Hello @Grenadier ITF Yes you have to load it where you use it (client side or server side). Normaly, you should write or read on server side.
  12. code34

    Custom main menu scene?

    Hello, if needed, i just released a functional addon template for that https://github.com/code34/mainmenu
  13. code34

    0xC000005 Status Access Violation

    Hi, answer here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=898170227
  14. Hi all, The new version has just been release on the workshop ๐Ÿ™‚
  15. Hello, I'm happy to announce you the futur release of my last project concerning Arma game. Initially, i fixed to myself a mod development challenge to release it in one month. It Was in 2018. I missed the target cause i had to suspend it for others projects. But .. as some of players asked for it, and i'm not sastisfied to not finish my work, i release it now. My main idea was respected, and i mainly focused on the essential. Don't expect the game to be tweaked as a final release, but be aware that it offers more advanced features than what must of missions did. Goal : eXtinction is a Survival Mission that takes place on Liviona at the begining of a sanitary crisis. Players can play together or individual. The main scenario wich is not mandatory is you act as a special commando and have to discover what's happen in the Liviona country. Communications with HQ are broken since few days, ammos and moral are low. The population suffers from a mysterious disease (..) Like all survival Game, eXtinction manages the thirst, the hunger, the illness, etc. You will find everything you need to stay alive on your way. With the inventory system that replaces totaly the Arma vanilla one, you interact with all the objects of the game. You could search and find stuff everywhere. But more, to stay alive, you will need to be strong enough against zombies but also enemy army forces and manage your healh all along your mission. What ???? Only one life ??? Yes soldier, this mission is for the heros the real! Don't forget it's a milsim oriented game ๐Ÿ™‚ The first version is in French langage. You are free to translate it, or modify it if you wish. The mission can be used in scenario mode or in sandbox mode if you want to bring your own content, or play like a lone wolf. About eXtinction: exTinction uses some of my advanced stuffs that make this game fully dynamic ๐Ÿ™‚ BME2 : manage network exchange VITEMS : manage virtual inventory and arma stuff, interract with 3d objects INTDB : manage differents DB and backup for relisient game KEYHANDLER : manage keyboard All internal modules etc. And i also used some external mods: Ryan Zombies & Demons RHS Thanks to the autors Download: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2228052658 Github: https://github.com/code34/projectx.enoch How to play: Start an Multiplayer game with a local or internet server, choose the liviona map, and projectx mission. If๏ปฟ you like it, and want to help this project, you can eval๏ปฟuate it positively on steam. Do not hesitate to confirm your interest, if you want more informations.
  16. Hello For this new year, I have prepared a new release for you (wich will be avalaible in few days). This one fixes some bugs that were reported to me and brings some new features. First of all, there was a reconfiguration of the weather. The result is not perfect yet but the goal was mainly to clarify what each part of the code does regarding the weather. Then, I adapted the code to change the zombie behavior of the Ryan Zombie mod. The goal being to be able to control the zombies better. There are still some limits which are unfortunately linked to the pathfinding of the arma game. But today, I have more control over these units. So there are new sounds, but also it is now possible to blow their heads off. Zombies can infect military troops, who will then return as zombies when they die. Players can now be infected by zombies, and will have to find either ways to cure themselves or ways to slow down the infections. So the infection icon makes its official appearance among the other icons and allows to know its level of infection. The other novelty is the addition of the melee weapons. We can now use axes, knives, swords . For this I used the Webknight melee mod, so you'll have to add it to your mod list. Concerning this part it already works quite well but you should know that for the moment I haven't yet worked on an integration like I did with the mod ryan. So there will certainly still be bugs. A lot of things also depend on the future developments of Webknight on the subject. You should also know, that other things are to come concerning what will be possible to do in this devastated world. The main storyline of the scenario will certainly change (I would rather say become a secondary storyline). It will also depend on the next features that will be delivered in the next release of arma and on my free time ๐Ÿ˜ž I hope this good news will make you want to play or test the project even more, and I wish you all a happy new year 2021. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2228052658&amp;searchtext=projectx
  17. Hi All Just publish the new version: - Fix weapon reload - Add health review - Tune compos
  18. Hello beno_83au Thank you for the feedback ๐Ÿ™‚ I just published the fix, it should work now.
  19. Hello survivors, I have just released a new version that improves the system even more. - ProjectX becomes Extinction ๐Ÿ™‚ - Improve inventory interface - Fix inventory bugs - Add more zones - Fix missions bugs I hope you enjoy these updates
  20. Hello All, I have a breaking news ๐Ÿ™‚ Since the begining of the dev, i didn't find yet the right name for this game. Finaly, someone gave it to me. So ... ProjectX will be renamed as eXtinction in the next releases.
  21. Hi, New version 1.06 just uploaded ๐Ÿ˜„ - fix inventory refresh problem - optimize sounds - fix mp bugs
  22. Please to improve game experience, can you report the bugs ? There is so few people that report them, that i can't fix things that i don't know. During last days, people asked me to add things to change logs what i believed to works perfectly (so dont believe i work on it, if i don't give acknowledgement). My priorities are all the bug wich have an heavy impact on your gameplay (ex: inventory problem, performance problem, etc)
  23. Hi Some good news from Liviona ๐Ÿ™‚ Here the change logs for the 1.04 : - Fix scenario - Add some items, sounds, events - Tune & optimize dynamic logics
  24. Hello All, I just published the new ProjectX version on Steam Workshop ! Change logs: - Add MP persistent game (save & restore) - Add 100 Slots playable - Tune IA Spawns - Add Independents i hopy you will like it ๐Ÿ˜„
  25. Hi, Important information for who play Projectx with a MP dedicated server. You have to tune your server.cfg file by tuning this line like this: allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"htm","html","xml","txt", "sqf"};