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Everything posted by beno_83au

  1. I'm spawning a few ellipse markers to cover some areas: { _x params ["_name","_position","_radius"]; private _marker = createMarkerLocal [_name,_position]; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ELLIPSE"; _marker setMarkerBrushLocal "Solid"; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "colorOPFOR"; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [_radius,_radius]; MIL_ZoneMarkers pushBack _marker; } forEach MIL_OpForControlZones; _name is a string, _position is a position, _radius is a number, so everything spawns fine. The issue is that when two or more markers overlap, the colour/alpha at the overlap becomes darker, but I don't want that. I'd just like the markers to blend in with each other seamlessly. Is there a way to do that?
  2. I feared as much. Thanks anyway @pierremgi.
  3. Thanks, but I need to see the map under the markers, and even applying an alpha to a "SolidFull" marker still results in that overlapping effect.
  4. beno_83au

    Random PBO's kicking someone out

    He should verify his Steam game file integrity, assuming that is possible in this case.
  5. Reyhard isn't asking for the whole mission, just the script/function that is not working correctly.
  6. beno_83au

    arma 3 error help

    Maybe something else is using it as a dependency. You might need to load up mods one by one until you find out which one is causing it.
  7. beno_83au

    arma 3 error help

    Did you just delete a pbo or did you unsubscribe from the mod?
  8. beno_83au

    arma 3 error help

    There might not be a lot of help for that mod (D3S), seeing as it stars on this list: But if it's not even linking to one of it's own files, then it's probably a pretty bad rip of a previous version.
  9. The post could probably do with some substance.
  10. Might be your maxDistance value, but just try: [humvee1,"radiochatter"] remoteExec.....
  11. Yeah nah you're right, it still won't follow the object. Sorry. Try https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/say3D instead.
  12. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playSound3D Have a look at the description for soundSource.
  13. It only selects one player from the array, so needs to be run through the from....to loop twice to get two results. The handy thing about deleteAt is that it not only removes the element at the given index, it also returns the removed element - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/deleteAt - so you don't need to manage any of that yourself.
  14. beno_83au

    PUID Spawning configuration

    No, you can just put the positions in as you have done there for p1. Is there any other part of your code that's moving them? Or maybe it's something in the Exile coding that's doing it? It's been a while since I ran an Exile server though (ran a PvE one for my kids when they pretty young) and I can't remember how their spawning works. If you want to confirm for yourself that the switch does work though, create a blank mission with the onPlayerRespawn.sqf and play it as an MP game with respawns. But for your server, spawning the switch and putting a sleep infront of it should patch your problem if you can't find the source: nul = [] spawn { sleep 5; //whatever is the smallest amount of time that works, probably a lot less than 5 seconds though switch (getPlayerUID player) do { case "3168468746512": {player setPos (selectRandom [_pos1,_pos2]);}; case "5413546843212": {player setPos (selectRandom [_pos3,_pos4]);}; case "6544164161261": {player setPos (selectRandom [_pos5,_pos6]);}; default {player setPos [0,0,0];}; }; };
  15. beno_83au

    PUID Spawning configuration

    Well, if it's only 3 of you you may as well keep it simple. Run this in onPLayerRespawn.sqf: switch (getPlayerUID player) do { case "3168468746512": {player setPos (selectRandom [_pos1,_pos2]);}; case "5413546843212": {player setPos (selectRandom [_pos3,_pos4]);}; case "6544164161261": {player setPos (selectRandom [_pos5,_pos6]);}; default {player setPos [0,0,0];}; }; Just a point too, your use of selectRandom is going to return a string, but positions are arrays. So it should be written like this: selectRandom [[1000,2000,0],[3000,4000,0]]
  16. You'd probably be best running this from the server, so depends on where/when you're running the script, but you just need to get a list of the players then pick two of them and send the message to them: if (isServer) then { _players = call BIS_fnc_listPlayers; _message = "your message"; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do { _player = _players deleteAt (round (random (count _players))); [_message] remoteExec ["hint",_player]; }; }; Pretty quick example, but something like that should work.
  17. beno_83au

    AI not following orders

    Uhhhh, update the game? No point trying to fix an issue when you don't have a.... current.... version of the game.
  18. beno_83au

    Warlords missions erros

    And possibly more errors hidden behind those. Should really check your .rpt file.
  19. beno_83au

    problem at patching arma Armed Assault

    Why don't you want to reinstall the game?
  20. beno_83au

    Universal Door Code Lock

    @Melody_Mike https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/nearestBuilding As per both comments at the bottom.
  21. Greenfist's post is exactly how I do it, and it works each time. Should probably post further questions in there though, keep it all in one place rather than spread the info out over multiple topics.
  22. beno_83au

    Editing Altis

    You can: - Create a composition and drop it into your missions. - Script the buildings to spawn at the start of each mission. - Place your buildings down, save the mission as a sort of template mission, and merge it with any other mission you're making. All depends on how you're doing your missions. Each of these would be better suited for different applications so it'd be up to you to choose which way you want to do it.
  23. beno_83au

    Detect Flight Recorder

    Haha yes, caught me out for a little bit too 😁
  24. beno_83au

    Detect Flight Recorder

    When you carry it into the area and drop it onto the ground, and this goes from anything being moved from an inventory to the ground (at least, I can't think of anything that wouldn't do this), the item gets placed into a "GroundWeaponHolder" object. You can test this yourself by pointing your cursor/weapon at the object you just dropped, bring up the debug menu, and put this into one of the "Watch" boxes: typeOf cursorObject So the "GroundWeaponHolder" acts as a container for the object. So you need to search for any "GroundWeaponHolder" that are in the trigger, then check to see if there's a "rhs_flightrecorder" in their inventory. BUT, it seems like triggers don't get triggered by a "GroundWeaponHolder". So you need to get a bit creative: _radius = selectMax ((triggerArea thisTrigger) select [0,2]); _holders = (nearestObjects [getPos thisTrigger,["GroundWeaponHolder"],_radius]) select {_x inArea thisTrigger}; ({(((getItemCargo _x) select 0) select 0) == "rhs_item_flightrecorder"} count _holders) > 0 Put that into the trigger's "Condition" field and it should detect when someone has placed a flight recorder onto the ground from their inventory.
  25. beno_83au


    Wanted to try this out and loaded up into Porto, but after finishing with the arsenal, the next time I open my inventory a whole bunch of my gear gets dropped on the ground. I can't even hold on to any explosive charges. Edit: Sorry, I've got Veteran Mod, CUP - Core and CUP - Terrains loaded.