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Everything posted by beno_83au

  1. What about pulling apart the AI commands? As a leader, obvously, you can order your AI team mates to take cover, so I would assume that stuff would be somewhere in the one if the pbo's. No idea if it filters out any objects though, or if they just seek cover from any nearby terrain object....
  2. It still might end up being a step leaning curve if you're looking to reverse engineer or learn from them, really depends on what you're trying to achieve. To borrow from your metaphor, learn the chords and start with "Happy Birthday" 😁 then work up from there. Just keep it simple. Took me a while to start figuring this business out. But never be afraid to ask.
  3. Blud, at first I honestly thought that photo of a path cut through the snow was something you'd made in-game 😂 It wouldn't have surprised me to be honest, the actual map looks great.
  4. beno_83au

    HAFM NAVY (Ships) - v2.0

    I haven't had this. Have you checked your spawn script to see if there's something you've done that's doing this? Perhaps spawning loops that bog everything down?
  5. beno_83au

    Trigger for "all in vehicle"

    No worries. Broken down into it's simplest form it's just: ({_x in _vehicle} count (units _group)) == (count (units _group)) But including an alive check like they did in the link is a good idea too. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/in https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/count https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/units All the command references there.
  6. beno_83au

    Spawning a controllable UAV

  7. beno_83au

    Trigger for "all in vehicle"

  8. beno_83au

    Character is falling down

    It definitely sounds like a mod or script that's running, that is causing this behaviour.
  9. Mmmmmmm, yeah, maybe it got hit with a copyright or something? Hope everything's alright with it.
  10. beno_83au

    Arma 3 SP Editor/Zeus

    Why threaten though when you need assistance?
  11. Maybe this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setUnitTrait
  12. I'll keep an eye out next time, didn't spend much time in the inventory to be honest.
  13. At a guess, it's because units blufor isn't returning any units. Is there a group that you've called blufor?
  14. Couple of issues: - Called in an armed Hunter and it still had all it's gear in it (MX rifles, etc). - When trying to cap Lighthouse the fast travel point is on the eastern side of the river, so the AI fast travel there and take ages to swim across because they don't buy any vehicles. - The fast travel point for Corran is on top of rocks. - There wasn't any survival elements like thirst/hunger to contend with. I had all the required mods loaded but there was nothing. - Forced progress option in the parameters doesn't do anything. As for using Global Mobilization Compatibility mod, the only issue was that the Moss Trooper bodies were unlootable due to DLC content. There was no ad popups during the mission so that worked out ok.
  15. beno_83au

    Mods in Dropbox

    Was the contents of the download taken from COD?
  16. beno_83au


    @LSValmont have you tried the compatibility mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1776428269? I haven't tried yet, but I'm hoping it can still be played with it. I'll find out soon anyway.
  17. Nooooooooooooooooooo
  18. beno_83au

    [QUESTION] Mission Ending Cheat

    Unfortunately, that is very light on any useful information (mission/mods/server/scripts/functions/players). Plus, this part of the forum is for mission editing and scripting, so this post could very well be made in the wrong section.
  19. beno_83au

    Formation direction

    What about using a shortcut key instead of mouse click?
  20. beno_83au

    Formation direction

    I know where you're going with this gc8. If zeus enhanced doesn't do it for you, maybe a combination of getMousePosition and screenToWorld, used with a UI event handler for mouseButtonDown/Up to get the direction you want then to face, like you would any normal RTS when clicking and dragging to set formations and directions. Seems a little unnecessarily complex though 😁 so hopefully there's a better way.
  21. beno_83au

    Cant join any unit

    Hard without much detail, like the error.
  22. Why not use the latest server/game version?
  23. @Melody_Mike I've used this in the past to create some pretty nice battlefield effects on wrecks (it was used as part of a larger system for randomly spawning wrecks/effects over an area): private _smoke = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal (getPos _vehicle); _smoke setParticleClass (_effectSize select 0); _smoke setPosASL _attachPos; [_smoke,_vehicle] call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative; _smoke setParticleFire [0.1,1.5,0.05]; private _fire = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal (getPos _vehicle); _fire setParticleClass (_effectSize select 1); _fire setPosASL _attachPos; [_fire,_vehicle] call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative; private _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal (getPos _vehicle); _light setLightBrightness 1.0; _light setLightAmbient (_effectSize select 2); _light setLightColor (_effectSize select 2); _light setPosASL _attachPos; [_light,_vehicle] call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative; Where _vehicle was the wreck having the effect added, and _attachPos was the position I wanted the effect to be emitting from which obviously differs between vehicles. As for _effectSize, I was randomly selecting between these values: ["MediumDestructionSmoke","MediumDestructionFire",[0.2,0.09,0.014]] - OR - ["BigDestructionSmoke","BigDestructionFire",[0.4,0.18,0.028]] Hopefully this helps you out in some way, because I can't for the life of me remember where/how I got these, but at a guess it was somewhere deep within a config file. Anyway, here is the results for the above: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2416052925 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2416052945
  24. You mean the slight black shading inside the optics, that looks like the shooter's eye relief is just a bit off from the correct distance from the sight for a perfect sight picture?
  25. beno_83au

    Create Vehicle Position help

    Your code spoiler might be empty. Could also just be my phone. But I can't see anything in the spoiler. Edit: Yep, you're missing your code example.