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Everything posted by zulu1

  1. zulu1


    Make sure that you hit the OK button in the lower right corner of the controls window after you make a change so that it is applied. It should work for you.
  2. zulu1

    WW2 Desert pack - North Afrika 1941-1943

    Thanks spad, Here is some more. Bennies first DAK pak A second DAK(CWA) pak has other stuff A few versions of Fighter's DAK reskins of the Kubelwagen and Junkers JU52 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/h4fgymp5929699g,s5abzbs3rnfcpuo,6m8sga52zaqo46w,0y78335mw7d9r8b,k22la055kbuo465,9a43qc33qacf6og,gdf933hd0dgazl3/shared
  3. zulu1

    WW4 + ECP Config Update

    You can not mix two different MODS together that both use "Bin" folders containing config.cpp (or .bin) files without some editing work. This is what Marc seems to have done.
  4. This should be the other version: http://www.mediafire.com/file/lrq4fclw8crv63m/ww4_sound_replacement.rar
  5. Hi Snafu Here is a database of scripts: https://sites.google.com/site/ofpmsdb/welcome/the-database/scripts Take a look at this one: https://sites.google.com/site/ofpmsdb/welcome/the-database/scripts/Parachute_Dropping_v1-1.zip?attredirects=0&d=1 There are other drop scripts that you could work with to add a custom preloaded crate.
  6. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    So many version of facetex and there're not all compatible. I repacked the archive with a non-corrupted file and removed the password. https://www.mediafire.com/?rls3tchqjsc6cs7
  7. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    There are many versions of Factex, which one do you want?..I have them all. Try this: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/facestex2_05january2006.zip or this later version: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/facestex2_9june2006.rar oh BTW the beta pack has a password. It's in the readme file PW: anno
  8. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    The top picture I think is the Beta release based on Bambis Blackops ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/SgtEv_SWAT_beta1.rar The lower picture is v2 of his addon using a different model: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons3/sgtev_swatunits.rar
  9. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    Well there is this: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=7231 Updated: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9799 Require some of OFrP: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10388 German BW Mod: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8357 I suggest you do a serious search on this site as it is the sole remaining site with lots of content. Only exception is a few of us with our private collections.
  10. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    @SlavKebab Here you go: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9753 Others: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/?oblast=news&search=swat http://ofp.gamepark.cz/?oblast=news&search=police
  11. The OFP community while still alive is a mere skeleton of what is was. Only a hand full of addon makers are still active and no one is really making any missions. I still do some missions for my own fun and some MP for the LOL server. Large scale full blown campaigns like you seem to be trying have no interest any more. I gave up posting any of my missions due to lack of interest.
  12. Not really, two players who can rack up an insane amount of kills: poweruser [vs] exec (aka Nevada Smith)
  13. I don't know what it is you're to do with this so I can't really give any advise. There is an old thread n PV's mainly for scripts in CTI missions it looks like. You can take a look here:https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/31961-public-variable/
  14. Hey one of many names :) PublicVariable does not make a variable public, but transmits a variable to all clients connected. This is used most often with completed objectives and mission ends. Variables like this are True or False. Example: Make OBJ1Done false in Init.sqs OBJ1Done=false Then in trigger for OBJ1 being complete put in trigger init line: OBJ1Done=True; publicVariable "OBJ1Done" This sets the OBJ1Done variable to true and sends the publicVariable to all clients. Now if you want some action to take place when OBJ1Done is true you would put that (OBJ1Done) in the condition line of a trigger or a waypoint. I hope this makes sense. BTW the use of "Player" in MP can be problematic as each player is Player in their machines.
  15. zulu1

    DKM T-55 released!

    Nice addon and WOW more to come...
  16. Unless there is a server you and your friends can connect to, it won't do you much good. http://www.mumble.com/
  17. I'm sure it can be done. If you want to send me what you have I'll take a look at it. I'm no expert, but I have merged description.ext's together before. If you don't have a file host you can upload to here http://www.tinyupload.com/ and post the link or message me.
  18. zulu1

    CTI + DAC hybrid MP mission

    hI, I just found the mission version that this thread was started for: https://www.mediafire.com/?118d1rvuw5l2xpr
  19. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    You know me too well. Here they are: https://www.mediafire.com/?51945ecrn8e2o6b,hzrf6j7ow529cog
  20. zulu1

    stretched optics on widescreen

    Try changing from 16:9 to 16:10.
  21. zulu1

    Coop Groups?

    Hi, While the MP community isn't what it used to be there is still some activity. New servers show up here and there. WGL and FDF have servers, but they need passwords. The TuPas and LOL clans both have servers with WW4 and a mix of other addons. There are other servers focused on CTI and [C&H] BF and a few addon free ones as well. Get yourself a copy of Powerusers OFPMonitor and you can see and join active servers (both 1.96/1.99) if you have req'd addons. https://github.com/Poweruser/OFPMonitor/releases
  22. zulu1

    CCE2 for Operation Enduring Freedom

    @_MDB_ Here you go. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/7adxvj42k59ds10,531j1l0c9t6y10c/shared
  23. zulu1

    CTI + DAC hybrid MP mission

    These are CTI missions that were made for Multiplayer but you could also play them as Single player. Multiplayer: Put mission files in "MPMissions" folder and open the multiplayer window. Then hit the new button to start local host mode. When the list of islands appears select the island Novajev then select mission and pick a slot. The top slot is usually the commander in CTI missions, if you want AI to command pick a lower slot. BTW you also need this island http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=9800 SinglePlayer Put mission files in the "MIssions" folder and start SnglePlayer and select mission from the list. Update: I set this up and tried the basic mission and it seems to work OK. Markwick could have done a better job with the DAC integration, but I saw no real issues. As my old post says you need MFCTI1,16 also, link is still good. http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/mfcti/mfcti/1.16/MFCTI1.16.zip?r=http%3A%2F%2Fmfcti.sourceforge.net%2FMFCTIDownloads.html&ts=1390787517&use_mirror=iweb
  24. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    Hi Old Friend I have this file https://www.mediafire.com/?39n48abo3e379ro This is what it's reported to do: I have a couple of other config.cpp edits and updates, but I'm not sure how legit they are. There is also ECP_Redux but I only have v1.1 and a patch to 1.2. I missed the boat on the 1.3 release. If anyone happens to have that I would appreciate getting a link for it.
  25. zulu1

    basic script help

    Try this: charge.sqf _x= _this select 0; _x setunitpos "up"; _x disableAI "FSM"; _x disableAI "Cover"; then in leaders init field put: nul=[this] execVM "charge.sqf"; This may only work for the leader. Other syntax may be needed for the group. in init field