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Everything posted by wolffy.au

  1. Wanderzz, is this your own mission? Log a ticket at http://dev-heaven.net/projects/mso/issues/new so we don't fill up this thread sorting out your issue.
  2. Shadow, log a ticket at http://dev-heaven.net/projects/mso/issues/new so we don't fill up this thread sorting out your issue.
  3. Check your RPT file and it will tell you how many "potential" shepherds you have on the map. Judging by the size of Clafghan, you have a lot of area to cover, so it will be rather difficult to find them.
  4. Something weird happening there. Can you try v4.0 beta, see if it fixes it? http://dev-heaven.net/projects/mso/files
  5. Ok guys - early release special here! MSO is about to release v4.0 is the very near future. If you want to try 4 x MSO A2Free missions, including 2 x COOP, 1 x TvT and 1 x Warfare - grab them from here. http://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/16034/MSO_A2Free_Missions_v4-0.7z
  6. What missions and download are you referring too? Any version numbers you can see? Do you have a RPT extract you can post? There are that many versions of MSO floating around you really need to provide more info.
  7. Tupolov, Friznit and myself are working hard for the next release. There are a few difficult code changes left, but the rest is looking really good so far.
  8. Ambient Air Traffic looks through the vehicles for aircraft belonging to that faction. I haven't tried merging MSO and I44, so I have no idea of the factions and groups for I44. If your player faction has asssociated aircraft, then it should be able to spawn.
  9. wolffy.au

    W.i.P. Island Cicada

    Sorry to resurrect an very old thread, but I'm currently doing MSO Civil War Warfare (CDF vs INS) on Cicada - and its great. The fact its islands and the armies can potentially spawn across the sea from the mainland and each other, BRDMs and BMP doing water crossings - its really cool. Will post here once its stable.
  10. Rydygier - judging by the comments, this looks really effective. @DaveP - see if one of you VCB boys can confirm it works well and we may be able to "modularise" it into MSO as an Enemy module.
  11. In preparation for a v3.6 release - if you've created your own MSO and want to be part of the beta testing (and if you want, release your MSO with the official release), can you please check here - http://dev-heaven.net/projects/mso/wiki/Syndication - under MSO Missions and if you're not on there, post here with details.
  12. I should really finish that Resistance campaign conversion... :o
  13. Metalcraze - did you log a CIT about this yet? Do you have a reference? I think you need some repro missions to show vanilla actions vs attempted fix actions. As was mentioned by Katipo, latest patches may have varied vanilla methods which needs to be verified.
  14. Thanks vengeance1 - great news! I might try to run a dedicated server on my home PC and leave it running for a few days straight - see if it survives.
  15. Is it possible to confirm if code execution profiling will be available for performance tuning (rogue CPU/RAM hogs)? Will code scheduling will be more efficient (when compared to the whole SQS/SQF/FSM/etc scheduling)? EDIT: Oh, and does this have any effect on the whole code locality concept?
  16. Damn, I probably have to tone down the settings or something. I'll see what I can do before the proper release.
  17. No idea mate, never tried it. I'm assuming you've tried and it didn't work? How was it broken? Anyone tried MSO Warfare yet?
  18. Here's another test version for you to try. I put it together today and it seems to work fine. MSO BIS Warfare 3 Sides on Zargabad MSO BIS Warfare 3 Sides on Takistan MSO BIS Warfare 2 Sides on Takistan http://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/15809/mso_Warfare.7z
  19. There is currently no parameter for it. You would have to modify alice_traffic.fsm
  20. Reezo of SR5 pulled support of SR5 IED script version, so its no longer supported as part of MSO. Get the addon.
  21. The number of cars is proportional to the number of civs - increase the population to increase the number of cars, but watch your server performance impact.
  22. Assuming you are referring to 3.45, modify MSO_FACTIONS to list enemy factions. Don't try to make the teaser work - if it was close to working, I would have done a proper release! :)
  23. All the modules should have debugging features you can turn on and see on the map. Try them, if nothing happens then let the map author know it doesn't work. There is plenty of resources on BIF about how to get ALICE and other modules working in maps.
  24. So you're all probably thinking we're dead! Well we're not! :) I've personally been hard at working refining the Ambience side of MSO, making sure it doesn't kill servers instantly or over time. I've attached a few teaser missions, so that you can see ambient life on a number of islands, including: ARMA Electrical Grids (by LoyalGuard) Ambient Civlians, traffic and animals (BIS Module Improvement Project - by Wolffy.au) Civilian Emergency Services (Civilians will call in ambulances and the Police if anything unsavory is reported - by Wolffy.au) Shepherds (don't mess with these armed shepherds, while they're blocking a road with their livestock - by Wolffy.au) Call To Prayer (ambient prayer sound at scheduled intervals - by Rommel) Ambient Air Traffic (depending on who is in the area, airports and helipads will be in use - by Tupolov) Ambient Sea Traffic (depending on who is in the area, piers will be in use - by Tupolov) Still working on other components, but progress is being made - see for yourself in the teasers. This is by no means the only development being done - we've had some additional modules implemented like WICT, but we're still testing. Download here: http://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/15636/mso_ambience.7z Try changing the time of day, play with the electrical grids, steal a car, shoot some livestock, see what happens - you'll be surprised! :)