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Everything posted by mcslavko

  1. mcslavko

    OFP Addon request thread

    hi zulu1 Please, share somewhere to download "us@DVD" "dvd17complete" and "bw@dvd17addons" I'll be very grateful
  2. mcslavko

    OFP Addon request thread

    Huge thanks to Zulu, most of these files have ... how big are us@DVD, dvd17complete and bw@dvd17addons?
  3. mcslavko

    OFP Addon request thread

    and maybe he has someone addon "PLA_zz" to the mission crCTI www.crcti.co.uk_us@dvd+pla_1.7.5/6zz.xxx Thank You in advance
  4. mcslavko

    OFP Addon request thread

    OMG !!!!!! My master, zulu1........ BIG THNX!!!!!!
  5. mcslavko

    OFP Addon request thread

    I am looking for and I can not find :( ww2zz FDF addons ... Please help, maybe someone on your hard drive? fdfctiww2@zz WW2@zz_1.0-1.4
  6. mcslavko

    Upcoming 1.03 patch content

    when you expect a patch?
  7. I'm in shock, the best campaign I've ever played, I can not wait to see the full version. Gentlemen, I have great respect for the work!
  8. when you go out an updated mod?
  9. mcslavko

    CSLA3 Phase1

    yeah! 1.04 incoming! "Along with working on the patch 1.04 for Phase 1 we are also working on the first units availabe in ArmA2. Stay tuned for new amazing pictures and news." ArmA1 stay alive!
  10. mcslavko

    CSLA3 Phase1

    CSLA 1.04 patch die? ;(
  11. mcslavko

    Cannot create system memory

    bad format (only 64x64, 128x128, 256x256....) or palette color (24bit>32bit), without xml OK, with xml "cannot create memory....." xml for repair! Tested for dedicated server "ConnectClub" for all player no xml its all OK! ps. sorry my english
  12. mcslavko

    Cannot create system memory

    Error "Cannot create system....." ble ble...the problem is xml !!! ONLY !!! i is bad work, test this without xml !