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Everything posted by memphisbelle

  1. memphisbelle

    Cant find Objekt Fire anymore

    OK, I found the issue. Someone has made a mistake in translating things properly...or sensefully. While in english version all the Camping stuff rests in Objects (Camping), in German it is stored in tents only....which is stupid...whoever did that should....no, I wont go further now :cool:
  2. memphisbelle

    Cant find Objekt Fire anymore

    Hey there and thanks for replying. It is a bit strange when you say Objects (Camping) as this would make pretty much sense to store a fireplace in. The thing is that I have set my game to german language and there´s no Objects (Camping) subclass...strange, either I am blind or it´s really not there. I´ve got to check it when I am back home from work tonight. Thanks so far :)
  3. memphisbelle

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    I always get the information that the 2nd and 3rd part are damaged. 1st issue: Data error in file: @A3MP\addons\A3MP_Roads2_Data.pbo 2nd issue: CRC Checksumerror in file: @A3MP\addons\A3MP_Tree_Data.pbo anyone else got this? I tried several Downloadressources (many of those from the list arent hosting anymore by the way), I got the same issues everywhere.
  4. memphisbelle

    Chernarus Map help

    Sorry buddy, but you should try to approach a little more realistic target. Not knowing about how to use Terrain builder is a huge issue atm for lots of folks around here...me included. Some talented people are making small steps forward on figuring out how everythings work...what does not automatically mean that the´ll share their knowledge later on...some may some may not. Your desired project is a very large one which requires a very huge knowledge about many things such as terrain creation and editing, scripting, texture editing, addong building and and and. Not to forget to care about copyright issues.
  5. memphisbelle

    Cannot load world ?

    looks like that there´s somethings wrong with your RVMAT files...did you checked and double checked whether the pathes in the data/rvmat files were set properly?
  6. memphisbelle

    Quick Terrain Builder Tutorial

    have you set the pathes in tools/preferences? The given pathes there seem to lead to some placeholders. I wasn´t able yet to test whether this will help, but it is worth trying I suppose.
  7. memphisbelle

    Buldozer not start

    May be you´d start again from the scratch. if it doesnt run again, so leave TB alone for a while...there will be some proper describtion or TB updates available soon. I intend to wait as well...
  8. memphisbelle

    Quick Terrain Builder Tutorial

    BIS´s solution works fine...everytime when I need P drive I go to my steam libary and create P from the steam ArmA3 tools via the kontext menu. The needed folder then appears in the explorer. Mikeros tools are beeing used in order to get all the objects and stuff. to fix this try my solution that I´ve described in another thread, just follow the link...it worked for me: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?174984-Buldozer-not-start&p=2655267&viewfull=1#post2655267 good luck
  9. memphisbelle

    Buldozer not start

    To fix this go to your ArmA3 root directory and copy all the files (no folders, just the files), all dll´s and exe files and paste them into the p drive. This step might overwrite some existing files on P drive, but this is ok as these are the same anyways. After you did that you´d have lots of dll´s and 3 exe (arma3.exe, arma3server.exe and buldozer.exe). The arma3server might not be needed, but I have it in the P drive now and it works...no more errormessage as mentioned above. I had this issue before as well...a friend then told me to do the steps.
  10. memphisbelle


    thanks @Jakerod for you always being around and willing to help.
  11. google maps doesnt work, Geoportail works very well...but saving is confusing because it saves the whole map although I selected a certain area...may be I´m still doing anythings wrong.
  12. memphisbelle

    Quick Terrain Builder Tutorial

    Thanks a lot for this Jakerod. This will be pretty much helpful..
  13. memphisbelle

    Quick Terrain Builder Tutorial

    General Edit: Post was deleted by myself as it was outdated Thanks Jakerod for this great Tutorial and the effort that you put in there
  14. Thanks alot kju. You did an amazing and important job there. Looking forward now to test and see how the A2 fits to the A3 environment.
  15. memphisbelle

    Funny & interesting videos

    sorry guys, I couldnt resist...this is a video I made after we fooled around a bit. I hope you dont mind...because its ArmA...PolkaArmA ;)
  16. Hello busy Addon creators, Has anyone already found the rpt logfile location? The Biki page is as virginal as my little daughter, so no relevant information to be found there yet. Same for the readme, which refers to respective empty biki page ^^
  17. memphisbelle

    ArmA3 Addon Builder RPT File, location?

    yes, you are right. But as soon as I run the config I get a message that there´s an config error...I mean, I have a working config, so thats not the deal. But I wanted to use the latest one, so I wanted to search for the reason why the error message appears at all...the only message that there´s an error in the config is not very helpful :). So, do I have to live with the fact, that there´s no way to figure the reason for the error? If yes...developers life sometimes must be a hard one :)
  18. Hello guys, a question. I once asked a cfgSurfaces Sound environment related question in the ArmA2 Terrain editing section and got a great answer back in return. Can someone please tell me where I can find the Chracters in ArmA3? I am not talking of the sounds themself, I know where they are I am talking of the config entries to define certain sounds to certain surfaces (even selfcreated ones). Thanks in advance Memphis
  19. memphisbelle

    ArmA3 cfgSurfaces Sound Environment question

    Thanks a lot, PrivateEvans
  20. memphisbelle

    ArmA3 cfgSurfaces Sound Environment question

    Thanks a lot .kju, exactly what I needed...again :). Can you please tell me where I can find these? I just want to understand this, thanks
  21. memphisbelle

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=1478 Any chance to get a statement of a developer in this matter? It´s an already long existing bug that seems to be sticked to each Game Version. Is there anythings at Data to provide in order to better track down or reproduce that Issue? Because sometimes it works and sometimes it dont...which is pretty nasty regards Memphis
  22. memphisbelle

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Thanks a lot. This advice was very helpful and solved my issue :)
  23. memphisbelle

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Errormessage appears right after latest update today 1.05.11171, can anybody confirm?
  24. memphisbelle

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    latest Developer Bramch Version 1.03.110573, The Game still keeps crashing.
  25. Same for me, I can do what I want. Access denied for everythings. I am nearly raping the Login button but there simply happens nothings. The manual is just saying that I have to log in in order to get access.