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Everything posted by Morhoo

  1. All emails sent from @bistudio.com end up in my spam folder and message with purchase confirmation was even rejected by spam score restrictions! (Most likely with steam key included.) Im surely not the only one experiencing this kind of issue. You should check your spam ratings, guys, seriously.
  2. Morhoo

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Well, i'm not going to post comments about steam exlcusivity decision, although i'm not fan of this move, however i want to know one thing. What does it mean for us, who have already preordered retail DVD version of Arma 3? Should we cancel it, hoping for full refund? Thanks.
  3. Please, add @SMK mod features (more variable running/walking speeds, "sniper sit stance" etc...). Ty.
  4. Morhoo


    I forgot to mention i tried manually set 3D sound in TS without Arma involved (right click on channel) just to be sure and it worked fine. So, im not sure if it's TS problem. Anyway it's not gamebreaking bug, i can live with it pretty well, i was just curious if anyone else has encoutered the same.
  5. Morhoo


    Hi, i've never had serious issues with JA2Lib nor ACRE, but now, since we are using JayArma2Lib_new via SIX Updater and 1.60 beta I have suspicion that ACRE lost its 3D positioning in game. I have 5.1 surround, but I'am able to hear stereo sound (left/right) only when someone is speaking directly nearby. Game sounds like shooting and explosions works perfectly. Is it known issue? Problem could be somewhere else, ofc, but i couldnt find anything. Thanks.
  6. Morhoo

    ArmA 2 site hacked

    I would recommend to fire your security guys. :butbut:
  7. Morhoo

    ArmA 2 Game Launcher

    Hi, i adore your launcher, i really do, but i cant use it, because need to run arma2.exe with higher process priority and i didnt find such an option. Is it planned to the future? :) Thanks.
  8. Hi every1, i've encountered certain problem related to my dedicated server. I'm not sure if it is "standard behaviour", but i guess it might be just an issue of configuration. The thing is that i (or anybody else) cant see other's bullet impacts at higher distance than about 200 m. This is getting very unpleasant especially in spotter/sniper situation. As a spotter im not able to tell my sniper where did his shot go, because it just doesn't show to me. Impacts of own fireshots are ok. Does anyone have same experience? :confused: We are using Last version of A2+OA with settings below: MaxMsgSend=2048; MaxSizeGuaranteed=1024; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=64; MinBandwidth=7340032; MaxBandwidth=2097152000; MinErrorToSend=0.0025; Thanks.
  9. Morhoo

    Distant bullet impacts

    Thanks for your answer. Lets hope togeher. :(
  10. :D I didnt know that... and it works. I was just curious about missile balistic everytime i tried it, so i got out to watch. :) Sorry, my bad. Thank you, Mando.
  11. Well, little progress here: It works when i command AI to fire SCUD via radio in this mission, but still cant make it manually. :(
  12. I tried both near target and far target (like opposite side of the map), same behaviour. Missile is launched and after few secs it just disappears in the sky. Like it does standard non-mando missile. I couldnt figure it out and language is the only thing that differs me from other users afaik. :confused: And yes, I have A2 + OA.
  13. Hi Mando, it seems your SCUD launcher doesn't work correctly with czech version of the game...? I rly cant think up another reason why it is not working for me. I can set up target via MMA console, but when i launch missile, it just fly away and nothing happens. :) All other features work just fine. I even tried to disable all addons except MMA, but no luck. :(
  14. Well, i cannot say i am absolutly sure, but i suppose... Memory limitation is a key feature, especially when you provide more servers on one machine, and cpuCount should be easier way how to set CPU affinity. I really dont know how about exThreads. I couldn't find any detailed documentation and on forums somone says yes others say no... In my opinion it can't hurt if someone tries. Nevertheless, its totally up to you. Customable parameters would do the thing too. :)
  15. Oh, I see... OK, im already looking forward to next release. Meanwhile here are some my future feature tips: In main window beside custom mods row should be also custom parameters row for additional parameters tool doesnt offer. IP adress for private server "" in config file should be closed by quotation marks as well. It seems server ignores it otherwise. Native support for at least -cpuCount, -maxMem and -noFilePatching parameters (maybe in Performance tab) Add process priority option to define which priority process will start with. Automatic check if the server is currently runing and if so, lock "LAUNCH" and "Save" button, otherwise server might be ran accidentaly multiple times or user may encouter some errors about config files in use. Thanks mate.
  16. Ye, I forgot to mention I've already tried this either. But with this mod settings server even crashes with an error (something.hpp cannot be found). Its kinda mystery to me. :)
  17. Well, i tried everything you wrote, but no luck. :( Adding full path to mod folder has no effect at all. It seems not to be necessary. Running non beta server returns no errors. Running beta server still returns errors. Here you can see how RPT logs look like: http://www.xeon.cz/arma2/arma2oaserver_TA2DST.RPT http://www.xeon.cz/arma2/arma2oaserver_alpine.RPT First is generated when i launch server through your tool. Second when i use Alpinestar Launcher. Both contain one non-beta run and one beta run. I hope it will help a bit.
  18. I know its weird, but when i run beta server manually (or via any other not as good looking launcher) i goes ok and i get no errors. True, I havent tried whether ACE actually works with those errors yet, but i would feel better without them anyway. :) My suggestion: maybe it has something to do with paths in "-mod" parameter. I would try to include full path like e.g. "-mod=C:\Arma2\@ACE". I noticed other launchers usually do this and maybe it has good reason. Keep doing great work.
  19. Could you please add option to define custom IP for reporting? Or just add localhost to the predefined list. I usually use, because "blank" is still trying to comunicate with outside. I also get plenty of errors in RPT log, when i try to run beta version of arma2oaserver.exe with ACE mod. Official 1.52 works fine. Example: Thank You.
  20. Nice tool, but it seems to have one defect. I didnt find out how to run a beta version of the server through. Setting beta executable in main window leads to a mess. :confused: It works now, i really dont know what went wrong before.
  21. Oh, i feel so embarrassed now, i didnt even think about this option. Im going to find out whether it is possible with native drivers. Thank you Mando.
  22. Hi, maybe has someone already asked this question before (sorry if so, but i couldnt find it), but are there any thoughts about making possible to bind Mando keys to gamepad/joystick buttons in the nearest horizon? Im very used to fly choppers and planes with my gamepad, just because of better sensitivity and vibrations and its kinda difficult to quickly switch to keyboard for mando functions if needed without losing control. :( Thank you for your ultimate job anyway.
  23. Hi guys, thanks for the great job, but i have encountered big trouble. It doesnt work correctly with Continuous Transmission option in TS3. With my firends we are used to speak directly without any need of key pushing, but when we use (and release) PTTRadio button for radio transmission in game, normal transmission stops too and we can't hear each other. And there is no way how to restore it until any random changes in TS3 capture settings are made. We tried to use voice activation as well, but radio doesnt work at all with this option. Is there any chance how to make it work without using normal PTT key in TS3? Thanks.
  24. Morhoo


    Hi, guys. First, Id like to thanks for this impressive addon which pushes playing experience pretty forward. I have just one question. Are there any possibilities how to make radio boradcast activation "push-to-talk" way? It would be much more comfy and realistic as well. Keep doing great work.
  25. This note wasn't there, when i looked last time. Otherwise i must be blind. :) Thanks anyway.