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Everything posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Mr_Tea

    Infantry + Helis question

    For groups is easier to use "{_x moveincargo Heli1}foreach units group this". This must be placed in the init field of the team leader. In this case the chopper must be named Heli1.
  2. Can you explain what you mean ? I don't see any tiny reason why "these addons break" anything I think he`s referring to the MAP_AIR.pbo, as you can only use choppers ore planes if you are an pilot. Problem is, no one would like the idea to play Evo as an pilot. It`s only possible to surpass that problem when you play Evo-SP, and edit the mission. The check for the players unit class can be deactivated, than it works with evo too. Or simply, don`t use the Map addons when you play online.
  3. Mr_Tea

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    The AI precision will be a few centimeters in ArmA II, instead of 2m? that it is in ArmA I. I don`t know if that will improve the player movement control, but i think there is hope.
  4. Mr_Tea

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    Still not about time. As you could see, listed in the system requirements, the supported OS`s are Windows 2000 and WinXP. So if you try to run it on a different OS, don`t blame the developers if ArmA refuses to work properly.
  5. Mr_Tea


    Have you read Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancey? If not, do it. You can`t imagine what you have missed this far.
  6. Mr_Tea

    Evolution - Single Player

    Other than that the placed vehicles will not re-spawn should not happen. You have saved the mission with an new name i assume? Than you have to copy the scripts and everything else to the new directory, else it cannot work.
  7. Mr_Tea


    Yeah, Bundeswehr vs. NVA would be cool. But would never had happened that way, as the NVA would have been heavily supported by USSR-Troops, and BW-Troops by other Nato-Forces. Sound`s like Red Storm Rising. I love it.
  8. Mr_Tea

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    Not about time, but a nice move by BIS as Vista is still no official supported OS to run ArmA. We should be happy as little girls, that BIS is working on that end at all, and not say something like "It`s about time". If you have a problem with that use an supported OS, what would be: Windows 2000 and WinXP.
  9. Mr_Tea


    I heavily doubt that. If he`s an ex spetznatz, he would have known the things he asked about. To know the own, and the "enemy`s" vehicles is something even normal soldiers learn.
  10. Mr_Tea

    Iron Lore shuts down

    No, people can`t buy all the games they want to test, that is what demos are made for. I don`t have the money to buy all games i want too. So i only buy 1 full price title per year, the rest will get bought once it`s available at an low price. The last games i ordered cost 4.90 euro for one, and 6.90 euro for the other game. No one need`s to play all the games in that month they come out. The games could be less expensive without piracy, and the fucking copy protection could be left out too.
  11. Mr_Tea

    The BBC

    I don`t give that much on anything the media says. Because of that i use many diverse media channels over Astra digital, and the i-net too of course. You often find interesting stories, that not even seems to get noticed by the BBC or others. But don`t expect it to be any better in the states, it is the same as anywhere. Someone owns the channel or the paper, and writers that write stuff he don`t like, might get kicked and be replaced with another writer.
  12. Mr_Tea

    Iron Lore shuts down

    The good thing is, here in Germany the users of edonkey or however it´s called, and other filesharing "services" get observed what files they share. Than they get nice visitors to home that search there PC`s and backup media. Often this ends with thousands of euros that this people have to pay. I hope they get them all. Iron Lore might not had to be shut down because of software piracy, many others had to. It`s about time, that this kid`s and others start to pay for the software they use, not only for the hardware on that they spend ridicules amounts of money. A new PC every year, but no money for any software they use.
  13. Mr_Tea

    ArmA Grahpics Going Bonkers

    To the first picture my first thought was CWR, what often uses an "underwater scenery" as menu-background. To pic. 2: no idea.
  14. Mr_Tea

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    ATI Tray Tools can give you FPS on top right of the screen ATI Tray Tools will not help him, he has an NVidia Card.
  15. Does that happen with an single soldier placed on map too? There is some pre-beta stuff included in the download, that is not more than a placeholder, like the T80 for example. That units should not be used, until they get an update.
  16. It looks like you have forgot to add "-mod=beta" to the shortcut. Without it version 1.08 get`s loaded, as 1.09 is a beta-patch. Or use the CWR_on_ArmA_Betapatch.bat, that should work for sure.
  17. Mr_Tea


    Ragdoll and Realism are two different things. We already had this discussion related to ArmA 1, some time ago.
  18. Mr_Tea

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    No big deal for sure. But the version i use right now do have bulletproof glass, that´s nothing that had to be implemented. If you want the sheep in an wolf`s skin, go ahead.
  19. Mr_Tea

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    The Hind is a flying tank, not an oversized MH-6. If i can shoot the pilot with an M16, than that is something to worry about.
  20. Mr_Tea

    ArmA freezing after a few minutes

    The completely opened case is the perfect way to destroy the airflow. A few fans for the case would be the better solution. The debug section can be found 2 steps down from the temperature settings.
  21. Mr_Tea

    ArmA freezing after a few minutes

    The GPU Temp is too high, me thinks. Have you use coolbits to get the full control over the driver? If not, do that and check the debug info in the control panel. edit: Is the GPU properly cooled?
  22. Mr_Tea

    Bizarre resolution problems

    Not really, bought mine long ago and didn`t checked the price lately.
  23. Mr_Tea

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    It would be ridicules if you can shoot the pilot or gunner with small arms. Give that beast bulletproof glass. Anyways, what are stingers good for?
  24. Mr_Tea

    Bizarre resolution problems

    My post was made in relation to that one. The AthlonXP 3200+ would be cheap, but give an way better performance than the currently used AthlonXP 2400+.
  25. Mr_Tea

    Bizarre resolution problems

    The mew stuff get`s outdated that fast, that an upgrade or new build of an PC can be very cheaper if you do it the next month. Only to run ArmA there is no need for PCI-E video cards, or Multi-Core CPU`s that are not supported directly by ArmA.