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Everything posted by jgbtl292

  1. jgbtl292

    Particles Of Explosions ALWAYS Round.

    arma 3 is now a plattform for the future - he has self said - no arma 4 for a long time maby A3 is the last sequel !
  2. jgbtl292

    Particles Of Explosions ALWAYS Round.

    arma 3 is for long time the last sequel ;)
  3. jgbtl292

    Particles Of Explosions ALWAYS Round.

    you need for this huge explosion many partikels - to many perfomance ;) that the comlete ground ^^ 2 bombs and all dudes near have a 2 fps gameplay ;) kill the fuelstation - this is the biggest fire and smoke in the game and look what he makes with your fps
  4. jgbtl292

    More control over tank turret please.

    and we nees nees the old drive slow command- its removet. ^^
  5. what the problem - later bis can add a rebbelfraktion to independent side to . its all no problem ^^ what you make with your missions
  6. jgbtl292

    new stuff for aaf - nice bis love it ^^

    look at the nams the green army is a little greek ^^ no eastblock and the kuma is only a old leoa4 with kit for export ;) the greek loe is more modern than this kuma Version ^^
  7. jgbtl292

    Speed Of Sound

    the lunchers are to silent very to silent ^^ and the start is to damped. the sharp bang is missing . for example the youtube sounds of nlaw is a bad example for the real ;)
  8. camo on the kuma is a little to big In contrast to the other vehikles ;) ---------- Post added at 07:33 ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 ---------- zguba i think what he mean is the different in the detail ( in the game has all only a differ ends look ( the weapon stations not he all the same on all sides - BAD ) - that give no immersion- all tanks are the same with only a differend look - the little different make the gameplay. example. you slammer can carry a group of soldiers- sure normal with this space in his back he has only a ammo load for main gun 10 rounds ! for this tank was nice a inventory more space or more ammo ;) this give gameplay and tactics ;9 and more ap or more he rounds . a tank with a autoloader your black eagle aka t-100 has normal a 125mm and not a 120 mm ;9 he has a autoloader and can the barrel not make full up - the kuma or slammer can this ;) thats gives little difference in the combat and in the follow in the gameplay. a inventory for fighting vehicles for ammo load oder space or ammo ( slammer ) was a very nice feature in the future. the other tank can turn the turret faster the other slower - i mean we have wiki all the dates are here. thats all little thinks he make the game round. the other tank has phosphor rounds the other not. th one can shot he nades with his defence fog shooters the other has this feature not. the one can diving -the other not ;) not the missing interior is the main point - the point is the little differences. or the terrible driver view ^^ why not a driver place with 3 holes and we can turn the head. ad the rearcams in this first person sight for the driver. and for the kommander a digital map . ( the black gps is ... the arma 2 was better. i can not see good see my pos with this black and lines only ^^ or water or not ? no different wood near or not ? cant see ...... and 2035 a map where can i show my own tanks apc ^^ all time without the low or profi level. this is missing ;9 and later maby hunter killer for commander - makes the the place a litte more interest than only looking
  9. jgbtl292

    ai command with your voice

    now i have made it for me - and have now many free keys - nice my question is - can i delete the voices from my charakter ? where i can delete it - and makes battleeye problems ? the repeat from my avatar make the commands longer and the repeat is a immersion braker now. für deutsche gibts ne datei heute oder morgen ^^
  10. jgbtl292

    Grenade Implementation

    you need free keys ? i have it in german is nice ^^
  11. jgbtl292

    Grenade Implementation

    for waht ? its in your hands to bind your own weapons swich keys !! you will numer keys - go in your options and make it ...
  12. jgbtl292

    new stuff for aaf - nice bis love it ^^

    why not ^^ the copter was nice to fly . not the same models he are a little tweaked ^^ the copter has now skids the tank looks like a little from the A7 and the singapore version mix
  13. jgbtl292

    Dispersion to simulate inaccuracy

    for what a visual or accuracy suppression in a game ? when you in cover behind a wall and my mg gunner pinned you - for what i need visual oder spray suppression ? when you go up you down whats the problem with suppression ? your right or wrong game play give it automatic ! only for the AI is this a good option. for a human not !
  14. jgbtl292

    Arma 3 : Operation Make Faster Game

    ? singelplayer is ok - the muliplayer is the fps desatster
  15. jgbtl292

    A-143 Buzzard Far too Slow / Weak

    ohmygodd fuck ..... the speed is limitet -the island has to many objekts for - to many to stream with over 900kmh for what this discussion ? for what ?
  16. and now ? the marid on csat is a Turkey ( nato land ) apc
  17. please BIS give us the english units in the editor as a fraction ! love the grey camo ^^ more diversity ;) in the mp maps :rolleyes:
  18. jgbtl292

    this is a driver view ....

    lovely..... hope bis tune the driver view for his vanilla tanks... not all need a full interior - i think this is the best compromise. and not only the black forward Hole :j: great work great work...
  19. jgbtl292

    A-143 Buzzard Far too Slow / Weak

    lot of fun while playing with 1500 kmh flying - the island was streamed ! the limit has its useful :d:# its not a jet simulator ^^ it has its basis them jet sims has a very very low object compactness per km²
  20. jgbtl292

    Session Lost while server having no problems

    temps all ok its watercooled ^^ no heating after hours to play antivitus runs comodo its no problem in sp its only in mp - its no crash ist only the red no answer massege from the servers.
  21. jgbtl292

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    yes - and its no argument more with the new stances ;)
  22. jgbtl292

    Session Lost while server having no problems

    after 1.06 patch all time lost session after 10 mins no chance more for play mp - its on all servers and missions latest after 20min lost session ....
  23. jgbtl292

    Direct chat not working correctly

    same here ... play in a critical situation press wrong esc and not F1 and no more chat ^^
  24. jgbtl292

    Altis map misaligned/off

    helocopter taxi modul the same ^^ in arma2 works fine . no copter come 100m on other direction land on tress houses walls. today i have need 20 copters - kevala was full with wracks ^^ positon was 3 big free places. not one will land on this spot and crash in houses tress and others . then i walk .... in arma 2 copter come and search for the next free spot from you a and land.
  25. same here outtime all time after max 15 min ^^