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Status Updates posted by johnnyboy

  1. Hey dude, was that you that popped the shirtless dude next to the bus?  Good work.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AZCoder


      ah, well that is the only way to fix stupid


    3. johnnyboy
    4. Gunter Severloh

      Gunter Severloh

      Well at least there isn't a hole in his shirt and no blood or sweat, one less thing

      he has to worry about 😄

           My advice ... stay home and play Arma, just dont try that in Arma you would get shot on sight.

  2. hey buddy, hope you are doing well.  excuse my typing, left wrist in cast so caps too much trouble.


    have you considered scripting a boar charge?  you could use halek's fast rabbit trick (he attaches rabbit to running invisible man) and charge near ai or player when close.  on impact you could ragdoll unit and toss him in the air a bit.  I think it could  work really well...   add some hooves and pissed off boar sound fx...


    hunting wild boar in dense vegetation is notoriously dangerous.

    1.  EO


      Ouch! I hope nothing to serious dude. ^^


      Man, those are great ideas and i did think about a boar attack of some sort......but, that requires a heap of knowledge in the art of scripting, of which I have none I'm afraid. I can kinda follow some code, heck I can even do a little editing, there's a little editing of my own in the Boar mod, however something I can't do is write a script from scratch. :sad:


      It's a baton someone else would have to pick up and run with....


      The main thing is at least there are boars in-game now, maybe some of those features could be added at some point down the line.


      I'm working on adding in the cattle from Arma 2 also, but that's on hold for a bit as I'm going to give the Contact campaign a going over.


      Hope your back to full fitness soon buddy!! 



    2. johnnyboy


      i think i messaged u in the wrong place lol...wtf is single status update?   don.t worry bro, not interested in yur single status!!


      surgery on wrist next monday.  very difficult to code right now, sucks.  but maybe in a few weeks my cast fingers will work better.


      i might take a run at attacking boars later, i like the idea,   cows would be great and fun with dbo horses.  i.ve had a herd/flock movement script on back burner forever (worked in early arma 3 before bi broke animal movement).


      anyways, thx for well wishes and keep fighting the good fight!   i appreciate your contributions, enthusiasm, and great positive attitude.
