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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. Woohoo! The real Boomer loved the snow. Can't wait to see him in snow again...
  2. For hideObject use hideObjectGlobal instead. For lockwp, just try it . I'm 95% sure I've used this method for MP and didn't see an issue. But you can aways remoteExec lockwp command if it truly needs to be executed globally.
  3. You have been very busy haven't you Zagor! Looking forward to seeing this.
  4. Your subgroups as sub-arrays should work great. Just try it. After shuffling but before the loop, delete elements (sub-arrays of groups in your case) from the array. Since its shuffled, removing X elements from the beginning or end of the array will do this. Use deleteAt or resize. Good thinking. Put all that code within an if statement in your init.sqf, and you should be good if (isServer) then { ...your sweet wave code here... };
  5. johnnyboy

    SquadPicture As Flag Texture

    This is worth a try: _flag setFlagTexture = [ player ] call BIS_fnc_getUnitInsignia
  6. After selectBestPlaces returns an array, you can use surfaceIsWater to test each position, and skip those positions where surfaceIsWater is true.
  7. I just noticed your avatar, which implies a serious interest in a K9 unit. We had some fun with you because I'm constantly asked the MP question, and the answer is always the same. However, if you wade through this thread, a couple guys have claimed they have made it MP compatible, so you could contact them and ask them how. I just don't have the time to chase the MP thing these days. You (and anyone else) is welcome to try. BTW, it would be cool if your avatar was an ingame uniform insignia patch. Do you have a clean .jpg of that we could use?
  8. Is there a reference somewhere with all the Tanoan Apex face names?
  9. Hey @HazJ, that flash bang looks pretty awesome. You probably know this already, but I thought I would point out that @phronk has a flashbang also in his Realism scripts. Maybe you guys want to compare and share to produce the ultimate flash bang.
  10. What @zagor64bz said! @Nikolai 'Hammer' Knight: Sry dude, but JBOY Dog is not MP compatible. But it is expected to be for Arma IV (or ARMA V for sure).
  11. I built a mission to defend the coastal town of Girna on Stratis. I created multiple enemy groups to attack the town: 2 Assault boats with 10 AI came in from the sea One amphibeous APC came in from the sea Truck load of troops by road APCs from different starting points Mulitple Infantry groups from different starting points. For each of the above Groups I created waypoints all in the Editor: Add a Talk Waypoint as first waypoint for each group with this in the waypoint code line: this lockwp true; The group then won't move to next waypoint until lockwp is set to false. Add Move waypoints to move teh group to attack the town. Then in the init.sqf, the waves of attacks are randomized like this: // Put all attacking Group names in a list and randomize it with arrayShuffle function. gAttackGroupList = [boat1,amphib1,truck1, inf1, inf2,inf3, inf4, apc1, apc2] call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle; // loop through the attack groups with a delay before each, and unlock their waypoints to start them moving to attack. { sleep 60 + (random 60); // delay 1 to 2 minutes before releasing next wave. _x lockwp false; } foreach gAttackGroupList; This is easy to throw together as you use the editor for 99% of the work, and just add a small script to init.sqf.
  12. johnnyboy

    missing bracket

    That's what separates amphibians from higher life forms bro.
  13. johnnyboy

    missing bracket

    Just because every bracket has a mate, doesn't mean you have formatted a call properly. You could try removing items, triggers, units, one-by-one until the error goes away. You will then know which object or trigger or whatever is causing it. Process of elimination. Good luck.
  14. I need this awesome script form KillZone Kid. I can't find it on his website. Anyone have this script?
  15. Sounds cool. How about posting your final script so the next guy can benefit? And a short vid of your insertion would be fun to see. It seems we often fight the Arma Engine to get the effect we're looking for, and its a smart move to go with a simpler variation that meets your mission needs (rather than invest countless hours to implement the original idea). This is what an ex-Army friend of mine called the principle of FIMO: "F*** it, move on".
  16. @Jnr4817, sure thing dude, change this line: if ((_dude getHitPointDamage "hitLegs") >= .5) then to: if (damage _dude >= .5) then Damage values returned are in the range 0 (healthy) to 1 (dead), so use a value in between that suits you.
  17. johnnyboy

    missing bracket

    @Harzach is right. Tip: Drop that line of code into NotePad++, and put your cursor next to a bracket. The bracket is highlighted and its other bracket in the pair of open/close brackets is also highlighted. Keep doing that until you find a bracke that is not highlighted, and then you have found the bracket that is not part of a pair.
  18. I think your handleDamage EH is the way to go. Regarding AI Healing, micro-managing the AI sucks. @bardosy has a nice auto-medic script you can use. For player's AI squad in my Property of Mabunga mission, I didn't want any limping AI slowing the player team down, so I created this script so AI in player squad will heal themselves if limping: // autoHealWhenLimping.sqf // by JohnnyBoy // ******************************************************************************* // Have unit self heal when limping (hitlegs >= .5). // Sample Usage: { dmy = [_x] execVM "Scripts\autoHealWhenLimping.sqf";} foreach units group player; // ******************************************************************************* if (!isServer) exitwith {}; params["_dude"]; if (isPlayer _dude) exitwith {}; sleep 6; while {alive _dude and !isPlayer _dude} do { if ((_dude getHitPointDamage "hitLegs") >= .5) then { sleep 30 + (random 30); if (!isPlayer _dude) then // unit might have started as AI, but player later spawned into him. { _dude additem "FirstAidKit"; _dude action ["HealSoldierSelf", _dude]; _dude setHitPointDamage ["hitLegs", 0]; }; } else { sleep 5; }; };
  19. I believe this will work: // Execute this code to load sdv in blackfish sdv1 enableSimulation false; sdv1 attachTo [bf1,[0,-4,1]]; // tweak relative position until looks good // Later, via a trigger or script, execute following code to put sdv outside of blackfish for paradrop detach sdv1; sdv1 setpos (getpos bf1 vectorAdd [0,-12, -2]); // adjust relative position to get good exit position, and not collide with blackfish sdv1 enableSimulation true; // Now your sdv will free fall, so you need to add code for attaching parachute here. See Kylania's // post linked below. @kylania's solution for paradropping vehicle:
  20. Use attachTo, and fiddle with relative position until it looks good. You might need enableCollisionWith so it doesn't collide with blackfish and bump it when you detach it.
  21. Thanks @AZCoder. The code below (executed within a loop) now has these crazy AI basturds relentlessly chasing their prey. They no longer get stuck running in place. if (speed _slasher < 10) then { _slasher setPos (getPos _slasher vectorAdd [0,.1,0]); _slasher setVelocityModelSpace [0, 8, .2]; }; _slasher playActionNow "FastF"; It appears they need just enough velocity boost to overcome friction or something... Edit: I also had to add a setPos to bump dude forward a smidge to prevent them getting stuck.
  22. Via script, I'm forcing an AI to run at another unit (player or AI) for a melee attack. Currently I'm using PlayActionNow to move the dude forward, but I have also used playmove and switchmove. All these have the same problem sometimes: //_slasher switchmove "AmovPercMrunSrasWpstDf"; //_slasher playmove "AmovPercMrunSrasWpstDf"; _slasher playActionNow "FastF"; The Problem: Sometimes AI plays run animation, but is not moving forward. He is running in place. Is there a way to force forward movemet when a unit is playing running animation?
  23. Sorry buddy, not planning on working on MP compatibility any time soon. My #1 priority currently is finishing a SP dog mission/mini-campaign. When that is done I will publish dog script improvements. After that, I may finally look at MP compatibility. Mods aren't my thing. You have my permission to mak a mod out of it if you like.
  24. johnnyboy

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    Brutal. Good luck Wiki.