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Everything posted by Defunkt

  1. I did something like this for ArmA 1 but parsed the unit name to set the texture and number, so like: T72_DESERT_067. You could get script A.sqf to do the same or fallback to random numbers if the name doesn't match that pattern.
  2. Defunkt

    Arma 2 vs. 64bit & /LAA

    It doesn't because there is no way to do that, best thing you can achieve with your extra RAM is to force Windows never to swap to disc (by disabling the pagefile).
  3. Defunkt

    Thank you Bohemia! A tribute

    Nice one, shame about the glitch.
  4. Defunkt

    Arma 2 vs. 64bit & /LAA

    If you wan't to capitalise on having more installed memory start by disabling your swap file.
  5. Defunkt

    No severs!!

    Screenshot your server listing dialog so we can check you aren't doing something daft like looking for LAN games. ---------- Post added at 07:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 AM ---------- Nevermind I see you have another thread going, don't crosspost n00b.
  6. Defunkt

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    To "it's" name ?! :confused: You have to chuckle when the grammar police get it wrong. There's no possessive apostrophe in a "its". You only add one as a replacement for the elided 'i' in "it is". Lay off the ganga!
  7. Defunkt

    Arma 2 the last game to use this engine?

    After 10 or 11 years I imagine the original OFP does run very well on your computer but since you neglected to provide any specs that's a fairly worthless yardstick right off. As for the current iteration, a new PC release should always push the performance envelope in terms of current hardware as a means of future proofing the game. I think this engine looks amazing and, because I appreciate that there will always be limitations to what's technically and financially feasible at any given time, I applaud BIS for the compromises that chose to embrace. There's a saying; you can't have everything, unfortunately nobody here seems to have heard it before.
  8. Defunkt

    Personal marker?

    To create, hold down SHIFT while clicking on the map. Was that your question?
  9. Defunkt

    What's this server running??

    SBS AAS would grow a lot faster if the daft spawn at current objective (aka legitimised spawn raping) was changed. Also needs the spawn queue replaced with spawn waves and slot-based loadouts by faction rather than free-for-all ammo boxes so you don't have all 50 people sniping with a SMAW on their back.
  10. Wicked! :bounce3: Can I suggest the RWR be placed bottom-center as, when looking forward, this is over the largely irrelevant joystick and amongst the vehicle 'instruments' (or is it perhaps configurable)?
  11. Defunkt

    Enable signatures

    Chances are you have it but it's something to check. Go HERE and click the link under Required AddOns, it's in that download.
  12. Because ArmA isn't a traditional release that provides pre-defined gametypes out of the box, it's sandbox-centric, meaning people get to develop their own games with it. Unfortunately while there is a great deal of interest in PvP, especially from those new to the series, the PvP missions that have been developed so far just aren't polished enough (yet) to meet the expectations these players bring from other games where adversarial multi-player is created, tested and balanced by the studio as part of the game's development. I personally feel it's something of a lost opportunity for BIS, successful multiplayer that subscribes to the typical gamer's expectation would act as a very strong driver for sales while introducing those players to the other possibilities available with this game.
  13. Defunkt

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    That's what I don't get, all those forum-goers blindly devoted to a product divorced from its pedigree, from a developer with no track record in the genre and who has delivered zero information beyond pre-rendered trailers and scripted marketing speil. With no real information every thread is an exercise in pure speculation and every member projects on OFP:DR their own notion of the perfect milsim, it's like a pack of dogs scrapping over a bone that never had any meat on it. But I still have high-hopes for OFP:DR, not as a simulator (I already have one I like :)) but rather an accessible, militaristic shooter.
  14. You can remove the standard item (globally) with: class CfgActions { /*extern*/ class None; class Land: None { show = 0; }; };
  15. Defunkt

    Enable signatures

    VOP release was a bit screwed up, there was a 2.1 key and then after that a reversion to the 2.0 key IIRC.
  16. Defunkt

    RH heli sounds 1.01

    Was a +1 from p75 the sorta slap you were expecting? ;)
  17. Well it's all speculation at this stage, there's been some suggestion it'd mean recompiling and redistributing new p3d's but I'm rather hoping it'll be more like a diffuse map that can be swapped-in/specified at run-time (as is done with hidden selections).
  18. Uh, well the "why" has already been explained but if it's gonna bunch your panties, don't buy OA.
  19. Isn't that what I just said? It's not a big deal, in fact it's a non-issue for the vast majority of uses (in daylight).
  20. Defunkt

    Flying the choppers!

    Decreasing thrust is integral to landing. Auto-hover is for girls.
  21. So... what actual impact will that have in most cases; no FLIR/Flashlights/PEQ's? Mission makers will just have to restrict themselves to OA content for night missions, not a biggie. Still a huge boon to have all the Marine gear available for everything else (most missions are of course played in daylight).
  22. Pretty much everything said here is merely the poster's opinion, doesn't mean we have to preface everything as such. And, small point, console players have always had the option, they just chose to buy a console instead.
  23. That's an okay system but not exactly a monster-rig. If you have a large flatscreen I can imagine you might have a few issues running this game. 1. ArmA only uses two of your four cores, so I think you would've been better off with a 3.0ghz Athlon X2 (for instance). 2. Your video card only has 512mb, 1GB alone would be worth an extra 5fps according to this pre-release review, and a 4870 or 4890 significantly more. 3. Vista is the worst performing Windows for games in general and ArmA in particular. All in all, not the best fit/mix for this particular game.
  24. Defunkt

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    And you're suggesting that direct competitors (which it would now appear OFP:DR is not) wouldn't have any influence on that process? Surely not. Really not at all sure what it is you're saying actually.