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Everything posted by Bouben

  1. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    You will have to be more specific than that. Especially with the "take cover" command. What exactly and how is broken?
  2. So I tested this new feature and it looks very good so far. However, shouldn't the sight misalignment occur while shooting too? Right now it occurs only when moving a weapon. Also, it would be very good if a slight (I mean really slight) sight misalignment occurred even when standing still and not prone because both hands are shaking and moving separately IRL - more fatigue should mean more sight misalignment even when a player is static. Weapon sway alone does not cut it. Also, I am not sure if I feel enough difference between lighter and heavier weapons but I haven't really tested it carefully yet. Anyway, even in the current state it really improves the feeling of handling a weapon in the game. Great job BIS.
  3. Bouben

    How much Arma have you played?

    331 hours. Mainly playing quick random infantry combat situations in the editor. Sometimes playing random dynamic scenarios or HAL missions. Not a big fan of campaigns, long complicated missions or multiplayer. Info update: I have not actually played the main campaign yet at all.
  4. Bouben

    New Walking Animation Speed

    We are discussing the relaxed walk, not the combat one.
  5. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I simply hate how it looks when it is very prominent. That happens when you are injured or when you are at maximum fatigue level. I think that a more fatigued body should mean less predictable sway and less predictable control over your weapon as a fatigued body has less control over its muscles IRL. Also, I believe that a shoulder does not move exactly as a chest during breathing. Actually, it seems that it almost doesn't move at all (observing myself right now while trying to breathe heavily). EDIT: To summerize it: 1) Keep the sway as it is now for calm states. In calm states, it works very well and it is a pleasure to play with. 2) However, make the sway less predictable and add more random shaking when fatigue starts to rise or when injured. Don't increase the sway with fatigue or at least, don't make it so dependent on breathing as I believe that is not what happens in reality when a body is fatigued. More fatigue = less control, less predictability IRL.
  6. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I really hate how artificially regular the weapon sway is. It should be randomized a bit. Not too much, so that we can keep its predictability but just a bit so that it does not feel so robotic. Also, when your hands are injured there should be a completely random shaking and not that stupid, super-regular circling of your hands. Gameplay-wise, it is good. Immersion/visual-wise it has a long way to go yet.
  7. Bouben

    Boring Ragdoll System (1.24)

    Yes, it is cool but should be in vanilla without mods.
  8. AI's using advanced flight model?
  9. Bouben

    Favorite conflict setting poll

    Well, I cannot vote because the Cold War isn't in your list.
  10. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Could you please elaborate what exactly in the new fatigue/sway system is overkill and why? Every constructive opinion is welcome.
  11. In 99% of cases, vehicles should not explode at all. Simply not. Period.
  12. Bouben

    New Walking Animation Speed

    I believe just simply abandoning the current relaxed "macho" walk animation itself would improve the feel a lot even if the walking speed is in current faster state. Those speeds with pistol feels very natural. Dunno why they aren't used for walking with rifles.
  13. Bouben

    New Walking Animation Speed

    I can agree with that.
  14. Bouben

    Arma 3 Helicopters DLC Discussion (dev branch)

    Shit, that sound has a potential to make somebody a serious hearing problems. BIS should fix this sound issue with a maximum priority. I am not kidding. This is dangerous. BIS, you should put a much more agressive brick-wall limiter in your dev branches. I mean it. As an audio-design guy, I would be very pissed if this bug happened to me while using headphones...
  15. As if the fatigue/sway whining wasn't enough :-)))))
  16. This is exactly that kind of thread where I have nothing to say :D sorry for off topic
  17. OK, tell us your findings then. Thanks.
  18. The sway feels wrong pretty much in every situation for me but the most disturbing is the combat jog with a weapon ready when you are <=50% fatigued. It feels as if the soldier is limping.
  19. I agree with this. ---------- Post added at 15:14 ---------- Previous post was at 15:02 ---------- Anyone else worried about how the sway looks? I still see everybody discussing the gameplay and difficulty but has anyone thought about the visual impact of the new sway system? I mean, I really like the challenge it brings to the game but at the same time it really kills my immersion somehow. It just feels wrong. It feels so unnatural, artificial and forced (the weapon sway looks completely ridiculous when moving while tired). Has anyone similar feeling about this?
  20. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I think you have quoted a wrong post (?).
  21. Yes, that would the best solution to this discussion.
  22. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    With an introduction of the inertia system, there will be even more complaints from players used to run-and-gun.
  23. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Agreed. The current sway and fatigue has hardly any impact on my gameplay.
  24. This is actually a quite huge feature request. There is a mod for it I think.