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Everything posted by Bouben

  1. Bouben

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    No. You would simply be forced to get prone or a normal running-death animation would trigger that was the same for every hitzone. There was no a special relation between legs and some kind of exclusive death animation.
  2. Bouben

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    There is a lot of games that have this. The best in this area is definitely GTA 4 but that is currently probably unachievable in Arma 3. Oh...and the old OFP had reactions to legs hits too.
  3. I have noticed this behaviour after Steam updated their GUI to the new one (major Steam update maybe?).
  4. Bouben

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Wasteland players can always persuade their mission makers/server owners to disable the fatigue system completely. The commands are there at their disposal. A win-win situation.
  5. Yes, I can confirm that. It is definitely a bug. Will you make a ticket?
  6. Allright, it might be happening to me because I am looking around constantly when in combat jog (not with the alt key, I am turning the whole avatar). That probably causes the lateral sway.
  7. Bouben

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    But I don't want too see constant fall-stand-up-again when killing someone with 5 shots. That looks akward. I am for a well-done twitching of some kind and particle effects and for always falling when hit to legs and a helmet.
  8. Try to "zig-zag" a bit and then check it. Maybe we just cannot communicate what we observe.
  9. Yes, it is a sway caused by inertia when you run sideways with your weapon ready. I don't want to remove the sway, just to reduce the time needed to get control over your weapon again. Other than that, the lateral sway caused by inertia is good.
  10. Bouben

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    I have no problem with armour in the game but soldiers should definitely fall down when hit to a leg. I also think the twitching when hit to a vest is a bit too funky. It should be less pronounced.
  11. I have no problems with CQB. I was just pointing out that you don't have time for the "Shooting 101" procedures during CQB. However the amount of lateral sway is nothing I was experiencing when trying a real world weapon. I think you should have a bit more control over your weapon when fully rested. It simply feels too clunky. But other than that, I enjoy Arma 3 more than ever before. It is simply a big improvement.
  12. Bouben

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    No, it was only a suggestion on the forums.
  13. Are you talking about CQB? I guess not.
  14. I agree that a weapon in Arma can get a bit too unstable even after few steps when fully rested. I think I can agree with you that there should be less "shakiness" when a soldier is fully rested. UPDATE: OK, the problem I identified is that if you make just a few steps sideways when fully rested, your weapon gets a lot of horizontal sway that takes a bit too long to stop. I think it should be reduced a bit so that you have more control over your weapon when fully rested. Then more fatigue should mean gradually less control over your weapon and more pronounced inertia effects. EDIT: But overall the feeling is now really great. I really feel the weight of my avatar in the game. The movement is solid yet a bit clunky which I really enjoy. It stopped that feeling of an ordinary FPS game. Great job BIS. EDIT2: Machineguns definitely needs more inertia. They are too easily controllable.
  15. It is better to test the inertia effects during a real gameplay in combat. I was able to feel more differences between individual weapons that way.
  16. Bouben

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    You guys are still discussing terrain eye candy, but what about that shader technique that would better mask units in a distance even without the grass being rendered. That is something that needs to be done.
  17. I can't see any problem in the video. Seems very similar to my inertia experience. So you basically say it needs tweaking? Please, explain what would make it ok in your opinion, thanks.
  18. I am sorry for you :-D Your humour just haven't reached me.
  19. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Well, I only remember that I have criticized in the past that the "take cover" command was not respecting chosen forced stances because it could be particularly annoying when you insist on your units being prone and then order them to take cover and they suddenly stand up and start to peak around a tree or something because their cover positions have hard-coded stances... So if the forced stances are now respected by the "take cover" command then I would say FINALLY. I will have to test it to see if it is the case (I hope it is). UPDATE: Unfortunately, nothing has changed. They still crouch behind crouchable obstacles even when forced being prone. Shame.
  20. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Simply not true. It works perfectly fine. Coulum has it right.
  21. Well, no matter what you or Kremator think, the sound features have nothing to do with AI.
  22. Are you, again, trying to convince us that you are a new member of the community or have you been drinking recently?
  23. Bouben

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Well, unfortunately, that is not a bug but a feature. What you present in the video is a correct behaviour. The AI subordinates just change their positions to the terrain and in order to be closer to some obstacles. They are unable to change their stances because you forced them to be standing no matter what - that is what the "Stand Up" command does. If you want them to take cover as usual, use the "Copy My Stance" command and things should be fine again.
  24. Just a little detail so that you and others know: You actually can't set a formation to a specific part of your squad. You always do it globally for the whole squad, unfortunately.