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Everything posted by blackland

  1. me too ... since one week this error - new install on client and server, dev branch or vanilla ... nothing, this error is always here!! Now, i run about armadiag.exe and i can see: c:\w\dev\futura\lib\steammanager\dlcmanager.cpp(102)(func:Steam::DLC:DlcManager::UpdateDlcItems) [AssertRLS] MainThread=8036 Game 107410,DLC index:0 of 10 AppId of the DLC is invalid: ........................................ in the arma3.rpt these entries: dta\bin.pbo - unknown addons\a3.pbo - unknown
  2. Now V3.21 over steam workshop (or direct DL).
  3. Original © Xeno.... Version 3.20 is up to date. ;) THX Xeno. :218:
  4. I lay hidden on the ground and I shoot with sniper rifle + silencer on a enemy (KI) sniper team with his back to me, with exactly one shot from 1.500 m distance. A team member turns to me and hits me with the second shot! WTF?? :o Other mission, the KI can hear me from 400 m, I shoot again with sniper rifle + silencer (one shot). And also they stand with their backs to me!
  5. blackland

    JSRS3: DragonFyre - LITE

    This is a very better explanation! Thanks for fun, thx for release, thx for your insane work for free - you are the best!! :bounce3:
  6. Okay, Dev-Update yesterday work fine.
  7. Same here - no build *.rpt, no start game. Launching by launcher, error message: MS Visual++ 2013 (x86) failure. I use Win 7x 64.
  8. blackland

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    Hui - amazing, LordJarhead for President!! :D Good luck!
  9. blackland

    J.S.R.S. 2.2 Soundmod

    You are the best! €: Your Web (IIS Error) and armaholic download link is down and the *.rar file is corrupt - 3 MB and not 132 MB. :(
  10. Great work @all, Thx!! :)
  11. blackland

    Altis Resistance (SP)

    Is cool, is great, is fine, is fun - thanks B00tsy!!
  12. Bug: When i save the campaign (not reload!!), in the next instant, Adams is renamed Roberts, standing and waiting for my orders. I´m Number two in team, Adams (Roberts) is Number one appears as a team leader!? The scripts and trigger no longer work.
  13. blackland

    ArmA Tactics on PC in Steam?

    Remove all other controls from the USB-Port, only mouse be connected to pc.
  14. I release (first) the hostage without shot (all soldiers with silent kill) and later - neutralizing the first bomb - come in the message : "all hostage dead" - why, there is no soldiers near. Start a new game with mission 5 or after i restored a save session. PC version, Beta 1.2487. PS: Good Game, love it! :)
  15. blackland

    Constant Crashes on Startup

    Memory Error 0xC0000005 Access Violation, with NVIDIA Driver.
  16. He He, no! Specs ar normal, i tested it. :j: CPU Last ca. 52 - 70% with 70° C, RAM 1590 MB, SWAPfile 1650 MB, GPU Temp ca. 68°C. Hours On Stratis no problems, use "Ultra" Settings, it´s okay!
  17. i have Framedrops (or CTD or Blackscreen) after 3 - 10 min, exclusively on Altis! Win7 x86, SSD Samsung 840 Evo pro, i5 4670k @ 3,9 GHz, GTX 660ti 3 GB RAM, RAM DDR3-2400 (16 GB) 12 of them are RAMDisk, included SWAP-File. Start parameter: -maxmem=1600 -maxVram=1900 My Video Settings (very, very low), after Stuttering, Framedrops, Realtime: ... with or without vsync is always the same. i sent many [CRASH] Dumpfiles to Dwarden ... :(
  18. blackland

    Take On Mars - New BIS Game

    Yes, my vote!! :D is it: Take on Rally!
  19. blackland

    German Misc Pack released

    what exactly do you mean, pls detail your problem! I am very angry about your post - this is nothing! THX Marseille77 for your work! :619:
  20. We are Betatester for OA 1.62 Finalpatch! Hurray .... :bounce3:
  21. blackland

    Celle 2

    Great idea, great Map - amazing, crazy plan! I love it.
  22. I play mission 9 and the helicopter can not fly from the ship to start properly - despite a soft landing on the ship. Every time when Frost say: "Okay Okay ..." and questioning is over, the engine stops by itself and i crash to the ground (helis spins like crazy).
  23. Great work, great Job in long, long time ... Thx BIS, Thx Community! :) @all: Merry X-mas and the happy New Year!