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Everything posted by Tom_48_97

  1. I talk of updates since a month... So, here we go! The bonus is that the Royal Netherlands Army has been updated too! Today is a good day to make a release! We are happy to tell you that our DLCs (expansions) are available in their new version: British Armed Forces is now available in version 1.06 and Royal Netherlands Army in version 1.04 Links: Cold War Rearmed² - British Armed Forces @arma2.fr Cold War Rearmed² - British Armed Forces @CFr-ArmA.net Cold War Rearmed² - British Armed Forces @Armaholic.com Cold War Rearmed² - British Armed Forces @ArmA2Base.de Cold War Rearmed² - Royal Netherlands Army @arma2.fr Cold War Rearmed² - Royal Netherlands Army @CFr-ArmA.net Cold War Rearmed² - Royal Netherlands Army @Armaholic.com Cold War Rearmed² - Royal Netherlands Army @ArmA2Base.de Announcement @cwr2.arma2.fr Enjoy
  2. /* 23th sept 2013: This topic is more or less resolved and now waiting of more advancement from tagging chart for Steam */ First, many thanks to all mission makers for their work! There is a known problem that can be solved easily. As everyone knows it, when you have multiple user missions in Arma, it can quickly become hard to find what you want, and the reason is very simple : Mission file name don't always reflect its content, and are often different from the mission name, and lack of number of players, mission name, mission type... To illustrate what I want to mean, you can simply download 5/6 random missions and look at the pbo names... You'll see that's, for a lot of these, hard to find what kind of mission it is, or worst, which addons are required. Of course, you'll tell me there is a readme etc... but once you're ingame, you don't have the readme and mission description doesn't provide these useful information. For example : Operation Clever Girl We know nothing about this mission except its name ThisIsWar TDM-24 Better example, but it still miss the version, the author (if there is 2 TDM 24 named this is war, there is no way to determine which one is which one) How a server admin works: The best way to help users (players, server admin etc...) to find easily what they want is to determine a global naming convention. I'm aware that these information are in the readme and within the page where the mission is downloaded... but while browsing the missions ingame or in the mission's folder, these info are not displayed... Now, facts are known and we have to find a solution to this problem to make player life easier, so a naming convention! Ps: one more thing, the all file name should in lower letters since it's a requirement to get the mission working w/ a linux server, remember, in Windows File and filE are the same file but in Linux, these are two different files and the game will "probably" require only lowercase like A2. (note that there is some useless information for PBO name but, ideally, the defined rules should apply to the downloadable archive) Which information are required ? Mission type (sp / coop / tdm, all must be determined etc...) for obivious reasons Number of players for obivious reasons Version of the mission to help users maintaining their mission folder up to date Island Big mods Author (here, our old OFPEC tags should be usefull) Anything else ? Example : ext is the file extension.GAMEMOD_@BigMod_Mission-Name_OfpecTag_version.island.ext (if no mod required, v for vanilla) This would give: sp_@ace_escape-from-the-mess_tm4_1.00.altis.ext Single player Required only ACE mod Named Escape from the mess Made by TM4 (that's my ofpec tag, regiestered here a while ago...) Version 1.00 Map is Altis co10_v_escape-from-the-mess_tm4_1.06rc1.stratis.ext Coop 10 players Doesn't required any mod or addon Named Escape from the mess Made by the owner of TM4 OFPEC Tag Version 1.06 release candidate 1 Played on Stratis tdm30_@cwr2_escape-from-the-mess_cwr2_1.01.stratis.ext Team Death Match for 30 players required CWR2 Mod Named Escape from the mess Made by cwr2 Version 1.01 Map is stratis ctf50_@_escape-from-the-mess_bis_1.51b.stratis.ext Capture The Flag for 50 players Required some addons or/and mods (list these into the readme, missions description etc... Make the information clear and easy to access) Named Escape from the mess Made by BIS Ofpec tag (Bohemia Interactive) Version 1.51 beta As extra info, you can also read the initial discussion on Armaholics forums. So, the question is: What's your opinion? Thanks for you attention note: keep an eye open, this topic can be updated often.
  3. Unrelated with the latest messages, some news of the upcoming update of the BAF. Almost all bugs has been fixed, the mod will be soon to be released :cool: http://cwr2.arma2.fr/1197-watch-out-the-new-trailer-of-the-baf Temporary changelog: Parachute Regiment infantry Scorpion and Scimitar CVR-T HC.1 Chinook Reworked UVMaps for existing vehicles L85 series weapons Rifle grenades and grenadier for L1A1
  4. I talked a w/ a lot of server admin and this is far from a fifty/fifty but some of them (I think 25/30%) keep the old versions, mainly because, when you update a mission while replacing the file, occasionally, the updated version contains more bugs than the previous and once you replaced the file, it's not always easy to recover the old file. You're right about the designers, but I may disagree about the final customer, players fly from a server to another and when two servers use different versions of the same mission (it happens w/ domination, warfare etc...) the player will download the mission, then, when he comes back to the other server, download again etc... I experienced that and when your connection is more likely a fax, it's boring :/ That's we need to define here :cool: In fine, as some people are in favor and some other aren't (and with relevant arguments), we may define this parameter as an optional one, isn't it?
  5. Looks really good! (btw, good job on the trailer ;))
  6. Tom_48_97

    [SP] Feu de l'enfer

    As "requested", here the CFr-ArmA link. http://www.arma3.fr/download/file/138 Thanks for the mission :)
  7. I agree w/ Kylania, the best practice is to get the mission version inside the pbo name, btw, it'll allow designers to keep a track of each version of a given mission, at the end, readme (except if it's named with the exact name of the pbo) will never goes into the missions folder and the zip will be trashed. As Armaholic sys admin, I can tell you I have already 2/3 versions for a lot of missions... and often more, for example, I have 15 versions of COWholeLottaStratis*.7z (btw, another example of a mission we do not know anything w/ the file name). So, we don't check if a previous version of the mission is present on the server, we just upload the new file and edit the download page. The first goal of this topic is defined a user friendly naming convention, it may help website or not. ShotgunSheamuS: Your suggestions are for the file name? If so, it would be too much info and would turn the file name less readable. Yes, the result must be comprehensive but it also must be short. Maybe a "standard readme" must be define, but this topic is mainly related to file name, maybe later, we will discuss about the readme ;) Also, Objective type is like the mission type, the difference is that the mission type is mainly based on the header (description.ext) more some popular game modes. kylania: If you make a punitive expedition, count me in !:681:
  8. Tom_48_97

    Localized versions

    EpMAK777 & RichFasard030: Like the others, you firstly need to read the first post of this topic. Remember that every inactive staff will just be kicked out from the team. Once it's done, I urge you to let me a PM (or here) containing your DH username AND your email address. kookoo_gr: PM replied. VVlasy: I urge you to contact me if you have at least 1 or 2 translators more. Waiting for your message ;)
  9. SHJStudio: Use only english please, not everyone speaks German :/ §13 of the forum rules
  10. Tom_48_97

    Arma 3 FanArt

    20 minutes to kill... http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=168341215
  11. All info you need are here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Briefing.html Note: You will need to add "debriefing = 1;" in your "description.ext" file.
  12. It more likely you don't call function as it should be. What do you want to mean by "Xeno based"?
  13. Tom_48_97

    Localized versions

    VVlasy: We will be happy to add a Czech version to Take On Mars. But I think it's better to start a new localization w/ at least 3 staff because there isn't only the translation job. this isn't my first project of this kind and there is a lot of tasks to do. One huge task is to test because when a game is developed in a language, all UI is developed w/ the given text and from a language to another, the text size may vary. The logical question is: Do know other people who wanna to join the Cz team? cleptric: Copy that, you have now access to the project (see you user profile). VVlasy & cleptric: Please, read the first post and if you've already read it, read it again, that's important.
  14. Tom_48_97

    In Depth Damage Effects

    By the way, Your script has been published in Armaholic, here is the link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21951
  15. Tom_48_97

    arma 3 update 0.74

    There is no link, all updates are managed by Steam. Just launch Steam (Online mode) and wait for the update.
  16. Tom_48_97

    Localized versions

    Hello, first, like the others, you will need an account on Dev-Heaven. We will be happy to welcome another russian translator!
  17. Tom_48_97

    Localized versions

    Hyphon; cleptric: I think Myke is gonna to need some help with the German translations, so; do you have an account on dev-heaven.net? :) Papanowel: In this case, you will be the first to receive a task
  18. Tom_48_97

    Arma 2 OA Multiplayer Problem

    You "downloaded" the game... Well, from where? You didn't posted in the right forum: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?83-ARMA-2-amp-OA-TROUBLESHOOTING Also, you can try to make a search in the forums: http://forums.bistudio.com/search.php
  19. Tom_48_97

    Localized versions

    You have been added to the project. In the project entry, you will find the forum where to introduce yourself ;) Remember, the work has not yet started.
  20. Variable: What the server log displays? Outlawz7: By armedzone, you want to mean cwr2 website or the main armedzone website?
  21. Tom_48_97

    Arma 2 oa Has stopped working crash

    Did you changed anything recently? It's with or without Steam? What's inside your RPT? (it's located %userprofile%\AppData\Local\ArmA 2 OA)
  22. Translating voice acting is really a huge work... I doubt of the benefit provided to the campaign and the work it takes. Many tries has been made on previous but, almost nothing was finished :/
  23. Tom_48_97

    currupted memory

    If I'm not wrong, this is an error from Battleye. A quick reinstall of Battleye can solve your issue. If not and if you are using Steam, go to game library then, into ArmA2 proprieties, Local Files tab and click Verify Integrity of Game Cache.
  24. Hi, I'm not sure but you can try with the command setObjectTexture. Generally, if the object was designed to accept custom texture, the selection number is 0 or 1.
  25. Tom_48_97

    Localized versions

    For now, only Russian is planned and we will be happy to include you in the team as Russian translator. We are still in preparation stage (organization, tools, workflow and boring stuff that saves lifes many times during the development ^^). I think a new language needs 3/4 translators, so if you know people who wants to join us, invite them here :) Do you have an account on Dev-Heaven.net ?