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Posts posted by snoops_213

  1. 3 hours ago, Flax said:

    @Grumpy Old Man This a quite an extreme case, i found the absolute lowest tide I could over a period of i think 10 years in the editor. I imagine in rel life locations such as this would be dredged to stop this from happening. I'll have a look again tonight but i'm not sure if the main docks on the north side of the main island are as badly affected. 

    Yes absolutely they would be dredged. From this screenshot the port was never deep enough to begin with although with a lack of large ships in game this was probably not even  considered in the initial design process of the islands. Hopefully one day a "splendid" dredging crew will come and dredge any necessary ports that need it :)  

    • Like 1

  2. Yeah turrets like the new tgp would be awesome! The gun then should be manually ranged and the helicopter armed with a laser like planes are, that the gun can lock onto for auto ranging. Bakimaster91 remember those clips are only a few minutes long at a time and the laser is not constantly on, but when it is on it contantly updates range to where TADS is looking. The gunner the has to select auto range for the gun to get its ranging from the laser otherwise the rounds will go to the last imputed/default range. 

    • Like 1

  3. 13 hours ago, lex__1 said:

    UCAV Sentinel laser designator doesn't follow TGP \ And no more range data...


    Mk21 not firing missiles



    The first one is a known bug.

    The second have you turned the radar on?  Either in the encom tab in the units attributes set radar active or place a waypoint on itself with it set to combat mode. Being an unmanned turret you cant set it to combat mode in the attributes and i think its default behavior is aware so it wont automatically turn its radar on. 

  4. 14 hours ago, dragon01 said:

    Real AGMs are not visually guided. Early Mavericks ('Nam era) used a "contrast seeker" that worked in the visual spectrum, but it was so failure-prone that the missiles were known to turn away from the target (usually a tank) at the last moment and hit a so called "tactical bush". :) They switched to IR guidance later on, which is what most real air to ground fire and forget missiles use now.

    No they were successful in nam and yom kippur wars. The fear was that both environments were favourable for its seekers but might struggle in European environment against warsaw vehicles  so the D was born with IIR seeker.  The latest H/J/K  use a ccd seeker which is in the visible spectrum and has a further and more reliable lock but cant be used at night. And the E model is a laser guided version. The F/G models are IIR too. F for navy has software upgrade to track ships better and the G allows pilots to track larger targets and has bigger warhead. Also heard somewhere that a gps version or a gps backup for the other versions was being looked at.


     Im glad to hear that they would like to/plan to add more diversity to the missiles and i hope it extends beyond this into bombs and rocket variations too. The best thing for them would be (apart from different bombs) no new models would be needed to be made as the biggest variations are in the seeker type and the size/types of the warheads, so mainly config work. Smoke rockets would be good for marking  or even wp for really marking the target but thats for a different thread :) 

    @xon2 yeah i found the same thing now you pointed it out. Most of my tests have been against aa so one of my sensors had already revealed the target so point would work straight away for me. But against other vehicles I just tried I would have to reveal it before point would work.

  5. 2 hours ago, darksidesixofficial said:

    Could this also be used for new possibilities like Air Burst munitions/bombs?

    Can you say M261 MPSM or british starstreak sam? Not sure about bombs but i have a funny feeling that cbus could be done aswell but it does say mainly for missiles and shells. If it doesnt work for bombs you could make a missile with 0 thrust that fell like a bomb. I tried mpsm in arma2 when they introduced the feature with the shotguns, didnt work with missiles at the time but the side effect was it worked like a cbu :) Now It can have multiple types of submunitions though so a mix of AT HE hell even mines or a mix of the lot? and percentages of the mix can also be defined. As oukej said earlier in this thread it can get resource intensive, especially if you start using real world numbers for submunitions. One question relating to this would be if we can apply the new sensors to the submunitions so a mix of ir top attack and a radar ( with limited range and sensor angles) top attack? 


    1 hour ago, pipyn1970 said:

    I would love to see maps covered with the enemies radar & connected to static SAM sites within the hills or even vehicle AA's could hook up to. I think it would be a game changer where they would be heavily defended from both air & ground attack but to win the ECM war then they must be taken out. Reading all this thread about the radars has got me wishing that you guys at Arma could & would make this for us & make a map update to place them all over your maps & make them extremely well hidden from the air by maybe not allowing them to have a signature maybe? I'm not sure how that would work but the idea around it could be they are extremely hard to hit from the air, very well defended from the ground but when they go active not only will they fire at the aircraft within range but maybe they could JAM his radar or something for a couple of minutes? From the air they could be made almost impossible to see maybe?

    Do you mean devs build this into existing maps? If so that wont happen. One it means redoing all the maps and two it means it will break too many missions and 3 it forces it on people that may not want it. The data link makes strides in this area but unfortunately it doesn't allow remote targeting from other platforms sensors. Hopefully they find a way to do this for radars ( other sensors would be overkill in this sense). 

    25 minutes ago, xon2 said:

    I am still struggling with the new targeting mechanics and how to reliably achieve a ground target lock. Before the Sensor overhaul, i used to only lock targets "magically" with 'target next vehicle' or with 'lock target' keybinding. I think I never used 'reveal target' before trying lock a target. I had set individual non default keybindigs for reveal target, locl target, next target etc. I defaulted those bindings back and 'laser range, reveal target, and lock target' all share T as the default key binding.


    So with the A-164 for instance, I place the tgp over a target, and it does not change from area track to point track. This happens only when I press T now. So which function is responsible for this, the laser range or the reveal target?


    Coulr somebody pls shortly explain in checklist style how the new system works with Agms/Macers for instance?

    First it helps to know the area to look in. The wipeout really makes FAC/JTAC worthwhile for target locating. With radar equipped vehicles less of a challenge but for wipeout helps so much.

    1. If you know the area to look in go into tgp and scan area. Sometimes i find that flying around my sensors will pick up tgts and show them on the sensor diaplay and then i can go looking via tgp, or i point my nose towards tgt and spam t until i lock something( only when i cant find the damn target cause unheated and hidden objects  are hard as buggery to find) 

    2. Once a target is spotted either hit t and target the vehicle with agm and wait for lock or press ctrl t to lock the sensor onto the ground. 

    3. Once locked onto ground you''ll see "area"  displayed on screen. If you move the sights over a vehicle you should see this replaced by "point". This means the tgp has picked the vehicle and will track it even if its moving.This will let you fine tune what or where your looking. Again here when you see your target hit t to target it with agm and wait for lock.

    This is is also how to self designate for lbgs. Once you have your tgt turn laser on and select lgbs then press t to lock the laser tgt. Then basically wait for lock( or lob the bomb in the general tgt direction works well now)  and wait for the boom. Just remember the area/point locking is different than the uavs. If you move your mouse your sight will move too unlike uavs where ctrl t is fully fixed to the area/vehicle and wont respond to mouse movement until unlocked again. Hope this helps you some

  6. Cant remember if its been said but with the carrier cat 3 shoots you across cats 1 & 2. Noticed that if you launch then land and re launch, as soon as you attach to a cat you launch straight away. If you attach then detach from cat you cant launch from any cat, you attach but dont get the launch option and you take off with just your engines or in other words you roll off the deck. And is it possible to not get the launch option until the blast shield is fully in place?

    Cant get the UCAV to attach to any of the cats not matter what i try, anyone else get them to attach when you're driver? Can get them to land so it should be able to launch. I know it wont happen for release but a new advanced waypoint for carrier take off for AI would be handy. And maybe one for landing where instead of coming to a stand still in the damn way of anything else coming in, they fold their wings and move to a designated spot out of the way. 

    • Like 1

  7. 13 hours ago, iratus said:

    During my tests of the new damage model (in other words: getting shot down repeatedly) I noticed that AI planes like to shoot at parachutes with their guns. I'm pretty sure this is against the geneva conventions :)


    Everything targets parachutes! Lol Get shot down by AAA and eject.... damn thing shoots the ejected pilots 

    • Like 1

  8. 15 hours ago, da12thMonkey said:

    You have to turn the radar on to lock when using the Centurion manually.


    Issue for the autonomous AI might be that they can't use the radar properly.


    Someone on the A3 Discord mentioned that placing an empty Centurion down (holding Alt when placing it in the editor) and putting a normal AI human unit in it, allows the Centurion to engage targets. I notice they have a tendency to spam several missiles at the same target though.

    Or in the emissions control settings in eden set the radar to active. Or set a wp on itself with it set to combat. Both these work aswell 

    • Like 2

  9. 1 hour ago, Komachi said:

    Made a quick addon to showcase SEAD capabilities of new sensors:

    Currently it adds a Black Wasp with Ground Anti-Radiation Sensor (Front facing, 35* down, 8km range, horizontal sweep 120* vertical 90*) and a missile with same specs designed to specifically engage Radiation Targets (currently only has an AR sensor so if target turns off their radar the missile will most likely stray offcourse, as it doesn't have a backup sensor)




    Nice little addon, and this is mostly accurate, the only other sensor they have is a gps so if the emitting source turns off it goes to last known gps postion( in reference to HARM, not sure about other countries ARMs), but for game play purposes leaving out a second sensor would be a good thing so that aa vehicles have a fighting chance.

     Ecms have been asked for in this thread and a simple yet effective solution would be if switched on multiple air targets are displayed on radar screen that need to be tracked for a few seconds to identify it as a false contact and before moving to the next. As the ecm gets closer to the radar the number of false contacts drops until it gets to a point where the radar will always "burn through" the jammer and show only the real targets. The only problem im seeing is, in my tests so far, if AI plane is above 500m and a radar is active the radars toast with most of the agms in game. Not so much if the plane gets in side sam range then the radar goes on but even then flares and chaff keep them alive long enough to kill it usually. Even the new launchers with the 8km range a plane will dump flares and get into strike distance or escape safely every time. Which leads back to a2a and sams not being effective enough to warrant ecms or arms.

    As someone pointed out the 9x has a 90  degree off bore cueing system but the missile its self has an over the shoulder capacity, which means the fucker will do a 180 and chase a plane thats flown behind you. The other thing is while missiles are very agile they will loose power in a turning fight so to off set this the onboard sensors will detonate short of its taget spraying them with shrapnel. This is something that arma doesnt do, but i think it can now with the new submunitions for missiles but i see this could get very taxing on performance on large scaled events. If a basic version was done that let out a small cloud of shrapnel  this could go a long way to helping aa missiles being less borked and those near misses can become fatal. 

  10. 4 hours ago, TeTeT said:

    I've added a Darter UAV and close by some OPFOR trucks to the mission, and those are reported as white hollow squares on the Mk 29 launcher radar sensor, as should be. However the radar I tried to create does not report the planes it detects. The radar itself however detects the planes and they are presented as solid green and white triangles on its radar sensor. 


    Only when the planes are within detection range of the Darter, they are reported on the Mk 29 launcher radar sensor.


    Interestingly when I switch places with 'moveInGunner' between radar and Mk 29 launcher, I see the hollow triangles of the planes for a split second. 


    I've checked the eden 'Object: Electronics & Sensors' checkboxes (Data Link Send, Data Link Receive, Data Link Position, Emission Control active) on the darter, radars and mk 29 launcher. The config also has the reportRemoteTargets and receiveRemoteTargets set.

    Yes i see what you mean now, i've just noticed radar targets arent being shared over data link but the other sensors are sharing their target data.

  11. 8 hours ago, TeTeT said:


    On using the datalink to share data between radar and aa asset, I now added a radar with a range of 20km and the mk 29 sea sparrow launcher has a 16 km range. I had hoped that via datalink the mk 29 sea sparrow can see datalink targets on the radar between 16 and 20 km, but this does not seem to be the case.



    Funny i have no problem with the targets showing in the tests i've been running at those ranges..... i just wish that radar could be shared and used by other vehicles so they didnt need to light up their own for targeting, but i have a feeling this would be related to the semi active radar homing issue maybe? 

  12. 5 hours ago, dr. hladik said:


    To see target red, it must be confirmed as enemy by someone (by mission maker and script command "confirmSensorTarget").

    In that case should they not turn red if they fire a missile at us or visual confirmation that its shooting at us, even radar for air targets when locked and id is established, as one of the devs said its assumed the every soldier carriers an iff that they can plug into a vehicle.

    Oukej most modern radars have a2a and a2g modes, and various modes in that. Im not saying simulate all the different modes but a simple switch between a2a and a2g would be nice and delcutter the radar abit. Have a2a mode with a longer range and a2g mode with shorter range but more likely to pick up ground vehicles would be a good compromise. Do the camo netting in game atm add to hiding vehicles in any way? That would be intresting if the could make it harder to find on radar/ir/visual sensors. Is the radar dish on the aa vehicles able to be damaged without taking out the rest of the tank? Would be cool if we could shoot it and leave the take with out radar :)


    My other burning question is about the data link and its possible expansion. So with this being 2035 and were assuming a few things like individual iff ect is it possible to have the ground threats and friendly postions shown on the map/gps? This would get taxing for large groups so attach it to a radio so if the radio is damaged, lost contact with freindlies. Can the data link be damaged in vehicles now or is it always on? With enemy contacts just a marker indicating type would do.  Would the engine be able to handle radar sharing for sams/aa ie have missile launcher seperate from radar vehicle or AWACS/EWR make friendly planes aware of enemy contacts, that the AI could handle/use? 

  13. My first a2a with blackwasp vs Shrika, well shrika turned tail flew to 15500m then both of us lost flight control. We both fell then regained control about 15000m after that i had him because AI is shit lol. My problem atm seem to be the A2A missiles dont like to lock on even with a solid radar lock. I love the planes speeds though this dogfight left me 30km+ away from where this initial contact was made, didnt even notice :) 

  14. Anyone else having trouble locking radar targets with blackwasp? It seems to work sometimes and not others, and weapon locking (AA) seems to be a bit sketchy too, sometimes i'll lock the target but the missile wont lock it when its in range, i have to cycle through my weapons and when i come back to A2A missiles it will usually start locking but not always. The new Opfor plane won't use AG weapons against SAMs it prefers its cannon lol. And A2A MR weapons  need to have their range increased slightly please , and the seeker heads on the 9X and AMRAAM D are way to prone to countermeasures. I also noticed in the Blackwasp cockpit that the weapon panel displays weapons that aren't even in the game(yet hopefully HARM SDB looking at you!)

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  15. 59 minutes ago, oukej said:

    Now that is a question :) In our current setup of PGMs the camera isn't purrfectly authentic on any asset. Initially we thought we'd have it just for AGMs. So... Bombs too? AAs? ;)

    I hate to say it but  please no. Agms you can say they have an IIR or other optical sensor with an uplink but gbus dont for the most part, gbu 15/130 would be an exemption as they are IIR seekers with an uplink for pilot/copilot terminal guidance. Very few missiles or pgms have a camera relay. Definitely not for AAMs SAMs or AT. But thats me i guess. 

    R3vo not being a dick but can i ask how the cam helps you more than the target pod? 

  16. All the Blackfish needs now is the man sensor and for the damn thing to stop doing strafing runs! This last one is the big one imho when it comes to these and AI in missions. While i can get it to work ok with the loiter wp it usually wont attack groups of people unless i somehow make the crew aware of them or it goes completely bat shit and starts strafing them, with no success because of the side firing guns. I would love to see the default behavior to be climb to say 300-500m and start to circle on its targets. Do this and the Armed Blackfish would be pretty much complete, well maybe increase indirect hit range on the 105mm and 40mm   would be nice too :) 

  17. 8 hours ago, oukej said:

    Any keybind ideas? :) Ideally coupled with a contextually similar but not conflicting. Light and col. lights come to mind, but those would conflict. Other ideas?

    Why not Lx2? or swap lights with Lx2 and have laser as L? As for crippling the AA  why not have A2 version with a "block 2" titan missile with a "new" motor, to increase its range and radar guidance to overcome the short range of IR version? That way no model changes needed and we have a slightly longer ranged AA? 

    25 minutes ago, dragon01 said:

    What do you mean "communicate"? I'm not sure what's the problem here. Can't you just say that in VR training or the manual? I don't think any indication of "if you fire now, the missile will lock later" will make sense. LOAL should be available on both LGBs and laser-guided missiles. In fact, marking a laser target seems redundant and somewhat silly to me (you already "mark" a target by pointing the laser at it. Why should it be needed to "lock on" to that?).



     Yeah this should be a thing for LGBs and a indicator shouldn't be necessary as long as you put it into the area where the laser is you should have a good chance of a hit. 

  18. I like the idea of having the laser bound to a key instead of scrolling through the weapons. No GBUs dont auto lock onto a laser spot, you have to target it and when in weapon constraints you get a lock. At least now lasertargets dont affect AI, in previous arma titles if you put a laserspot on a vehicle or in front the AI driving would see it as an  object and try to avoid it or completely stop.

    6 hours ago, Strike_NOR said:

    Slave to coordinate

    This would be a nice feature to have!

    And is it me or has the buzzards radar range been increased to 8km now? Cause holy shit AA units are really fucked now lol. Oukej can you explain how the neophron (in fact all jets and helis) is targeting AA vehicles from 9Km+ with skapels and macers (and DAGR from around 7.0km)? If RWR can't target without proper missiles/components whats gives? I understand that with RWR the AI becomes aware of the active radar but its still outside my draw distance (8.5km) so it shouldn't be from my visual/thermal sensors and no radar. If i play the same thing with radar off i can have the planes circling 5km above the AA  and neither party would be aware of each other lol.  And vehicle rwr warns of a launch straight away no matter the launch distances. Shouldnt be sitting in a vehicle and have smoke go off because some plane 8 clicks away just shot at me. 
