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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. You may use one thread for all of your lying down and shooting inquiries.
  2. The animation sources available depend on the unit type. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Model_Config#AnimationSources
  3. max power

    Jagged Alliance

    It kind of looks like it says 'Flushback'.
  4. max power

    Multiple Model problems!

    I think it's because you didn't binarize it.
  5. max power

    New AMD 13.4 and 13.5 (beta) drivers.

    I am not a graphics programmer therefore I do not read papers written about graphics programming ;) Our product was put out with these changes on max frame rate based on our internal testing and the information our graphics programmer studied on the subject, that's all I can tell you. I replied directly to the passage I found disrespectful. If you have any further questions or comments on this moderation, you may make it to me in PM. If you want me to reply to you, keep it friendly :) edit: I also think perhaps you are confusing me with an employee of Bohemia Interactive. I'm a volunteer here and I work for a different (completely unrelated) game studio. I'm not employed by Bohemia, I am not a representative (customer service or otherwise), and I have no insider information about their game development.
  6. max power

    Mission Music - Copyright infrigement?

    I am not so sure about this 'personal use' thing. And, if you put copyrighted music in a mission and give it to anyone, however, it is not for personal use. You are distributing copyrighted material.
  7. Thread closed due to ip rights complaint.
  8. max power

    Multiple Model problems!

    If all of the LODs have the proper animation named properties (different than named selections) then it might be a named selection problem, assuming your p3d is binarized.
  9. max power

    New AMD 13.4 and 13.5 (beta) drivers.

    I think you're thinking of a frame rate that is 60 for a while, then is 30 for a while. I'm talking about a constantly inconsistent high frame rate vs. a constantly consistent low one. At any rate, at work we were going for a constant 60 which we found wasn't achievable on low end devices. We found that once we lowered the max frame rate to 30, the user experience was much smoother. Our graphics programmer was telling me that this phenomenon is confirmed in technical papers. I'm getting tired of your flame baiting. Speak to me and other users respectfully or not at all. Consider yourself warned. There will be no further warnings without administrative action.
  10. max power

    FN Five Seven pistol (Need texturer)

    My advice would be to model and UV it, and get it working in game while you make a basic texture in photoshop. As you post WIP screens, you might have more people interested in contributing to the project, the closer it gets to completion.
  11. max power

    Multiple Model problems!

    Make sure all of your LODs have the proper named properties.
  12. We need a faq. It would have only one question in it... but I fear it would cut 90% of the traffic out of our threads. edit: No here's an idea! So we have this faq with the Redhammer question and answer on another site, right? And we put ads all over it to get some ad revenue! Monetize "Will there be Red Hammer?" FTW
  13. max power

    New AMD 13.4 and 13.5 (beta) drivers.

    This is true and it's actually something we found at work. 30 steady fps appears to perform a lot better than 60 fps that dumps frames.
  14. There you go :) http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/arma.RPT
  15. max power

    A hat problem...

    I think you would probably want to make a viewpilot LOD that's empty.
  16. max power

    Any chance for default melee weapons?

    Yeah, hold down 5 buttons and select from a menu to launch into a long, unbreakable animation that will play if there's an enemy in front of you or not.
  17. max power

    Mission Music - Copyright infrigement?

    It's procedural. Youtube recognizes the sound in your videos as it encodes them. AFAIK the YouTube monetization license for BI has to do with users monetizing their own videos. To me, agreeing to have ads in your video to cover using someone's music seems separate from making money off of arma but I'm not entirely sure how that is viewed legally.
  18. max power

    Mission Music - Copyright infrigement?

    I'm not sure what you mean by 'exclude recording artists'. I was saying that if the label doesn't want to be part of the music license, youtube will pull the audio of your video and make suggestions for alternate soundtracks. I was saying this in response to the claim that you will get in a lot of trouble. AFAIK, you don't get in a lot of trouble because they have a system for handling that. Regarding whether or not it's against BI's license, I don't know, The person who is posting the video isn't gaining anything, except being able to post a video with a song.
  19. max power

    Suggestion: new sytem for scope drift

    This. Hold breath stabilizes the scope for a short time and then the drift becomes larger and larger after than as the soldier gets tired.
  20. max power

    nohq vs. no ? (normalmaps)

    Well you definitely lose almost all of the subtle detail in the map but it's so fine I don't know if it would really read in game. Also depending on the size of your map, it's possible that someone without a superhuman videocard would not see the first mipmap of your textures anyway.
  21. max power

    Mission Music - Copyright infrigement?

    Actually, AFAIK, you just have to agree to run ads in your video in exchange. If the production company doesn't want in on that deal, then they just pull the audio of your video and suggest alternate soundtracks. Youtube is very reasonable about coming to some kind of compromise.
  22. max power

    Any chance for default melee weapons?

    Those kind of votes are always confounded by peoples' political views. At least, the discussions always turn very political. Well, a con is that I've never really played an FPS that had any kind of satisfying hand to hand combat system- even the ones that take place in some kind of fantasy setting where your primary weapons are hand to hand weapons! I would really rather they just leave out anything that sucks.
  23. max power

    Any chance for default melee weapons?

    Why are you amazed that people are unaware of that vote? I think most people are unaware of the tracker! Votes for features is always a bit odd because when you offer something for free, few people turn it down, even if they aren't really that interested in it.
  24. Interesting feedback on the rifles, Strelok. I shall take a look at what's causing this. Your other feedback is no doubt also interesting but I only know about weapons and things :)
  25. max power

    Public Apology to BIS

    And even then, why would competing companies hack some niche game, and what competitors are you referring to?