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max power

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Everything posted by max power

  1. max power

    Comanche missiles power

    According some calculations (yes, I did make calculations :man3: ) I made to help fill in the blanks of information on explosives for helping to make mods, an HEDP round with a diameter of 70mm should penetrate around 100mm of armour. The function I made is a dimensionless spaghetti equation that seems to spit out numbers that conform to the odd bit of 'published' rha penetration numbers.
  2. I'm sure they will get to tickets when they are able. I was looking over the contact info for the feedback tracker admins and it seems like they aren't posting information on how to get in touch with them. I think this is probably because they don't wish to be contacted. This forum is for users to share information about how arma 3 works, not about the internal affairs of the feedback tracker. If there is some kind of problem that we users should be aware of, I'm sure the feedback tracker admins will inform us. Closing.
  3. max power

    ArmA III is the last Arma

    BI team members have made statements about being tired of military games, etc. since after OFP, and yet here we are with the fourth game coming in PLUS other non simulation and non military game brands. I think usually what happens when you get tired of your job is you find another job. Or, perhaps in this case, you create a new job for yourself. Usually, a company doesn't alter course based on what the employees feel like. If Arma is profitable, I'm sure they can find people who are inspired by the title and the genre to work on it. I think the rumour that started this thread was already well squashed. If there is any truth to it, no facts have been presented. If facts become available, please pm a moderator to reopen the thread.
  4. max power

    Comanche missiles power

    I think that at least currently IRL, DAGR only uses the 17 lbs HEDP warhead, which would explain its lack of power vs. armour.
  5. Yes, that's correct. It is a problem we have had considerable resources on for years. Unfortunately, the more you tell the ArmA 2 AI to behave like flashpoint AI, the more they resist. If you're told to retreat and the AI wants to stay and get killed (such as in combined arms), sometimes you have to abandon your squad.
  6. Yes, I recall this being the case. I always found hiding behind the rock to be quite helpful.
  7. The information that Mattar_Tharkari linked to is a start, I suppose, even though it seems only to suggest a preference among pilots. I remember reading that the pilots sit in the front of the comanche a long time ago as well, but I can't remember where. It probably wasn't from the internets. ---------- Post added at 21:38 ---------- Previous post was at 21:35 ---------- In the past, BI hasn't made large data changes very often. Changing the arrangement of the crew in the comanche is not really a huge change but it's also not a tweak. It's possible that if they are happy the way it works now, no amount of information will be sufficient.
  8. max power

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    I think they probably design missions with a certain level of difficulty in mind. I think maybe that putting in the more complex flight model increases the difficulty of the missions quite a bit, especially only landings, especially if the frame rate really dives when you're landing in a crowded area like it does in Take On.
  9. I removed the link for safety.
  10. max power

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Sure, I can reopen it on a trial basis. Please report any rule infractions you see there though. It's very difficult to see who the 'repeat offenders' are when the thread is just a huge flamebash fest. If it starts going around in circles again it's closed for good until there's a statement from the developers worth discussing.
  11. Are you recruiting for CWR mod? :p
  12. I'm not really sure what you're asking.
  13. max power

    Missing 3D tank interiors

    If there is any significant news available on the topic, please inform me and I will reopen this discussion. For now we can see that many people deeply miss the 3d interiors for vehicles, but the devs have said that they are a significant art resource drain and they are currently not a priority.
  14. Please do not extract our files. Is there something we can help you with?
  15. It's possible the mission end conditions don't take into account the situation where the player has multiple team mates alive but the mission is failed. I'll make a note of this.
  16. Open the editor, double click on an area of the map, then choose from the drop down menus Bluefor Blue Air RAH-99 Blackfoot Player as Pilot
  17. I think that in any given situation you ought to go to where the waypoints are telling you to go... Did you have a further waypoint?
  18. The helicopters are included in the mission editor, but not in the missions. The missions remain unchanged. The Comanche is under the moniker 'RAH-99 Blackfoot'.
  19. max power

    Helicopter physics impressions - simplified

    I'm not sure what you want. In the past couple of pages there has been some official statements from DNA, and then there was a statement made to simhq from Jiri, and I think they also mentioned it in the e3 live streams. There have been numerous official statements and they are all saying no, at least for now.
  20. It doesn't really. Reference is always better than hearsay. Changing data like this is not something BI does very often so if you want to make a convincing case, I would provide as much information as possible.
  21. max power

    Invisible Model Through Glass

    If it happens on vanilla objects as well, the problem would be with the glass pane.
  22. Well, modern helicopters have missile launch sensors.
  23. max power

    Missing 3D tank interiors

    Since the developers have already said that this is not a priority, and it seems like there is nothing left to discuss, it sounds like this thread has run its course. Yes?
  24. max power

    Missing 3D tank interiors

    The developers already said point blank "no". He doesn't have to speak for them. ---------- Post added at 08:37 ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 ---------- SWArmA?