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Everything posted by massi

  1. Updated CIA-JSOC units Update: - Added CIA agents and Security operators - Added new facegear (balaclava, wrap, shemag) - Added new multicam camo - Added platecarriers variants - Added combat belt to platecarriers - Added winter camo Mk18-CQBR, Mk18-CQBR M203, HK MP7 - Added Remington 870 shotgun - Added new winter backpack with ski and snowshoes - Added HALO-HAHO mask - Added undercover clothes - Improved models and textures of vest and helmets https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=680335535 JSOC storm a compound in Tanoa JSOC combined insertion on target JSOC extraction after a raid on Tirsk CIA SAD operator ambush terrorist cell in Rhamadi CIA black ops brief before HALO insertion CIA HQ on Altis Regards
  2. Updated CIA-JSOC units Update: - Added CIA agents and Security operators - Added new facegear (balaclava, wrap, shemag) - Added new multicam camo - Added platecarriers variants - Added combat belt to platecarriers - Added winter camo Mk18-CQBR, Mk18-CQBR M203, HK MP7 - Added Remington 870 shotgun - Added new winter backpack with ski and snowshoes - Added HALO-HAHO mask - Added undercover clothes - Improved models and textures of vest and helmets https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=680335535 JSOC storm a compound in Tanoa JSOC combined insertion on target JSOC extraction after a raid on Tirsk CIA SAD operator ambush terrorist cell in Rhamadi CIA black ops brief before HALO insertion CIA HQ on Altis Regards
  3. German SOF in action: addons used: German SOF units Direone Combat/Relax poses, Polpox Artwork supporter Altis, Chernarus winter(CUP), Takistan(CUP)
  4. Updated German SOF units Update: - Added new facegear (balaclava, wrap, shemag) - Added new multicam camo - Added platecarriers variants - Added combat belt to platecarriers - Added winter camo G36C, G36C M203 and HK-417 - Added Benelli shotgun - Added new winter backpack with ski and snowshoes - Added HALO-HAHO mask - Improved models and textures of vest and helmets https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1152857794 Regards
  5. French SOF and Foreign Legion in action: addons used: French SOF units Direone Combat/Relax poses, Polpox Artwork supporter Altis, Everon(CUP), Takistan(CUP), Tirsk Winter
  6. Updated French SOF and Foreign Legion units Update: - Added new facegear (balaclava, wrap, shemag) - Added new multicam camo - Added platecarriers variants - Added combat belt to platecarriers - Added winter camo HK416-417 versions - Added Benelli shotgun - Added new winter backpack with ski and snowshoes - Added HALO-HAHO mask - Improved models and textures of vest and helmets - Added Desert Foreign Legion units https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1162059703 Regards
  7. Israel Defense Forces in action: Middle East Opfor in action: addons used: IDF units Direone Combat/Relax poses, Polpox Artwork supporter Altis
  8. Updated Israel Defense Forces and Middle East Opfor Update: - Added full set of retextured vehicles (complete factions), including Tanks, trucks, APCs, soft vehicles, planes, statics, choppers, boats. - Added new facegear including balaclavas, scarfs and shemagh - Added new vest and body armor - Added combat belt to platecarriers - Improved helmet models - Added new Airframe helmets - Added Unit's insignia - Added Benelli M4 shotgun - Added HALO-HAHO mask - Added rebreather with armor and load capacity - Added divers with survival uniforms and helmets - Added new PVS 15 Nvg model - Fixed armor and load values of platecarriers, uniforms, helmets(now similar to BI/RHS values) - Fixed Stinger aimpoint - Fixed Javelin not locking with ACE3 - Fixed Underwater CTAR not firing with ACE3 - Updated units loadout https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1664489220 OPFOR Regards
  9. massi

    Italian Army units

    Updated Italian Armed Forces Update: - CAS plane renamed to M-346 AF Master, now using NATO ordenance - Fixed vehicle loadout https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1658597841 Cheers
  10. massi

    US Navy Units

    Updated US Navy units Update: - Added more color variants for deck crews (added whithe, brown, purple, yellow) - Added retxtured Navy HH80 GhostHawk and CH Huron - Updated NWU Type 3 camouflage https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2069145773
  11. Italian Armed Forces in action: addons used: Italian Army units forum here: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/221916-italian-army-units/ Direone Combat/Relax poses, Polpox Artwork supporter Chernarus(CUP), Takistan(CUP), Tirsk winter, Saharani(CUP)
  12. massi

    Italian Army units

    Updated Italian Armed Forces units Update: - Added new Alpini headgear - Added new Bersaglieri headgear - Added Navy units - Added Carabinieri units - Added Airforce units - Added full set of retextured vehicles (complete factions) both woodland and desert, including Tanks, trucks, APCs, soft vehicles, planes, choppers, boats. - Added some winter, UN and Carabinieri retextured vehicles - Added new ARX 160 model - Added new helmets - Added new facegear including scarfs and shemagh - Added new vest and body armor - Updated units loadout - Added new winter backpack with ski and snowshoes - Fixed Javelin not locking with ACE3 - Fixed Stinger aimpoint - Added Unit's insignia https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1658597841 Regards
  13. massi

    US Navy Units

    Hi TeTeT, sure , I'll add them in next update Cheers massi
  14. Australian SOF in action: addons used: Australian SOF units Direone Combat/Relax poses Tanoa, Takistan(CUP), Tirsk winter, Utes(CUP)
  15. Updated Australian SOF Units Update: - Added new facegear (balaclava, wrap, shemag) - Added new multicam camo - Added platecarriers variants - Added combat belt to platecarriers - Added winter camo M4A1s versions - Added R870 shotgun - Added AUG EF88 and EF88 M203 - Added M110 SASS sniper rifle(black, camo, winter) - Adde new beard model - Updated units loadout - Added new winter backpack with ski and snowshoes - Added HALO-HAHO mask - Improved models and textures of vest and helmets https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1655157508 Regards
  16. massi

    US Navy Units

    few more pics: Pre-flight brief Medical evac Carrier ceremony SWCC hot extraction Navy EOD team Submarine crews salute cheers
  17. US Navy in action: Pre-flight brief Medical evac Carrier ceremony SWCC hot extraction Navy EOD team Submarine crews salute addons used: US Navy units forum here Direone Combat/Relax poses Tanoa
  18. Updated UK SOF Units Update: - Added MTP winter camo
  19. Belgian SOF deployed addons used: Belgian SOF units Direone Combat/Relax poses Terrains Utes(CUP), Takistan Mountain(CUP), Tirsk winter
  20. Belgian SOF Units Description: This addon provide Belgian SOF units to BLUFOR side; It adds several new camouflage for uniforms plus custom opscore helmets and platecarriers in order to represent Belgian SOF units in following factions: - SOF(multi): for every kind of environment from desert to temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(woodland): for temperate and wooden areas. - SOF(desert): for arid and desert environments. - SOF(arctic): for snow and arctic environments. - SOF(CT): tan uniforms and kits for CT/HR ops. - SOF(Special troops): CBRN operator and combat suit operator. - SOF(Paras): equipped with parachutes ready to be deployed fom the sky. - SOF(Divers): divers units ready to be deployed fom the sea. - SOF(Snipers): sniper and spotter in ghillie suit. I used web sources for references. Features: - Units are equipped with custom SCAR-L, SCAR-H, retextured FN P90, FN F2000, machineguns and launchers, so no other addons are required. - Units are equipped with custom FN FiveSeven pistols. - Units are equipped with custom opscore helmets, headgear, platecarriers, uniforms. - Weapons are compatible with CBA and all third party's optics/accessories compatible with CBA, even if CBA is not a requirement for this addon. - Each camo class has its own faction now (Alive will spawn units with same camo now). - Custom facegear like googles, gasmask and beard. - Paras and Divers units already equipped with parachutes and diver gear respectively. - There are 2 weapon boxes containing all weapons/ammo and custom gear/equipment. - Wide variety of groups in the editor. - Uniforms, headgear, weapons and equipment can be placed on the ground in 3d editor now. - Preview pictures in the editor. - Custom flags and markers. - Classlist included in folder. - Compatible with Alive,Eden Editor, Zeus, ACE, and all other mods. - Reduced addon size, improved cfg, improved models and textures and removed dependencies from other addons. Requirements. - Arma3 with Marksman and Apex DLC. - No addons required. Bugs. Not so far. DL Link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2061703256 Pictures Best Regards
  21. Hi I missed that , thanks a lot for reporting 😉. I've already reuploaded a fixed version with proper reload animation for: US SOC Units UK SOF Units Italian SOF Units Regards
  22. Updated Italian SOF units: Update: -Hotfix config Regards
  23. Thanks a lot 😃 Updated US SOC units Update: - Added M110 SASS sniper rifles - Hotfix config regards
  24. Updated Norwegian SOF Units Update: - Added new facegear (balaclava, wrap, shemag) - Added new multicam camo - Added platecarriers variants - Added combat belt to platecarriers - Added winter camo HK416-417s versions - Added R870 shotgun - Added retextured TI suite (winter, wood, CQB) - Added Airframe helmets - Added Mich helmets - Added new PVS 15 Nvg model - Adde new beard model - Added HK MP5SD6 - Added HK MP7 - Added rebreather with armor and load capacity - Added divers with survival uniforms and helmets - Added Unit's insignia - Fixed armor and load values of platecarriers, uniforms, helmets ( now similar to BI/RHS values) - Fixed Stinger aimpoint - Fixed Javelin not locking with ACE3 - Fixed Underwater HK416 not firing with ACE3 - Updated units loadout - Added new winter backpack with ski and snowshoes - Added HALO-HAHO mask - Improved models and textures of vest and helmets https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1654680843 Regards
  25. UK SOF deployed addons used: UK SOF units Direone Combat/Relax poses Terrains Cernarus(CUP), Takistan (CUP), Tirsk winter