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Everything posted by klamacz

  1. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    AI accuracy is dependent on aiming skill, weapon config, but also recoil and fatigue. Additionally on dev branch, they have new aiming error implemented, which is based on recent activities (moving, turning etc).
  2. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    AI ignoring small animals, but avoiding bigger ones, is as designed. It's the best compromise between gameplay and weird, unnatural and unrealistic driving over everything. As for rocks, soon AI will be able to reverse and unstuck themselves from them :)
  3. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I was personally against pushing recent AI changes to release for many reasons, mostly connected with amount of possible issues and importance of the change. Thanks to your feedback and lots of internal testing, those changes will soon be available in stable version, I'm sure. Meanwhile Just checked it on my side, I can see no issue here. Repro mission would be nice
  4. Interesting. Could you please, check if he reports enemy vehicle in the same way when you all spawn in 'Real start position'? In any case this looks like a bug and I invite you to use feedback tracker to report it, preferably with repro mission.
  5. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Hi again. Today's changes in AI: Prone rotation speed was improved. Yes, it was kind too slow, now it's two times faster. Feel free to comment on the change. High skilled soldiers had a problems with hitting targets on medium ranges (100-300 metres). They should be more accurate now, for example 1.0 skilled soldier on Elite difficulty should be deadly accurate.
  6. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    @Cthulhu616: This sounds great already ;) Just please keep it enjoyable for players as well, then we will have both informations, statistical and subjective feelings.
  7. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Could you, please, distinguish bug reports from complains about development strategy? I would be interested in repro steps and mission for the lack of accuracy you are describing but I don't have enough politeness to respond to other parts of your post.
  8. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Shooting range with lanes and random targets. AI soldiers with different skills and player. Spawn 10 targets on each lane and gather time and accuracy results so players can compare themself to AI but also will give good overview if artificial behave more natural. Just an idea though, I like what Gammadust is doing but that's a bit different purpose
  9. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Any talented mission maker to make a shooting range, where players could play against the AI? Having such scenario could help with gathering data and also would give more players the possibility to see recent changes and gives the feedback.
  10. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Guys, please note that AI accuracy was revamped recently. If you see any issues like hitting ground instead of target in some obvious situations remember about providing repro mission. Also, you can encounter less accurate AI enemies, this is part of designed change and is supposed to make them less deadly as after other fixes (ballistic and rotation) they started to be god-like deadly. So, please put your feedback about their shooting abilities but take into account their skill, difficulty settings and general situation. For example, I consider myself veteran so I made them behave acceptable for me on veteran setting. Elite difficulty is a bit too deadly for me ;)
  11. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    didn't went in yet
  12. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    It's difficult topic, there are many scenarios when you wouldn't want them to use empty vehicles and many when you would. That's why it's up to mission maker to setup the triggers/waypoints in a way that makes sense for actual situation.
  13. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    @Azzur33 and @afp: what average framerate you had during those tests, what was the distance between you and enemy squad? Thanks for info
  14. klamacz

    Game Developer Harassement Article

    I suppose we are lucky to have more adult community, than COD devs for example.
  15. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    consider it fixed.
  16. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I just checked the airport tower on Stratis and AI had no problems with moving on staircases. Could you, please, point me to the building where you encountered the issue?
  17. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Today's changes All AI which uses some sort of bullets (including tank shells and grenades) are now able to lead moving targets better. This ability is still limited by weapon config (max lead speed) and skill of AI. Typical testcases are: running perpendicular to AI, evading Irfit GMG firing from 500m etc. Have fun :) Accuracy of AI shooting unguided rockets was improved, now they should be able to lead moving targets whatever is the direction of movement. Please be careful though, RPG missile had some config problems last time I checked. There was a problem reported about AI gunner in Comanche or Kayman unable to hit static infantry (overshooting). This was fixed.
  18. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    could you, please, be more specific, what's exactly not-playable?
  19. you have any repro? I just checked on my side and it seems ok. HE, AP and MG hits exactly where I want. or at least screenshot so we understand the "heavily misaligned" in same way :)
  20. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Hello, my beloved victims to deadly AI. In latest dev branch update: AI soldier is now able to consider and control the recoil of the weapon. This ability is dependent on the skill, less skilled soldiers will tend to control it less, where elite soldier (skill 1.0) should control it all the time. Behaviour is clearly visible on short distance, when AI is standing and his recoil makes most of the shots to go over target's head. Now the speed of movement and fatigue (breathing effect) makes you more loud and more hearable by AI.
  21. klamacz

    Close Air Support - Day 1

    waiting for this impatiently :)
  22. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Today's changes for AI (the rest are coming) Will make AI more capable of hitting targets with unguided rockets (RPG, NLAW but also FFAR's). There was mathematical accuracy problem which made AI aim at wrong point. This being fixed, actual accuracy of AI still depends on his skill.
  23. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Good report. If possible, please attach example mission. Makes fixing a bit faster :) thanks
  24. We are removing bugs, it should be negative number.
  25. klamacz

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Yes, it's supposed to. This is still right, due to the recoil. For us, it would be best to keep the discussion and feedback about actual changes done. This way we can actually confirm the effect of changes done in many test-cases. We have enough sources for bug-reports and suggestions already.