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h -

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Everything posted by h -

  1. h -

    Far Cry 4

    Same here. I almost mashed my keyboard to bits after at least 3 retries until I decided to try go very slow and crawly.. Really doubt an eagle would attack grown human unless the person was violating it's nest or something. AFAIK there has once existed an eagle that was prone on attacking humans though but it's long extinct.
  2. h -

    Far Cry 4

    lol, yeah, that first encounter with the hunters is really annoying. But you just have to sneak for it to be easier. It gives some sort of satisfaction after killing one with a bow headshot as he's own wolf comes up and starts to chew on the body... The eagles are f'ing infuriating though, not the smartest ideas ever to add those..
  3. Couldn't find anything at OFPEC either. News items go back only to 2006 (the first big site crash) so that's something like 3 years too young I guess.
  4. Strange times. The CTD problem disappeared suddenly, probably was something wrong with my PC after all, or something Well, whatever, at least I can play onwards now..
  5. Does anyone else suffer constant CTD's with this campaign in the third mission (Occupation)?? It started with the earlier version when cleaning the first objective (Meaux was it?), now with this version I can get past that but later on the CTDs start again (after cleaned the eastern resistance forest hideout) and after the CTDs start re-starting the game allows me to only play like 2 minutes before a new CTD.. I have verified game cache a few times now, played vanilla content etc. and the only conclusion I have is that either there's some weird problem with the campaign or there's some problem with CWR2 Everon, or the fact that I'm on 1.63 version of the game..
  6. Resistance comes with the CWR2 mod...
  7. Huh? Way to go.. Besides, there's a lot of commands that should be added, not removed..
  8. No modder can access the engine itself so such mods not possible.
  9. h -

    play withSix and awesomium

    Even though off-topic thread, awesomium_process is this: http://www.awesomium.com/ Can be found in many gamelaunchers and is part of their functionality, so if there's tons of them running it's either a windows hickup or problem with PWS itself. I never saw more than 2 running simultaneously myself.
  10. h -

    Fatigue indicator poll

    Don't really get why a stamina/fatigue indicator could not be added, just make it toggleable in the difficulty settings, maybe even 'disabled' by default, and vòila; people who want one can use it and people who don't don't use it. Very simple and doesn't need arguing back and fro for pages on end :p
  11. :D Awesome. What's next, working particle accelerator in Arma? Would beat the working hardrive in Minecraft..:p
  12. Wholeheartedly agree with OP. While in contact the AI should also stop running accross my LOF, or if they do at least let me know they're about to, slightly annoying when you've just got a bead on enemy and fire on that same moment some AI team mate runs in front of you and catches the bullet instead. That hen comparison is quite accurate, a headless hen.. I really really hope that at least with the upcoming expansion BIS would finally go and try to re-set and re-teach the AI brain.
  13. h -

    ArmA is the game that changed my life

    If it wasn't for OFP I would most likely be dead. Another growing addiction changed into OFP addiction which changed my life because it chased away the bad influence around me as I rather play OFP than do anything else. It was the demo that got me hooked: Hide? - Fight? - Surrender? - Your call God damn that gives chills even today :p After that it was just massive horrendous impatience waiting the game to come out. The bad thing was that I had absolutely no money to buy it so I convinced a friend of mine from whom I got the demo (was on some PC mag's disc) to buy the game although he hated the demo. Eventually when the game came out he bought it and did play and even enjoy it a bit but was too busy to play so thankfully he loaned the game to me and I played it religously although my PC was so old and crappy it should not even have ran the game (FPS was mainly about 10) but even if it ran like shit I absolutely loved it. Discovered Lystypooh's site (that soon became OFPEC) and this place but didn't register anywhere for over a year or so. The only internet access I had was at a library, the PC's there had no CD-R capabilities, only floppies (so imagine the amount of floppies I had to carry for downloading patches etc. :p ). Read that Red Hammer was coming out so I started trying to save money so I could buy my own game and Red Hammer, and not keep loaning the game all the time from my friend. It was only after the Gold Edition came out that I had enough money saved so I bought that from a bookstore that for some reason always had a selection of newest PC games. Still have that on my shelve. After that there has not been many days in a year that I have not fired up one of the Arma games (SP, I don't do MP). Until now as I recently suffered a hand injury preventing me from doing pretty much anything. I'm hopefull though that some day I'm able to play these games again.
  14. h -

    Is OFPEC.com Down?

    What's your problem? Just explained why such a error message was there, but I guess I should just have been a cunt about it then..
  15. h -

    Is OFPEC.com Down?

    Didn't care to read the last post before replying? :p We're in the middle of moving the site to a new host (well, it is already on the new host but work still continues) so OFPEC is gonna be off-line for a while, and error messages like that are likely to pop-up. Or the whole site may pop-up suddenly and be gone again.. :( I'll get this thing sorted as soon as we get the site back up and running. If nothing happens after we're up again just contact me.
  16. Since this thing is supposed to be done on mission basis BIS should add a module for setting all the different difficulty settings available via scripting (for synced units/groups), it's a wee bit tedious having to do this unit by unit, especially if you want to go 'deep' with the settings..
  17. Re-doing the same stuff all over again doesn't interest one bit (we already did that when migrating from OFP to A1), A1 to A3 is quite a big gap so everything would have to be started from scratch, again. We're "celebrating" our 10th anniversary this year, with nothing to show for it... Of course nothing is decided 100% yet.
  18. That has in fact crossed our minds.
  19. The same crawl is still there, albeit even slower. This thing has dragged on way too long so motivation has been at zero for a while now...
  20. Yes, but not on someone elses PC. For example if you want to have completely customized AI skill in a mission you can do it via scripting with the setSkill array, but that obviously doesn't play out the same way if when devving the mission I use skill and precision 1 and someone playing the mission uses 0.3 (I'm talking about SP missions).. To have it so that the parts you want to be difficult in a mission stay difficult regardless of the player's profile settings one needs the skill and precision values so that the values changed with the skill array command can be scaled upwards the lower the skill and precision go. Or am I just overthinking this.. :p
  21. @oukej You guys should introduce scripting commands that return those skillAI and precisionAI values. Would be handy if one really wants to customize their AI skills in a mission..
  22. 'Status Quo' runs at about 5 FPS for me (not measured, very laggy anyway). I had no FPS problems that would have bothered me in any other mission in any of the episodes..
  23. There is some hinky going on, for example on Stratis object ID 51116 has now changed into 67140282..
  24. Other than the above campaign quality was good, it was maybe a tad short I guess. Some minor clitches like the already mention @STR_blahblah instead of the speaker name in sideradios in some of the missions.