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Everything posted by hcpookie

  1. hcpookie

    Pook UGV Pack

    Update! FIX: Popup error when placing MRK-27 FIX: Numerous damage texture issues FIX: MAARS M240 model floating above the ground
  2. hcpookie

    Dune Buggies - M1161 and FAV

    I can't get the damn wheels to behave properly. Compared to CUP hummer configs, even copy/pasted mem points. Nothing is working. No idea how to fix it. So they will remain "floating" for now.
  3. Includes the M1161 "Growler" (port from my A2 mod) and a brand-new Chenowth-style dune buggy "FAV" (Fast Attack Vehicle) in several versions. Also includes a Civ dune buggy in nice fruit flavors :) It is REQUIRED to hum the A-Team song when you're driving them around! These are a blast to drive and play with... hope you enjoy! Posted to Steam as well as my OneDrive! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2226283782 https://onedrive.live.com/?id=5B54FC51A7917265!159108&cid=5B54FC51A7917265
  4. hcpookie

    Dune Buggies - M1161 and FAV

    So, the FAV's. Noted.
  5. hcpookie

    Dune Buggies - M1161 and FAV

    sorry which vehicle has the wheel problem?
  6. I guess some people don't even look to see what is in the mod. Half of those things are already in the mod; the other half would require way too much time to model and will not be added. Edit to add - sorry if this comes across as being 'salty' but I simply have no time to expand things in such a broad spectrum. Many of the "wish list" assets would not even be feasible in the Arma platform.
  7. hcpookie

    Dune Buggies - M1161 and FAV

    Update time! Also, just a status report on the fuel cans. We have been testing them in MP missions on a dedicated server and they work great! Opening inventory BEFORE putting them in your pack is the key to using them due to "because Arma" behavior. Items updated FIX: Missing HUD elements FIX: FAV passenger FFV standup behavior FIX: Chenoweth DPV gunner sight picture NEW: Working M-136 ATGM launchers on Chenoweth DPV (as per RL vehicles) NEW: Chenoweth DPV vehicles for CUP BLUFOR factions
  8. You can count me out of that! The conversion to physx alone sapped my will to mod and frankly I don't plan to convert anything yet again.
  9. Update! FIX: Invincible crew in SX-2190 trucks
  10. Final update for a while - IMPROVED: Type-22 missile boat YJ-83 missile launch placement FIX: ZUBR idle engine sound reduction FIX: Type-22 missile boat YJ-83 ASM missile behavior FIX: Missing missile and rocket sounds for ZUBR LCAC and Type-22 missile boat ordnance
  11. Final update for the day - a big one for some: FIX: Mi-171, Z-20 AI pilot flight behavior
  12. More updating to the updates! FIX: Obstructed driver view in QN-506 FIX: Z-19 popup error for AA loadout selection FIX: Missing radar sensors on anti-aircraft systems FIX: Gunner clipping in models on anti-aircraft systems FIX: HJ-12 ATGM model clipping in first-person view FIX: Removed QBZ-191 references IMPROVED: QN-506 internal sound levels reduced to accommodate ACE ear ringing behavior NEW: Missile launch position fix for ADS units
  13. hcpookie

    co10 Escape

    We did some more testing, and turns out the civ boats ARE appearing in-game as we expected. So that suggests that my boat problem has to do with faction-sided boats... I'm going to convert them all to CIV boats and see what happens.
  14. Update: IMPROVED: Reduced armor values for some APCs IMPROVED: Reduced recoil for APC main gun ammo types to reduce flipping IMPROVED: Increased PTL-02 and PLL-05 cargo capacity from 2 to 3 FIX: SM4 camo selection errors FIX: EQ2050 camo selection errors FIX: EQ2050 Recon units turned on motors FIX: EQ2050 seats unable to be occupied FIX: Minor editor UI errors FIX: APC damage texture errors FIX: PTL-02 cargo FFV errors FIX: WZ551 family glass face errors
  15. hcpookie

    Dune Buggies - M1161 and FAV

    IMPROVED: Reduced M1161 windshield reflections NEW: Removable fuel can for use with other vehicles. When the fuel can is on the ground, use the inventory to add the action, then load it in your gear (usually your backpack). Then you can use your fuel can to refuel any vehicle in the mission.
  16. hcpookie

    Battle Bus

    The MAGIC BUS! Sing it together now... "too much, the magic bus!" LOL Download here: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=5B54FC51A7917265!27049&cid=5B54FC51A7917265 THIS ADDON REQUIRES CUP! ... not any more! THIS ADDON REQUIRES CUP! THIS ADDON REQUIRES CUP! Version : 2.0 date: 10/6/2021 Initial Release Date: 1/29/2016 ====================== DESCRIPTION : ====================== This addon provides the BATTLE BUS! Drive your way through the apocalypse in style. Complete with front battle ram capable of ramming many roadblocks and medium-sized vehicles, trees, and other squishy things. Armor-plating over wheels, 13 fire-from-vehicle cargo positions, and front-mounted PKM. Walkable roof with barbed wire fencing. Random MP-synched colors on init, consisting of red, blue, green, yellow, and purple. Found in FIA factions for all three sides ============== CHANGELOG: ============== v2: 10/6/2021 - Steam-based publication; improved armor, animated plow, new (random) camo colors. v1.2: 1/29/2016 - Improved armor. v1.1: 1/28/2016 - Addition of rear PKM turret - Skulls... animate hide - normally "unhidden". To HIDE the skulls: this animate ["skulls", 1]; v1.0: 1/27/2016 - Initial release ====================== INSTALLATION : ====================== Contents: \@POOK\POOK_v2.bikey \@POOK\pook_battlebus_readme.txt \@POOK\Addons\pook_battlebus.pbo \@POOK\Addons\pook_battlebus.pbo.POOK_v2.bisign ============================ DISCLAIMER / RESTRICTIONS : ============================ - New models based on Arma1/Arma2 sample models; therefore you are bound by the sample model EULA restrictions. - This mod is ONLY for use with BIS games! - You are free to enjoy it in its original form in accordance with the BIS EULA! - No one may charge for, or receive financial compensation for use of, or access to, any part of this addon in any way or form, including "perk"-based access, and especially no use is permitted on "life" servers. Use must be free for all! This includes the use of the MLOD's to create additional content. I will not be making versions for other factions! So the answer is "NO" 😄
  17. hcpookie

    Battle Bus

    FIX: Distance shadow errors
  18. Question on addaction. I am attempting to addaction to the Inventory Laptop... the "Laptop (Open)" item that can be loaded in inventory. I can add it no problem. The PROBLEM is that, if I load it into my backpack, then unload it, the action item is no longer present. Specifics For Example: - I addaction my known good ARTY mod "artymission" action in the editor to the "Laptop (Open)" object. - Then enter the mission. The action is present when I walk up to the laptop. - I put the laptop in my backpack - I remove the laptop from my backpack - The added action is no longer present! I can repeat this missing action item even if I add a custom config to it with a "class useractions" action item, so this is not just an editor issue. It makes no difference HOW I add the action... the custom laptop with the config-based action works as expected when entering the mission and walking up to the laptop. Once again, I put the (now custom) laptop into my backpack, then put it back on the ground, and PRESTO the action is missing! No mater what, the action is removed/hidden/missing/whatever when I remove the item from inventory back into the mission. So my question is, whether there is a way to preserve or otherwise reset the action to be present after the inventory item is removed from inventory? Or perhaps is there a special class of object that retains actions?
  19. I'm open to suggestions on that - I've tried INIT EH as well as the ContainerOpened and ContainerClosed event handlers. Nothing persists once the inventory item is removed. I am *assuming* the item's INIT EH will be launched when the item is removed from inventory, but that does not appear to be the case. And the containerOpen and Closed EH's follow the same behaviors - they only work before the item is put into inventory.
  20. hcpookie

    Battle Bus

    Update! IMPROVED: Increased engine power FIX: Invincible front gunner
  21. hcpookie

    co10 Escape

    Question on customizing missions. The MSKE missions have numerous boats placed around the islands. I wanted to find out how to place more and have them remain after INIT. I suspected the "cleanupTerrain" function was deleting them, but that does not seem to be the case. Could you please describe how to disable any "cleanup" that happens at init so my extra boat placements will remain?
  22. hcpookie

    Dune Buggies - M1161 and FAV

    Update! FIX: FAV M2 missing turret spotlights IMPROVED: FAV tire armor values NEW: Chenowth DPV LRPV for BLUFOR DPV donated by Emery & Randy Stratton (as seen in Arma 2)
  23. Update! IMPROVED: Now using PVS-7 NVG goggles IMPROVED: T91 animations IMPROVED: Insignia (flag) patch graphic NEW: SMAW AT Soldiers NEW: Multicam soldiers (under category "Men") NEW: Multicam headgear + combined radios (boonie hat, cap, helmet) NEW: Ballistic Mask NEW: Ballistic Shield w/Chinese "police" markings (I think!) NEW: Urban "Delta" soldier w/ new ballistic gear
  24. Can't find a way to report them any more... lots of viagra spam posts in different languages...
  25. Small update: IMPROVED: Z9 helicopter armor now matches standard light heli values IMPROVED: FN6 AA missile damage values IMPROVED: Static ATGM launcher glass reflections IMPROVED: CSK-181 offroad handling FIX: HJ-73 static ATGM gunner invincible