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Everything posted by firewill

  1. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    i'll looking into it and disable pip for mirror when folded.. if possible. btw, that's really nice increased pip distance!
  2. Hunter GPK System updated in first page Alpha 0.1 - Turret type 3 added - M240 turret added - attributes added - hunter gpk loadout dialog added(initial ver) - ammo logistics(see the LOGISTICS) many things has changed, so read the readme file carefully.
  3. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    it is good A-10 tutorial video by runy888, maybe you can find something didn't know before see this video!
  4. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    yeah, so already volume was little down. and i wish BIS bring back the gun sound or sound effect for internal view.
  5. - new weapon : M240 - turret 1 with Camo net
  6. yes, i have plan for make more kit type and more weapons!
  7. maybe include for future process. - Hunter GPK can change the various turret type(m2,mk19,tow) - player can input the magazines for each turret in hunter inventory. - turret can get magazine & load from parent vehicle(attached)
  8. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    (TCS for F-14A/B is currently under Overhaul) today i'm back in the home after short trip in Tsushima Island(japan) anyway here's new video of tomcat take off/ landing with USS Freedom. each skin is not just simple "skin". each skin have own Block, variation, Engine code data and third-party skin support for ADES(Aircraft Decoration Extended System) that's why keep the long list. Iranian F-14A(AM) pack is planned. maybe will third or fourth skin pack for F-14 series.
  9. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    that's my custom font addon for personal usage. font type is "KOverwatch" below link is might be help for create the own font addon
  10. firewill

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    F-14A/B/D Dynamic Loadout and minor thing added.(For F-14A late and F-14B)
  11. maybe you can find in unsung 3 mod because i saw the photo of that in unsung.
  12. sensor range is can be customize. and will update after jet dlc release.
  13. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    beta 6 is will be update after jet dlc release.
  14. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    as you see the video, you can find never scroll the wheel when change the zoom and display mode because using the custom action key.
  15. that skin is custom group skin i guess. because not made from me.
  16. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    (DTV mode is using Full color again because fix the NV mode) more improved TGP display function test can toggle zoom and display mode 3 types of zoom : Wide/Medium/Narrow 4 types of display mode : DTV(Full-color) / Night / FLIR BHOT and WHOT summary of research 1. old TGP screen function(A-10C BETA used) : unstable(mean buggy, expect error message) / can't change zoom and display mode 2. driver cam custom info : very stable / can change zoom and display mode / only can activate when driver cam custom info is open. 3. pre-defined rendertarget class : very stable / easier to set-up / can't change zoom and display mode during research(maybe because pre-define?) 4. new function in above videos : stable / can change zoom and display mode / no need to open the driver cam custom info / limitation of loop, display have refresh time(and with pip lag.)
  17. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    compare the before work, now plane can display the TGP screen without custom info display but doesn't follow pilotcamera zoom and optic mode.
  18. thanks the kind word :-) F-23A(former YF-23) is based on YF-23, however will have heavily modification with some fiction
  19. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    TGP Selfie and don't forget receive the free GBU-31 gift on selfie location
  20. turret path parameter is doesn't work with setpylonloadout command or something i did wrong? vehicle setPylonLoadOut [pylonID, magazine name, forced = false, turret path = []]; i'm trying that command like vehicle player setPylonLoadOut [5, "FIR_GBU38_P_1rnd_M",false,[0]]; but doesn't work because pilot keep handle GBU-38, not a gunner.
  21. firewill

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    F-15E Dynamic Loadout other feature list for upcoming update after jet dlc - F-15E is can select Targeting pod in attribute menu and loadout dialog (Lantirn / SniperXR/ LITENING / NO TGP and NAV Pod) - new equipment : LEGION IRST Pod - sensor update original F-15C/D : Act-RDR only original F-15E : Act-RDR / limited IR,Laser and Visual sensor range F-15C/D/E with LEGION / F-15J IRST / F-15K with Tiger eye : increase the IR sensor range - Armament control(F-15E / air-to-ground weapon only) currently, F-15E WSO operate the laser designator only, due to several reason about pilot-gunner issue(if WSO is gunner, pilot can't use air-to-air missile without WSO). however thanks the new pylon system, now each pylon can define "what turret have control this pylon?", mean WSO can operate Air-To-Ground weapons. but pilot can't use "manual fire" action in this situation, so i've made new Armament control system for Solo play. when press "switch arms control" action, Pilot will take over control of WSO's weapons. and of course can vice versa.(pilot -> WSO)
  22. firewill

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    dynamic loadout for F-15C/D(E is working on) 18th Operations Group(44th FS/67th FS)
  23. because in eden, normal F-16D doesn't have cft skin but CFT is not hide in that situation. its will fix when next update. APKWS is will available for my F-16,AV-8B.(A-10 is already use)
  24. firewill

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    hardpoint no.6(center) is currently unavailable for weapon.