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About Komodo-1

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  1. Komodo-1

    [SP] HIVE Battle Generator A3

    ok, i thought the mission was a showcase of the module (thought you changed the script to a module that can used in the editor) but instead you used the script and made it into a mission, got it
  2. Komodo-1

    [SP] HIVE Battle Generator A3

    hi Kosmo, can u provide details as to how to use the mod to create battles that the player can engage in? is it now modules based as opposed to script? ty and looking forward to using this
  3. Komodo-1

    HIVE_AI A3

    with a mod/module you can set the options using it ingame and maybe support custom factions if that's possible using synching
  4. Komodo-1

    HIVE_AI A3

    is it compatible with all faction mods like CUP/RHS/cDLCs etc?
  5. Komodo-1

    HIVE_AI A3

    nice one, will try it out any chance of this being made into a mod? ty
  6. Komodo-1

    Drone Grenadier Script

    1000% mos def will
  7. Komodo-1

    Drone Grenadier Script

    Amazing stuff GS and RYD, u 2 really are the MVP script makers of arma ty
  8. epic stuff G ty
  9. hi thy, thank you for the reply. Yeah sqf scripting isn't my strong suite lol Thank you for the scripts, amazing stuff
  10. hi jb, no worries. I think i got it to work using SOG PF Restrict Ambient Voices Module. Apparently it actually does the opposite of what the module states when using a marker. All units under the set marker and unit variables will NOT talk when using it. Brought it to the dev's attention.
  11. I wanted to know how to add multiple variables on this line: _suicidal = s1; // ......... who will be the suicidal unit, the unit name. i have multiple units s1, s2, s3 how to add them in that same line? Is it: -s1; s2; -s1, s2; -s1,s2, -s1;s2; ty
  12. hi thy_ ty for this amazing script, could you make an edit to it so it doesn't need ACE?
  13. hi johnnyboy, is there a script that does the opposite: makes BLUFOR speak but makes OPFOR without ambient voices?
  14. Hi Pierre, Could you add support for SOG PF for the revive, does the AI recognize SOG FAK and medkits? ty
  15. yeah i tried inputting my groups classnames as string in that module, no dice