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Everything posted by Kaarlo-7173a00cd297f8d9

  1. Kaarlo-7173a00cd297f8d9

    showGPS false

    Where exactly do i put this code in a trigger, init.sqf, description.ext or init field of an player? player enableInfoPanelComponent ["left", "MinimapDisplay", false]; player enableInfoPanelComponent ["right", "MinimapDisplay", false];
  2. How do i add the indpendet faction to this code? _bluforCount = (_this select 0); _opforCount = (_this select 1); if (bluforCount != 0 || _opforCount != 0 ) then { if (_bluforCount > _opforCount) then { _scoreIncrease = _bluforCount - _opforCount; [_scoreIncrease, WEST] call setScoreFnc; "sectorMarker_1" setMarkerColor "ColorWEST"; }; if (_bluforCount < _opforCount) then { _scoreIncrease = _opforCount - _bluforCount; [_scoreIncrease, EAST] call setScoreFnc; "sectorMarker_1" setMarkerColor "ColorEAST"; }; if (_bluforCount == _opforCount) then { "sectorMarker_1" setMarkerColor "ColorUNKNOWN"; } } else { "sectorMarker1_" setMarkerColor "ColorBlack"; }
  3. Kaarlo-7173a00cd297f8d9

    [Release] Ethics Minefields

    It gives me this error everytime i start the mission anyone any ides what can be wrong? This is line 12 i don't see anything wrong.