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About RumberO

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    Private First Class

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  1. RumberO

    Authority 20 player coop.

    Yes, please if you can, I want to test your mission. Thank you in advance for your time. Regards.
  2. Hi @Jay Fray start the game, then try to load it with the launcher of the game, then start the game with the mod loaded.
  3. RumberO

    Authority 20 player coop.

    Hi @Tankbuster I've tried it again and then the server shows me the following messages: Missing addons detected: 9:22:55 RF_Weapons_Acc 9:22:55 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. RF_Weapons_Acc 9:22:56 Mission COOP40_Authority.Altis: Missing 'description.ext::Header' I don't use any mod in the server side nor the client side. Thank you. Regards.
  4. RumberO

    Authority 20 player coop.

    Hi @Tankbuster first of all, thank you very much for your time on this mission. I want to try it (Authority Altis) on a dedicated server, but when I try to connect it shows me "you have reached the max. number of players". Regards.
  5. Thank you so much for this mod and for the work.
  6. RumberO

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Thank you so much for your awesome work! Gameplay improves a lot with this kind of mod! Thank you so much for your unselfishness too 😈
  7. Hi brothers in arms, @WarhammerActual, @BikerJoe, @Dj Rolnik I think you should review the work of our mate @bangabob let me put his work here:
  8. Yeah, after reading this intro I've put your code to a file called TwoPrimWeas.sqf and then put this file in the mission folder, and then inside the mission (eden editor) I've executed the script file with debug console like this: [] execVM "TwoPrimWeas.sqf"; Very useful in the battle to carry a long range weapon and an assault one at the same time! Thank you so much! @BRPVP
  9. Hi @BRPVP thank you so much for sharing this. But, please how can I use it. Regards.
  10. Great work! I'm testing it and it's so good to make the gameplay more inmersive and difficult. Thank you so much both @Rydygier & @Gunter Severloh for this!
  11. RumberO

    WARMACHINE - Game mode - SP/Coop/PvP

    Now testing the mission/map thank you very much for this work @IvosH_cz
  12. RumberO

    WARMACHINE - Game mode - SP/Coop/PvP

    Yes, I did it and now I got a file called mission.pbo in C:\Users\TRKI\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\RumberO\Saved\steamMPMission\WARMACHINE%20Tobruk.iron_excelsior_tobruk, now I'm trying to put it in a DS to use it with IFA3 + CUPs terrain -core mods. Is this the correct way to use it in a DS? Thank you so much. @Harzach
  13. RumberO

    WARMACHINE - Game mode - SP/Coop/PvP

    Yeah @Harzach I've subscribed to this mission but I can't see the file mission. Sorry for my ignorance. Thank you.
  14. RumberO

    WARMACHINE - Game mode - SP/Coop/PvP

    Hi @IvosH_cz thank you for your work, please let me know where can I download this mission.
  15. RumberO

    [MP/SP/COOP] Einsatz 1941

    Hi @Taylor1984, please can you share your mission with me, me and my homies want to play it! Thank you.