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ai hunter script Herne The AI Hunter Script
Gunter Severloh posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
by Rydygier & Gunter Severloh What is Herne? Herne is an ai hunter script, the script was written with two AI hunting codes merged into one. The first code you can see demonstrated here: VIDEO The second code was taken from my mission: Desert OPS Run - Tactical Arena scenario. The first code basically gives the ai knowledge of roughly where the player is, they will move, pursue, and search for the player in the area they "know" where the player is without you needing to give them waypoints, if the player is seen or shoots, the ai will engage, and follow. The second code gives the ai knowledge of where the player is, but its main focus is engaging the player inside a buildings, so if the player is hiding, or defending or had moved to a location inside a building of any type, the ai will most times enter the building en-masse and locate and kill the player, almost like in cqb. Though the ai is not going to have a tactical prowess or some special forces techniques or tactics they will perform when they enter, the normal vanilla ai skills will come into play, the script mainly gets the ai to the player's location and has them search. Download the Script/Demo mission v1.1 Spawn AI through a trigger that will hunt the player! How to use the script in a scenario In a initServer.sqf or init.sqf put the following code: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Herne.sqf"; { [_x] call RYD_CH_Herne; } foreach [HuntingGroup1,HuntingGroup2]; Ingame Usage: Give the enemy squad or unit a name in their group variable name box not a squad's leaders or single unit variable box, the squad as a group, so using the Entity List (left panel) click on the group itself and edit it, then run the code from a initServer.sqf as seen above, replacing or using HuntingGroup1 or 2 with your own name. Optional Parameters You also have optional parameters if you want to customize. For the following adjust the code in your initServer.sqf or init.sqf: [HuntingParty,onlyKnown,distanceLimit,updateInterval] call RYD_CH_Herne; onlyKnown: may be 0, 1 or 2. 0 - hunters will hunt the player regardless of knowledge about him. 1 - hunters will move as a group in the player's vicinity regardless of knowledge, but they must know about the player in order to enter into the building (default setting). 2 - hunters will not hunt unknown players. distanceLimit: in meters. Only players closer than this from hunting group leader may be hunted by this group. Negative value (default) removes any distance limitation. updateInterval: in seconds. How often hunting parties will reevaluate movement destination. Note: if set too low, hunters may be stuck if their supposed to move far away, as path finding may take longer, than this value, so before they find a path, new destination will make them start path finding a new path. IMO don't go below default, which is 60 seconds, in fact probably no reason to change that value anyway. After executing, each hunting party will be stored inside RYD_CH_WildHunt global variable ( a single loop iterating through each hunting party each cycle/interval). Hunting group will move in the vicinity of closest player and if close enough (<100), members of this group may enter inside the building, if player is hiding in it.