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About Bombardyn

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hi, I am making a rhs retexture and tried to change the materials of the spcs vest. So i made a custom .rvmat file and assigned it to the new spcs vest. The problem is that it had a strange shading problem. I decided to assign the original .rvmat files to the vest in order to see, wheather the problem was in the new material textures or in the code. The shading bug is still there and i have no idea why. Do you guys have an idea why the shading bug occurs? class test__spcs_ocp_squadleader: rhsusf_spcs_ocp_squadleader { displayName = "test"; hiddenSelections[]={"camo","camo1","camo2","camo3","camo4"}; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[] = {"rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_infantry\data\rhs_spcs_01.rvmat","rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_infantry\gear\vests\data\rhs_vest_iotv2.rvmat","rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_infantry\gear\vests\data\rhs_vest_iotv3.rvmat","rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_infantry2\gear\vests\mbav\data\mbav_gear.rvmat","rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_weapons\grenades\m18\data\m18_green.rvmat"}; };
  2. Hello In warlords, when you enter a sector wich is not selectod for attack, you will be informed that you have to leave that area in time or you will die. Can i make the coundown longer, so you can for example stay in that sector for 1 minute before dying?
  3. In warlords, it is impossible to dissasemble any heavy weapones like mortars and HMG's. Can i change it somehow?
  4. Bombardyn

    [SOLVED] Warlords mission SAVE/LOAD

    Nevermind, i coppied the new LoadGame.sqf and it works again. I detectend another problem but i'm not sure if it's an error in youre saving script or in arma 3 itself. When you play for example opfor, than save and quit, and after loading and reconnecting you choose to play Blufor, a problem occurs. If you enter any zone while playing the blufor unit in these circumstances, the game tell you to leave the zone and if you don't, you die. Is it possible to fix that?
  5. Bombardyn

    [SOLVED] Warlords mission SAVE/LOAD

    Am i supposed to replace the old script from LoadGame.sqf with the new one? Because when i did the script stopped working.
  6. Bombardyn

    [SOLVED] Warlords mission SAVE/LOAD

    Yes it is working properly. I have subscribed it on steam and put it into my editor scenarios with help of this video: Then I coppied the "Addons" folder to my scenario and "commonInitScript", "init", "initPlayerLocal" and "cfgMissionParams" files. After that I had adjusted the Warlords init settings in "cfgMissionParams" file and had put this code from the "description file" of your scenario: //#include "\A3\Missions_F_Warlords\defaultDescription.inc" //Edit #include "cfgMissionParams.hpp" //Edit on top of my "description.ext". When it was done i tested the scenario and the saving works properly. There is only one minor isue I detected. After saving and disconnecting and later loading and joining, the speaker says her announcement multiple times, for example she is saying "voting for the next sector" three times. It is a little annoying, but not a big deal after all. I want to thank you Kanas for your help, I appreciate it.
  7. Bombardyn

    [SOLVED] Warlords mission SAVE/LOAD

    Ok thanks, let me know when youre done
  8. I recently made my own Warlords scenario in Eden editor and everything worked fine, until I ran on a serious problem. After playing the scenario on a server I made and making some progress on the map, I saved the game and quit. The next day I loaded the saved game, still on the server I made, and then a problem occurred. I couldn't open the Warlords buying menu and the voting system stopped working. It seems like after I load the saved game, the Warlords Init just stops working. How to make something similair to this? I have downloaded this scenario and the saving and loading does acually work. When I searched through this scenarios files, I couldn't figure out how to replicate it. I don't need the air support and all the other stuff, only the save and load option. Here is the steam page of this map and a tutorial how to put downloaded maps into the editor: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1853095211 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1921503374
  9. Is it possible to make something similair to this: I have downloaded this scenario and the saving and loading does acually work. When I searched through this scenarios files, I couldn't figure out how to replicate it. I don't need the air support and all the other stuff, only the save and load option. Here is the steam page of this map and a tutorial how to put downloaded maps into the editor: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1853095211 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1921503374
  10. I made the warlord scenario using that tutorial. They haven't said anything about saving a multiplayer warlord game.
  11. Hello, I recently made my own Warlords scenario in Eden editor and everything worked fine, until I ran on a serious problem. After playing the scenario on a server I made and making some progress on the map, I saved the game and quit. The next day I loaded the saved game, still on the server I made, and then a problem occurred. I couldn't open the Warlords buying menu and the voting system stopped working. It seems like after I load the saved game, the Warlords Init just stops working / deactivates. I tried to change the soldier I was playing with but it didn't fix anything. Can anyone tell me how to fix that please? PS. I think it might be fixed by writing a code that tells the init to activate after the game is loaded, but I don't know how to do that (I cannot write scripts) and I'm not sure if it will work anyway.