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Everything posted by JohnRayMitch

  1. Hey guys, quick question. I want to migrate from using the steam mod version of v-com to the script to make preparations for a server. I haven't found any guides online or an instruction set on the git hub to do so. After downloading it I performed what would seem pretty straight forward copy and pastes. but loading up a test mission and all i get is errors for about 5 mins after initializing the script. Anyone know the proper way to load the script version?
  2. Hey, so it's been a while since anyone posted. I can't get this mod to work anymore. I think a recent patch broke it. Anyone else having the issue? Any plans to update? This mod is perfect because it add's useful features to HC but it's also not bloated with stuff I'll never use.
  3. JohnRayMitch

    Alternative to Ace3?

    Hey guys, so I play mainly a lot of single player. But my largest complaint is the lack of nav-map tools so I've been using ace. Are there any mods for map tools that have things such as a protractor and dagr? Ace3 just doesn't seem to be very compatible with single player use without a lot of tweaking.
  4. Hey I'm trying to get my script to randomly select a location specified in an array and spawn units accordingly. Only problem is that while the unit does spawn, the other spawn locations end up getting a few units spawned there as well. Can anyone one find the error? _spawnPoints = ["spawn_1", "spawn_2", "spawn_3"]; _indUnitList = [ "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_TL", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_MG", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_AT", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_AAT", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_M16A2", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_GL", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_HAT", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_AK_47S", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_AR", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Soldier_AA", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Commander", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Guerilla_Medic", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Guerilla_Enfield", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Demo", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Sniper", "CUP_I_TK_GUE_Mechanic" ]; _spawnMarker = _spawnPoints select (floor random (count _spawnPoints)); _unkSpawnPosition = getMarkerPos _spawnMarker; IndGroup = [_unkSpawnPosition, INDEPENDENT, _indUnitList] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; IndGroup allowFeeling 0; IndGroup enableDynamicSimulation true; sleep 0.5; EDIT: Never mind guys, I guess when I was alt tabbing I somehow managed to place a few units. But if anyone reads this, do they have a more efficient way of doing this?
  5. JohnRayMitch

    Script Loading

    This is exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you!
  6. Hey guys, what is the most efficient way to load your custom scripts during initialization? So far I've just been using [] execVm over and over and I can't help but feel there is a better way. Any better ways to list your scripts say as an "include" like in c++? I'm coming from a software developers point of view so throw what you got at me.
  7. JohnRayMitch

    VCom AI: Script Version

    Yep, that was it. Forgot the description file. thanks man.
  8. Hello! I'm new to Arma scripting but having a background in scripting for web apps and such I find this to be such a good hobby. Anyways, I'm currently trying to spawn some opfor units on a specified location (Which I have done correctly or at least works). After they all spawn I want them to start patrolling the area within a specified range from they're spawn location. Now, I have looked at numerous youtube videos and found a couple of scripts on the internet that i could just copy and paste; But I'm really trying to learn and not have to hack my way during every scenario. Could someone please review my code and point out what I'm doing wrong and correct it so I can try to learn the logic behind the corrections? So far this is what I'm trying... Spawn units on location (infSpawn) from designated list array (_opUnitList) Use a selector variable to pick from list, then updating the selector to reflect the value of the next object in array. After each unit spawns that unit is added to a second list of spawned units (_opUnitSpawned) From the spawned list, use a forEach to cycle through and assign them the patrol task. Everything is working besides the patrol task. I get the "Error Undefined variable in expression: _grp from SpawnGroups.sqf line 40" _opUnitList = [ "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Mechanic", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier_FNFAL", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Bomber", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier_MG", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Sniper", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier_TL", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Commander", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier_AT", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Guerilla_Medic" ]; _opUnitSpawned = []; _total = (count _opUnitList); _rnd = 0; for [{_x = 1}, {_x <= 10}, {_x = _x + 1}] do { _pick = _opUnitList select _rnd; hint "Spawning Soldier"; sleep 0.5; grp = createGroup east; _newSoldier = _pick createUnit[position infSpawn, grp]; _opUnitSpawned = _opUnitSpawned + [_pick]; _rnd = _rnd + 1; }; { [group this, position infSpawn, 50] call bis_fnc_taskpatrol; } forEach _opUnitSpawned; hint "Done!";
  9. Thanks guys for all your input! This has been the best community to be a part of. I ended up using a mixture of both techniques shared and it work just how i need it too. I plan on refining it more to allow for garrisoning the spawned troops but here is what I put together. fnc_SpawnOpUnits = { _opUnitList = [ "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Mechanic", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier_FNFAL", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Bomber", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier_MG", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Sniper", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier_TL", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Commander", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Soldier_AT", "CUP_O_TK_INS_Guerilla_Medic" ]; //hint "Spawning OpFor..."; _amount = _this select 0; _location = _this select 1; _selector = 0; _pick = _opUnitList select _selector; for [{_x = 1}, {_x < _amount}, {_x = _x + 1}] do { _grp = createGroup [east, true]; _grp allowFleeing 0; _grp enableDynamicSimulation true; _newOpUnit = _pick createUnit[(getMarkerPos _location), _grp]; sleep 0.5; [_grp, (getMarkerPos _location), 60] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol; if(_selector <= 11) then { _selector = _selector + 1; } else { _selector = 0; }; }; //hint "Done"; };
  10. That code is so pretty. Works just right too. . Thank you!