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Everything posted by LeLapinDeCombat

  1. LeLapinDeCombat

    Mikero PboProject Error

    Hi, i'm a french beginner on mapping on arma 3 and i have an error when i try to pack in pbo with pbo project, "pbo can't read wrp" , "makepbo failed" the CMD of pboproject : ......................... </end copy/crunch> <searching for cfgWorlds.KAI_terrain> <Bis Binarise...> stripping the binlog stripping "p:\temp\KAI_terrain.bin.log" /endstrip WARNING: binarise found 'warnings'. View the binlog </Bis binarise> <updating temp with prebinarised files> . </prebinarised> MakePbo x64UnicodeVersion 1.99, Dll 7.16 "KAI_terrain" -PgF -X=*.psd,*.psb,*.bat,*.rar,*.7z,thumbs.db,*.txt,*.h,*.dep,*.cpp,*.bak,*.tga,*.png,*.log,*.pew,*.hpp,source -@=AI\KAI_terrain p:\temp\AI\KAI_terrain 808464432 huh Pbo can't read wrp makepbo failed KAI_terrain.pbo not produced due to error(s) Job(s) completed in 4secs on Wed Jan 16 21:41:39 2019 the view output packing log : 21:41:35: Extensions: "</texheaders>" rapify x64UnicodeVersion 1.76, Dll 7.16 "config.cpp" <rebuilding units[]= and friends> <rebuilding cfgworlds> No Error(s) Output is to p:\temp\AI\KAI_terrain\config.bin P:\temp\AI\KAI_terrain\config.bin 1 fichier(s) copi‚(s) AI\KAI_terrain\texHeaders.bin 1 fichier(s) copi‚(s) "<Bis Binarise...>" ""D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\Binarize\Binarize.exe" -targetBonesInterval=56 -textures=p:\temp -binPath=P:\ "AI\KAI_terrain" "p:\temp\AI\KAI_terrain"" " WARNING: binarise found 'warnings'. View the binlog" "</Bis binarise>" "<updating temp with prebinarised files>" "</prebinarised>" "MakePbo.exe "-PgF" "-X=*.psd,*.psb,*.bat,*.rar,*.7z,thumbs.db,*.txt,*.h,*.dep,*.cpp,*.bak,*.tga,*.png,*.log,*.pew,*.hpp,source" "-@=AI\KAI_terrain" "p:\temp\AI\KAI_terrain" "D:\arma3project\AI\Addons"" <adding entries:...> $PBOPREFIX$ :configuring config.bin :scanning data\layers\M_000_000_lca.paa :scanning data\layers\M_000_000_lca.png :excluded data\layers\M_000_001_lca.paa :scanning data\layers\M_000_001_lca.png :excluded data\layers\M_001_000_lca.paa :scanning data\layers\M_001_000_lca.png :excluded data\layers\M_001_001_lca.paa :scanning data\layers\M_001_001_lca.png :excluded data\layers\P_000-000_L00.rvmat :compiling... data\layers\P_000-001_L00.rvmat :compiling... data\layers\P_001-000_L00.rvmat :compiling... data\layers\P_001-001_L00.rvmat :compiling... data\layers\S_000_000_lco.paa :scanning data\layers\S_000_000_lco.png :excluded data\layers\S_000_001_lco.paa :scanning data\layers\S_000_001_lco.png :excluded data\layers\S_001_000_lco.paa :scanning data\layers\S_001_000_lco.png :excluded data\layers\S_001_001_lco.paa :scanning data\layers\S_001_001_lco.png :excluded KAI_terrain.hpp :excluded KAI_terrain.wrp :validating..."KAI_terrain.pbo not produced due to error(s)" and the view binlog : stripping ""p:\temp\KAI_terrain.bin.log"" 21:41:35: PhysX3 SDK Init started ... 21:41:35: PhysX3 SDK Init ended. 21:41:35: <world = "AI\KAI_terrain\KAI_terrain.wrp"> 21:41:36: No weather defined in .Overcast 21:41:36: No lighting defined in .Lighting 21:41:36: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 21:41:36: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 21:41:36: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 21:41:36: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 21:41:36: No weather defined in .Overcast 21:41:36: No lighting defined in .Lighting 21:41:36: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 21:41:36: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 21:41:36: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 21:41:36: Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present 21:41:36: [InitSoundMap] begin 21:41:36: [InitSoundMap] end 21:41:38: [InitSoundMap] begin 21:41:38: [InitSoundMap] end 21:41:38: </world> 21:41:38: Extensions: I don't know where come this error and i google it but i found nothing, also if anybody can help !
  2. Hi all, i'm editiong a script for my mission and i've got an error, the original script is LFC (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23889), i use it to have a screen on my base who can show the cam of a player if the player have an item, there is 2 types off view on the screen the Satelite and the cam view like a gopro. But when i launch my mission he get me 0 error and the addaction don't work on the screen, and i don't know why. If anyone can help me tanks ! (i'm not english also sorry for my language) the LiveFeed.sqf : private ["_cameraCount","_debug","_monitor"]; _monitor = (_this select 0); _units = (_this select 1); removeAllActions _monitor; _debug = false; sleep 0.1; _cameraCount = server getvariable "CAMCOUNT"; if (isnil "_cameraCount") then { _cameraCount = 0;server setvariable ["CAMCOUNT",_cameraCount,true]; }; { if (isnil "_x") then {} else { if (isNull _x) then {} else{ _cameraCount=_cameraCount+1;server setvariable ["CAMCOUNT",_cameraCount,true]; _uniqueName=format ["<t color=""#FFFFFF"">" + localize "STR_action_liveFeedHelmet" + "</t>",name _x]; liveFeedAction = _monitor addAction [_uniqueName, "_this remoteExec ['fnc_PROCESS_LIVE']",[_x,_debug],6,false,true,"","_target distance _this < 3.5"]; _uniqueName=format ["<t color=""#FFFFFF"">" + localize "STR_action_liveFeedSat" + "</t>",name _x]; _monitor addAction [_uniqueName, "_this remoteExec ['fnc_PROCESS_SATT']",[_x,_debug],6,false,true,"","_target distance _this < 3.5"]; _uniqueName=format ["<t color=""#FFFFFF"">" + localize "STR_action_liveFeedClose" + "</t>",name _x]; _monitor addAction [_uniqueName, "_this remoteExec ['fnc_SHUTDOWN_MONITOR']",[_x,_debug],6,false,true,"","_target distance _this < 3.5"]; _x setvariable ["LIVEid",_cameraCount,true];};}; } foreach _units; if (_debug) then {_sidechatHint = format["Total Cam count: %1", _cameraCount];player sideChat _sidechatHint;GlobalSideChat = _sidechatHint; publicVariable "GlobalSideChat";}; fnc_SHUTDOWN_MONITOR = { private ["_monitor", "_arguments", "_unit", "_cam"]; _monitor = (_this select 0); _arguments = (_this select 3); _unit = _arguments select 0; _cam = _unit getVariable "LIVECAM"; _monitor setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,1)']; }; fnc_PROCESS_LIVE = { private ["_name","_cam","_debug","_class","_newClass","_arguments"]; _monitor=(_this select 0); _arguments=(_this select 3); _unit=_arguments select 0; _debug=_arguments select 1; _monitor setObjectTextureglobal [0,"LFC\standby.jpg"]; SLEEP (2 + random 5); if (!("ItemGPS" in assignedItems _unit)) then {_monitor setObjectTextureglobal [0,"LFC\failed.jpg"]; sleep 3; _monitor setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,1)']} else { _cam=_unit getVariable "LIVECAM"; if (isnil "_cam") then { _cam = "camera" camCreate getpos _unit; _unit setvariable ["LIVECAM",_cam,true]; //0=[_cam,_debug] call fnc_RESET; [_cam,_debug] remoteExec ["fnc_RESET"]; }else{ if (isnull _cam) then { _cam = "camera" camCreate getpos _unit; _unit setvariable ["LIVECAM",_cam,true]; //0=[_cam,_debug] call fnc_RESET; [_cam,_debug] remoteExec ["fnc_RESET"]; }; }; _class = typeOf (vehicle _unit); //copyToClipboard (format ["%1",_class]); switch (_class) do { case "B_Heli_Transport_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,5.5,-0.3], "neck"];}; case "B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,5.5,-0.3], "neck"];}; case "B_Heli_Light_01_Armed_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,1.7,0.5], "neck"];}; case "B_Heli_Light_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,1.7,0.5], "neck"];}; case "B_Heli_Attack_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.1,1.7,0.5], "neck"];}; case "B_Truck_01_mover_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,3.2,0.5], "neck"];}; case "B_Truck_01_box_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,3.2,0.5], "neck"];}; case "B_Truck_01_transport_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,3.2,0.5], "neck"];}; case "B_Truck_01_covered_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,3.8,0], "neck"];}; case "B_MRAP_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.4,-1.3,0.2], "neck"];}; case "B_MRAP_01_gmg_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,3.2,0.5], "neck"];}; case "B_MRAP_01_hmg_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,3.2,0.5], "neck"];}; case "B_Quadbike_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "B_MBT_01_cannon_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "B_MBT_01_arty_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,-0.3], "neck"];}; case "B_MBT_01_mlrs_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0.4], "neck"];}; case "B_Boat_Transport_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0.3,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "B_Lifeboat": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,-0.3], "neck"];}; case "B_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,0.15,0.4], "neck"];}; case "B_SDV_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0.3,0.6,-0.8], "neck"];}; case "B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0.3,0.6,-0.8], "neck"];}; case "B_Truck_01_ammo_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,3.2,0.5], "neck"];}; case "B_Truck_01_fuel_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,3.2,0.5], "neck"];}; case "B_Truck_01_medical_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,3.2,0.5], "neck"];}; case "B_Truck_01_Repair_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,3.2,0.5], "neck"];}; case "I_Plane_Fighter_03_AA_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,2.7,-0.3], "neck"];}; case "I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,2.7,-0.3], "neck"];}; case "I_Heli_Transport_02_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,6,-1], "neck"];}; case "I_Heli_light_03_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,4,0.3], "neck"];}; case "I_Heli_light_03_unarmed_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,4,0.1], "neck"];}; case "I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "I_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,1,0], "neck"];}; case "I_MBT_03_cannon_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.7,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "I_Quadbike_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "I_MRAP_03_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,1,0], "neck"];}; case "I_MRAP_03_gmg_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,1,0], "neck"];}; case "I_MRAP_03_hmg_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,1,0], "neck"];}; case "I_Truck_02_transport_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,3,0], "neck"];}; case "I_Truck_02_covered_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,3,0], "neck"];}; case "I_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,0.15,0.4], "neck"];}; case "I_Boat_Transport_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,-0.4,0], "neck"];}; case "I_SDV_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0.3,0.6,-0.8], "neck"];}; case "I_Truck_02_ammo_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,3,0], "neck"];}; case "I_Truck_02_fuel_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,3,0], "neck"];}; case "I_Truck_02_medical_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,3,0], "neck"];}; case "I_Truck_02_box_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,3,0], "neck"];}; case "O_Heli_Attack_02_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,3,0.5], "neck"];}; case "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,3,0.5], "neck"];}; case "O_Heli_Light_02_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.4,3.3,-0.2], "neck"];}; case "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.4,3.3,-0.2], "neck"];}; case "O_MBT_02_arty_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "O_MBT_02_cannon_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,-0.3], "neck"];}; case "O_MRAP_02_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,-0.5,0], "neck"];}; case "O_MRAP_02_gmg_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,-0.5,-0.3], "neck"];}; case "O_MRAP_02_hmg_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,-0.5,-0.3], "neck"];}; case "O_Quadbike_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "O_Truck_02_transport_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,3,0], "neck"];}; case "O_Truck_02_covered_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,3,0], "neck"];}; case "O_Boat_Transport_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0.3,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "O_Lifeboat": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,-0.3], "neck"];}; case "O_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,0.15,0.4], "neck"];}; case "O_SDV_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0.3,0.6,-0.8], "neck"];}; case "O_Truck_02_Ammo_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,1.7,0], "neck"];}; case "O_Truck_02_fuel_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,1.7,0], "neck"];}; case "O_Truck_02_medical_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,3,0], "neck"];}; case "O_Truck_02_box_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.5,1.7,0], "neck"];}; case "C_Hatchback_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "C_Offroad_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,0.3,0.2], "neck"];}; case "C_Quadbike_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0,0.15,0], "neck"];}; case "C_SUV_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.3,0.15,0.2], "neck"];}; case "C_Van_01_transport_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.4,0.4,0.3], "neck"];}; case "C_Van_01_box_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.4,0.4,0.3], "neck"];}; case "C_Boat_Civil_01_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0.3,0,0.3], "neck"];}; case "C_Boat_Civil_01_police_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0.3,0,0.3], "neck"];}; case "C_Boat_Civil_01_rescue_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0.3,0,0.3], "neck"];}; case "C_Rubberboat": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[0.3,0,0.3], "neck"];}; case "C_Van_01_fuel_F": {_cam attachto [(vehicle _unit),[-0.4,0.4,0.3], "neck"];}; default { _cam attachto [_unit,[0,0.15,0.20], "neck"]; }; }; _cam camSetFov 0.8; _id = _unit getvariable "LIVEid"; _name=format ["rendertarget%1",_id]; //0=[_monitor,_name,_cam,0] call fnc_RENDER; [_monitor,_name,_cam,0] remoteExec ["fnc_RENDER"]; _class = typeOf (vehicle _unit); while {true} do { sleep 1; _NeWclass = typeOf (vehicle _unit); if (!(_NeWclass == _class)) exitwith { // 0= [_monitor,0,0,_arguments] call fnc_PROCESS_LIVE; [_monitor,0,0,_arguments] remoteExec ["fnc_PROCESS_LIVE"]; }; if (!("ItemGPS" in assignedItems _unit)) exitWith { detach _cam; _cam cameraEffect ["TERMINATE", "BACK"]; camDestroy _cam; _monitor setObjectTextureglobal [0,"LFC\failed.jpg"]; sleep 3; _monitor setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,1)']; }; }; }; }; fnc_PROCESS_SATT = { private ["_name","_cam","_debug"]; _monitor=(_this select 0); _arguments=(_this select 3); _unit=_arguments select 0; _debug=_arguments select 1; _monitor setObjectTextureglobal [0,"LFC\standby.jpg"]; SLEEP (2 + random 5); if (!("ItemGPS" in assignedItems _unit)) then {_monitor setObjectTextureglobal [0,"LFC\failed.jpg"]; sleep 3; _monitor setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,1)']} else { _cam=_unit getVariable "SATTCAM"; if (isnil "_cam") then { _cam = "camera" camCreate [(getpos _unit select 0), (getpos _unit select 1), (getpos _unit select 2) + 300]; _unit setvariable ["SATTCAM",_cam,true]; //0=[_cam,_debug] call fnc_RESET; [_cam,_debug] remoteExec ["fnc_RESET"]; }else{ if (isnull _cam) then { _cam = "camera" camCreate [(getpos _unit select 0), (getpos _unit select 1), (getpos _unit select 2) + 300]; _unit setvariable ["SATTCAM",_cam,true]; //0=[_cam,_debug] call fnc_RESET; [_cam,_debug] remoteExec ["fnc_RESET"]; }; }; [_cam,_unit, _monitor] spawn { private ["_cam","_unit", "_monitor"]; _cam = (_this select 0); _unit =(_this select 1); _monitor = (_this select 2); while {(isnull _cam) || alive _unit} do { _cam setpos [(getpos _unit select 0), (getpos _unit select 1), (getpos _unit select 2) + 300]; sleep 1; if (!("ItemGPS" in assignedItems _unit)) exitWith { _cam cameraEffect ["TERMINATE", "BACK"]; camDestroy _cam; _monitor setObjectTextureglobal [0,"LFC\failed.jpg"]; sleep 3; _monitor setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,1)']; }; }; }; _cam camSetFov 0.2; _cam setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,-1],[0,1,0]]; _id = _unit getvariable "LIVEid"; _name=format ["rendertargetsat%1",_id]; //if ((dayTime > 6) && (dayTime < 21)) then {0=[_monitor,_name,_cam,0] call fnc_RENDER} else {0=[_monitor,_name,_cam,2] call fnc_RENDER}; if ((dayTime > 6) && (dayTime < 21)) then {[_monitor,_name,_cam,0] remoteExec ["fnc_RENDER"]} else {[_monitor,_name,_cam,2] remoteExec ["fnc_RENDER"]}; }; }; fnc_RESET = { private ["_conCurrentCams"]; _cam=(_this select 0); _debug=(_this select 1); _conCurrentCams=server getvariable "CONCURRENTCAMS"; if (isnil "_conCurrentCams") then { _conCurrentCams = [];server setvariable ["CONCURRENTCAMS",_conCurrentCams,true]; }; _conCurrentCams=_conCurrentCams + [_cam];server setvariable ["CONCURRENTCAMS",_conCurrentCams,true]; if (_debug) then {_sidechatHint = format["Concurrent cam Count: %1",count _conCurrentCams];PLAYER sideChat _sidechatHint;GlobalSideChat = _sidechatHint; publicVariable "GlobalSideChat";}; if (count _conCurrentCams > 4) then { { _x cameraEffect ["TERMINATE", "BACK"]; camDestroy _x; _monitor setObjectTextureglobal [0,"LFC\standby.jpg"]; }foreach _conCurrentCams; _conCurrentCams=[];server setvariable ["CONCURRENTCAMS",_conCurrentCams,true]; if (_debug) then {_sidechatHint = format["Deleted CONCURRENTCAMS: %1",count _conCurrentCams];PLAYER sideChat _sidechatHint;GlobalSideChat = _sidechatHint; publicVariable "GlobalSideChat";}; }; }; fnc_RENDER = { _monitor=(_this select 0); _name=(_this select 1); _cam=(_this select 2); _visionMode=(_this select 3); _cam camCommit 1; _cam cameraEffect ["INTERNAL", "BACK",_name]; _name setPiPEffect [_visionMode, 1, 0.8, 1, 0.1, [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, -0.1], [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]; _monitor setObjectTextureglobal [0,(format ["#(argb,256,256,1)r2t(%1,1.0)",_name])]; }; The feedInit.sqf : waitUntil {!isnull player}; private ["_feedArray","_MonitorName","_array","_newArray"]; _monitorArray=(_this select 0); _monitorHDD=_monitorArray select 0; _array=(_this select 1); _MonitorName= format ["%1",_monitorHDD]; _newArray=[]; { if (isNil _x) then { }else{ _call = format ["%1",_x]; call (compile _call); _newArray=_newArray+[call(compile _call)]; }; } forEach _array; _feedArray=server getvariable _MonitorName; if (isnil "_feedArray") then { _feedArray=[]; { if (isnil "_x") then {}else{_feedArray=_feedArray + [_x]; }; }foreach _newArray; server setvariable [_MonitorName,_feedArray,true]; }; player setvariable ["MonName",_MonitorName]; { if (isNil _x) then { }else{ _call = format ["%1",_x]; call (compile _call); _newArray=_newArray+[call(compile _call)]; }; } forEach _array; waituntil {!isnil "_MonitorName"}; _feedArray=server getvariable _MonitorName; if ((player in _newArray)and !(player in _feedArray)) then { _feedArray=_feedArray +[player]; server setvariable [_MonitorName,_feedArray,true]; }; _feedArray=server getvariable _MonitorName; if (!isserver || !isdedicated) then { { null = [_x,_feedArray,server] execVM "LFC\livefeed.sqf"; _x setObjectTexture [0,'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,1,1)']; _x allowdamage false; _x enablesimulation false; }foreach _monitorArray; }; { _x setvariable ["MonName",_MonitorName]; _x setvariable ["MonitorArray",_monitorArray]; if (isplayer _x) then { _x addEventHandler ["Respawn","CALL fnc_PLAYER_KILLED"]; }else{ _x addmpEventHandler ["MPkilled","CALL fnc_AI_KILLED"]; }; }foreach _feedArray; fnc_AI_KILLED={ _unit = _this select 0; _corpse = _this select 1; _MonitorName=_unit getvariable "MonName"; _monitorArray=_unit getvariable "MonitorArray"; _feedArray=server getvariable _MonitorName; _feedArray=_feedArray -[_unit]; server setvariable [_MonitorName,_feedArray,true]; }; fnc_PLAYER_KILLED={ _unit = _this select 0; _corpse = _this select 1; _MonitorName=_unit getvariable "MonName"; _monitorArray=_unit getvariable "MonitorArray"; _feedArray=server getvariable _MonitorName; _feedArray=_feedArray -[_corpse]; _feedArray=_feedArray +[_unit]; _feedArray=_feedArray call BIS_fnc_arrayShuffle; server setvariable [_MonitorName,_feedArray,true]; }; [_monitorArray,_MonitorName] spawn { private ["_monitorArray","_MonitorName"]; _monitorArray=(_this select 0); _MonitorName=(_this select 1); while {true} do { _feedArray=server getvariable _MonitorName; _oldArray = format ["%1",_feedArray]; sleep 5; _feedArray=server getvariable _MonitorName; _newArray = format ["%1",_feedArray]; if (_newArray != _oldArray || (count _feedArray) <= 1) then{ { null = [_x,_feedArray] execVM "LFC\livefeed.sqf"; }foreach _monitorArray; }; }; }; and what i put in my init.sqf : private ["_players"]; _players = []; null = [[mainMonitor], _players] execVM "LFC\Feedinit.sqf"; (all the link used are good)
  3. LeLapinDeCombat

    Mikero PboProject Error

    I gonna test it
  4. LeLapinDeCombat

    Mikero PboProject Error

    I know but nobody can help, no one know where do come this error
  5. LeLapinDeCombat

    Stockage from object inventory

    Mhhh AK 12 is an exemple in the final script that will be an item and the addaction is not on the box is on a panel, also i don't now how to do
  6. Hi all ! I make a mission and I want to have a stockage in a Box and a player can get this item by an Addaction, but if the item do not exist in the box he can't get it, or to have one object inventory for 2 object. Also I make this but that doesn't work, if anybody can help me ? - the script : if (isNil "Weapon_arifle_AK12_F" inArea "Box_NATO_Equip_F) then { hint "bite" }; - the Addaction : this addaction ["Bouffe","bouffe.sqf"]; //used in the object Sorry i'm french also my english is not very good.