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Everything posted by Oldninja

  1. Oldninja


    Hi Cry, I'm thinking it could be used for weekly/monthly challenges. For instance if you donate a certain amount of food you get some crowns. Trading may be another route, but as it's currently seen as as a donation system, and there's no way anyone starting out (or who started playing a couple of days/weeks behind the current leaders) will ever catch them up, timed donation challenges would be the only fair way. Just had another thought! How about weapons for reaching certain donation levels. As an example, 10000 food donated in a week and you get an ADR or several?
  2. Oldninja

    Lack of posts

    The lack of outlanders posting on this forum has become apparent over the last week. Is this due to the impending 1.1 update. Or is it due to the lack of any real credible response to the problems raised by genuinely concerned and frustrated outlanders? I'd like to think it's due to the anticipation the forthcoming update has created. Outlanders, having had little to get excited about, other than a video about the new bridge focussed and seemingly large map, are eagerly waiting to see what existing bugs and issues have been fixed. Hopefully quite a few. Keep the faith....
  3. Oldninja

    Scrap bin

    Maybe an issue that needs addressing. Level 8 - 6.6 metal parts per hour Level 9 - 6.1 metal parts per hour Level 9 - 7.6 metal parts per hour . Reluctant to upgrade to level 9 while it reports these levels. I am assuming it should read 7.1?
  4. Oldninja

    Lack of posts

    Guys, I hear what your saying, and I bow to your greater experience of BI projects. Vigor is my first BI experience, so short on the history. I really hope BI appreciate what a niche game they have and dedicate some resource to making it work. I will however, be keeping the faith for the foreseeable future.
  5. Oldninja

    Poor game updates may cause game to die 1.1

    Hi Ninja, I am in agreement with some of your comments. Particularly the lowering of crowns from the antenna and the diminishing sprint bar for getting the airdrop, which I think it's a good concept overall, but maybe a little too punitive and could be backed off a touch. But, I have to disagree with your thoughts on new players and weapons. I recall starting the game last year and before my first encounter, watched some of the very few available videos on YouTube. Being short of weapons, plans, ammo (basically everything) I took a very early decision to learn the maps naked. Each encounter, unless killed I managed to come out with loot including weapons and ammo. There was no boosting then, so levels were consistent with a no boost encounter now. What I trying to say is that if your patient, you can build up a lot of weapons and ammo as well as useful loot with very little risk to your weapon stash. Also, now if you have a compatible weapon you can craft ammo. That wasn't always the case. For me personally, I want a game that makes me think and devise tactics to get what I want. If the games too easy my interest soon fades. I would recommend that new players don't go into encounters fully loaded, with a shed full of ammo, but take a low risk approach and learn the maps, develop routes around them and become familiar with the exits.
  6. Oldninja

    Constantly being disconnected

    For a change, I was actually busy today! Didn't get onto the game until around 16.00. 1st encounter extracted safely, picked up weapons and loot. Game crashed back to start screen. When game reloaded, still had weapons, can't say if my loot got added. 2nd encounter, similar scenario, got back to the shelter this time before crashing back to start screen. Game reloaded and everything was still there, but when I tried to craft from the parts I picked up, game crashed again. Not sure what's causing it but seems very flaky since the update. 3rd & 4th encounters, no probs. Will have an afternoon session tomorrow to see how stable things are.
  7. Oldninja


    Good point re loot levels Civilian. I've only played half a dozen or so encounters since the update, and with the exception of the new map, I noticed a decrease in loot. Maybe an attempt to promote boosting or to slow shelter progress. But while my antenna is producing 0.22 crowns per day, my next boost will be around the end of Feb/early match. Unless I pick up some generous challenge rewards.
  8. Oldninja

    From the Patch Notes...

    Hi Kuljack, Check your mail....
  9. Oldninja

    Need to fix issue's

    Hi Shamus, Take a look at the changelog to check if the issues your concerned about have been addressed.
  10. Oldninja

    The photos are fun!

    I look forward to testing this new feature.
  11. Oldninja

    From the Patch Notes...

    I may be lots of things, but a liar isn't one of them. I'm sure the outlanders I've dispatched with a knife/bayonet would be a little perturbed to be called mentally handicapped monkeys. If you can't work out how to get an advantage with a blade, then maybe your not the video game genius you think you are. Have fun.
  12. Oldninja


    Hi Couratious, Everyone is more than entitled to their opinion, and I respect yours. From my perspective I don't want a game that makes it too easy. I tend to enjoy games that make you think a little, and adds to the anxiety levels. To me it makes sense that the more you carry the slower you will be. I'll therefore plot an exit that keeps me in as much cover as possible until the final sprint. But that's me and everyone's different.
  13. Oldninja

    New Content - Game Unplayable

    It's up and running now. As I say to my grand daughter while she's moaning about the time Roblox takes to load.... patience.
  14. Oldninja

    Sprint, tackle, knife

    Glad to see outlanders are thinking about how best to deliver a melee attack.
  15. Oldninja


    I've played this afternoon, and it doesn't slow you down that noticeably. The more you carry makes you sprint bar a little shorter. No problem if you stop sprinting before it goes red. I also believe the recovery is set to happen faster. It's a good addition to gameplay and adds to the realism.
  16. Oldninja

    From the Patch Notes...

    5 kills with a melee weapon is not that difficult. I've done it. Ok it took quite a few encounters, but it's certainly doable if you set up your attack under the right conditions. Conditions you will need to think about! Knife/bayonet mechanics are fine as they are, go into encounters Solo with just a knife to practice. Challenges are not supposed to be easy. If BI intend to give more rewards then the challenges will be harder. And why not.
  17. Oldninja

    Today's update

    I've been trying out the latest incarnation and have to say, so far so very good. . Haven't been through a lot of the gameplay issues that have been raised on this forum, but my experience so far is very positive. . On another note, the attempt to stop team kills doesn't seem stern enough to put some outlanders off an easy kill. Did my challenge of 10 duo encounters :- Killed by team mate - 3 Killed by other team - 1 Safe extraction - 6 . All in all it looks like a good update. Please add your initial thoughts guys & gals.
  18. Oldninja

    Today's update

    Hi Kuljack, I agree with crowns for challenges, but to be fair if my antenna is correct, it's hardly worth bothering to upgrade it for the difference each upgrade makes.
  19. Oldninja

    Today's update

    Whoa..... Just checked out the antenna! Is it real. I'm now generating 0.22 crowns per day. Tell me it's an error. 150 days per loot boost! . Challenges will really need to step up with crown rewards...
  20. Oldninja

    Nerf fall damage?

    Hi Kuljack, Fall damage has long been an issue. It has been a little unbalanced since earlier versions. As you get used to the maps and start to developing your favoured routes around them, you soon learn where not to sprint to avoid not only damage, but the damage sound effect that can warn other outlanders of your approach.
  21. Oldninja

    Daily Challenges

    I've posted before about the 'random' daily challenges, and I appreciate that it's possible to have a spell of similar challenges over several days, due to the randomness of the algorithm. However, for the third day running, every challenge offers a food reward! Today I would have benefited by 150 food if I managed to kill 15 outlanders with a machine gun for one challenge. I'm reasonable, but come on. 150 food for topping 15 outlanders. It's therefore clear that the rumour currently circulating, of more generous challenge rewards in the wake of the antenna nerfing is a myth.
  22. Hi Robby, Your reasoning is sound. I've added a number of posts regarding crowns, and how BI could increase purchases. Hopefully the forthcoming update may address the those issues. I would also welcome some feedback from BI regarding the server resilience issues that are frustrating outlanders. I have not been subject to the crashes others have reported until this week, where I have seen the game crash back to the start screen from the pre encounter lobby on at least a dozen occasion's. Had I boosted before the crashes in would have been rightly annoyed.
  23. Oldninja

    Fix the damn bush

    Hi guys, From the rumours circulating various Vigor forum's, I believe the issue of the 'Bush' is due to be fixed in the 1.1 update, which is apparently just around the corner. I look forward to this update as hopefully a number of other bugs will be fixed, and some gameplay add-ons may be included. Keep the faith.
  24. Oldninja


    Your feedback is most appreciated. Thank you.
  25. Oldninja


    Appears Gunters post has disappeared.!!