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Everything posted by chernaruski

  1. chernaruski


    kewl you doing AI brains changes now 🤘 On this note... I've tried to use this script (AI detection) to analyze zeds behavior and set proper params on them. It seem it doesn't recognize zombies switch to attack mode properly. But still , its good tool that may help when making changes in AI brains. Check it out @haleks
  2. chernaruski

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Buildings won't flip, they have huge mass. Yes its possible that some objects will have this issue, try it out yourself. If it works it works, if not try enabling it just for that one objects you must have simulation enabled.
  3. If I remember correctly , it has to do with the zombies/or other units despawn and how Arma handles missing/deleted/de-spawned , by external scripts, units. Just ignore it. This bug goes back into 2009 , or even more.
  4. chernaruski

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    The problem with doors is simple to fix in mission objects sqf. By default, pre-spawned mission objects have enableSimulationGlobal parameter set to false, so the placed objects physics won't load your hardware with unneeded calculations. But, sometimes, this need to be set to true, because buildings with doors/gates/etc need interaction/physics to be simulated. You can do what @DEH4NK , recommended and basically enable it on all objects, but it may make some objects to flip/drop/fly whatever, because of the above explained. Or you can enable the simulation for that specific objects that you need the door animations to work on. This will require of you to find that specific mission file , probably in dms-missions\objects\static . Find that specific objects line and set its params to true i.e take a look at this: private _objects = [ ["Submarine_01_F",[15190.725586,13505.496094,-8.410556],[[-0.0109021,-0.999931,0.00430079],[0.366969,0,0.930233]],[false,false]], ["Land_Device_disassembled_F",[15140.764648,13606.168945,1.780041],[[0,0.999298,0.0374736],[0.0945738,-0.0373056,0.994819]],[false,false]] ]; { private _object = createVehicle [(_x select 0), (_x select 1), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _object setVectorDirAndUp (_x select 2); _object setPosASL (_x select 1); _object enableSimulationGlobal ((_x select 3) select 0); _object allowDamage ((_x select 3) select 1); } forEach _objects; in this line I want the Land_Device.... to have interactions so I set it to ["Land_Device_disassembled_F",[15140.764648,13606.168945,1.780041],[[0,0.999298,0.0374736],[0.0945738,-0.0373056,0.994819]],[true,false]]
  5. chernaruski

    ACE + Exile integration

    I started experimenting with it, tried Stamina feature. Looks like its working , but will require of me to get rid of the exile's Autorun feature (when you press 0) , cause it completely ignores the depleted stamina.
  6. chernaruski


    @haleks , maybe you'll find it useful. I remember you have ambient module feature that turns off terrain objects light sources . Some people were saying that it didn't work on ChernarusRedux. I use this, to turn em all off. Execution time is 194ms, could be better, but works on init .
  7. chernaruski

    Livionia Loot File

    @Kingsman3681 , check out the Maps - Mission Files section : https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/forum/299-maps-mission-files
  8. chernaruski

    Kick off exil key

  9. hey! you think Krushevka residents are monsters?!
  10. They are too clean for Krushevkas 😉 , where is the "Katya I love you / XUY / ZOI is alive" graffitis on the wall? Where is the trash, cigarettes, bottles and piss in the corners? Just kiddin. Amazing job @yalandaev !
  11. Are you sure your mission is set correctly? Are you sure its the Ravage soundtrack that is playing? It's more of an offtopic that should be discussed in Ravage forum thread. Music is turned off in Atmosphere module and not Ambient module. If it still playing after you've set it to Ambient Music = No , its a bug that you should report to Ravage mod topic.
  12. chernaruski

    How to add Powerlines

    Powerlines are generated with Terrain Processor and Powerlines.tpp of you terrain.
  13. chernaruski

    Hardcore difficulty

    5 bullet in the head of a AI to die is not something you can control that easily... well you can change the bullets damage , but that will require your own overwrite addon to be loaded to overwrite arma vanilla values/or per weapon mod you use and per ammo. Much simpler way to balance this is simply don't equip them with best armor. Top armors can be very bullet spongy , if you talking about smaller calibers . Same for helmets.
  14. chernaruski

    ExileZ Mod

    First you will have to configure a sound fx file then add it directly to harassing zeds spawn code I guess. Maybe something like playSound3D ["yourpath\sfx\siren.wav", player] in HarassingZombiesThread.sqf. Just a direction, never tested it myself.
  15. chernaruski

    ExileZ Mod

    what u can do is use harassing zombies as your "horde" , harassing zeds are the only one that have night time related trigger EZM_HarassingZombieAtNightOnly = false; // Spawn harassing zombies at night only. I remember adding boss class zombies to harrasing zeds group during night time, my players were shitting themselves at base until the sunrise.😁
  16. have you placed a player character in intro mission ? I remember having the same effect of camera flying in the sky , when testing custom scenes.. don't forget about class CfgWorlds
  17. chernaruski

    Script for check vehicle damage

    I think you can activate the arma ui hud, by editing this in description.ext. I've hid the exile hud completely and set this instead in showhud. showHUD[] = { true, // Scripted HUD (same as showHUD command) true, // Vehicle + soldier info false, // Vehicle radar true, // Vehicle compass true, // Tank direction indicator true, // Commanding menu false, // Group Bar true, // HUD Weapon Cursors true // Squad Radar }; As for custom script, I'm not sure what exactly you looking for. There is Health Scanner xm8 app that shows broken parts percentage , there is one that shows you 3d icons or health bars with vehicle parts in different colors according to damage...
  18. yeah, try the second one ..
  19. I was pretty sure I changed something in description.ext for it to be longer... maybe it was the respawnDelay = ?
  20. Your best shot is use exile_custom_difficulty server addon: https://github.com/Sir-Joker/Exile-Custom-Difficulty you can set it all there.
  21. Bleedout time has nothing to do with Enigma Revive, its param that can be changed in reviveBleedOutDelay = 120; > description.ext
  22. Its how Arma deals with models collision. Its been around for ages I think. Physics is not a strong side of Arma , even when assets modeled and configured correctly.
  23. chernaruski


    Was wondering how Sunfactor effects the max zombies per players parameter (the exact values). So I went digging the code and that is what I've found: If Haleks don't mind me posting his code> For those who was wondering, just run these lines in debug to get a value according to maxZedsFactor you've set in module: maxZedsFactor = 25 lat = -1 * getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "latitude"); day = 360 * (dateToNumber date); hour = (daytime / 24) * 360; rvg_ZedSunFactor = (((12 * cos(day) - 78) * cos(lat) * cos(hour)) - (24 * sin(lat) * cos(day))) max 0; maxZombies = maxZedsFactor * ((100 - rvg_ZedSunFactor*0.5) * 0.01); maxZombies i.e With max zeds per player set to 25. At noon 12:00 you get minimal possible amount of zeds with sun factor on , you get 16.8. And from around 18:30 to 5:30 (long night 😉 ) , you get the max possible 25 zeds per player.
  24. Sometimes it happens to all of us. That's how things are in Arma , nothing you can do about it really. Well, not that I'm aware of any solutions for this. Glad you figured it out. Its thanks to your curiosity and tenacity , not me.