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Everything posted by ernave

  1. ernave


    I'm exciting about the changes you're making. If you don't mind, I'd like to make a few suggestions. I want to say up front that I wont be offended if you ignore or disagree with these suggestions because I'm thankful for the work you've done. I hope these are constructive suggestions. Suggestion: boolean flags similar to "canspawnzeds" for turning on/off individual AI faction spawning. Discussion: I've found it very helpful to separate the AI from the zombies to a certain degree. The reason I do this is because, if you turn everything on at once, every time you enter a city it plays out in a very similar fashion: (1) the AI starts shooting zombies (2) all the zombies move to one side of the city (3) the zombies pretty much wreck the AI (4) you can loot the other side of the city with no zombies to bother you (5) you can loot the AI bodies for free guns, unless they turned into zombies So what I do is, I use triggers to delete green and red AI around large cities (the safe zone doesn't currently work, so I just manually delete them), and I use another trigger to turn off the zombies (by setting "canspawnzeds") over a large area of the map in the North where there are no large cities. What this simulates is: the bandits live in the North and have cleaned out most zombies, and only a few lone yellow AI venture down south. It works out really well, I think. I turn the zombie spawn rates way, way up. When I go down south, the zombies are a real problem, and there are no AI getting slaughtered. When I go up north, I have to fight the AI because there are no zombies. My suggestion is that you provide flags like, "canSpawnRedAI" and "canSpawnGreenAI" etc. Suggestion: delay/stagger AI spawns by random amounts Discussion: currently, when you enter a city and trigger AI bandit patrols, they all spawn simultaneously and instantly. As a result, every time you enter a city, there is always a bandit patrol right there - right on top of you. It's too predictable, and it's too repetitive. My suggestion is that you stagger their spawns by some random delay, and spawn them in a random order. I predict that what this will result in, from the players perspective, is that sometimes you'll think "oh, I guess there are no AI in the area" - but then they surprise you. Also, this should limit the frequency of the AI fighting each other. When they show up at the same time, they often seem to encounter each other. Basically, I think this will mean that the player has to keep his guard up. Suggestion: check for waypoints that are in water. I notice a lot of times on coastal cities that the AI run through the city and swim out into the ocean. Thanks for your time, to anyone who read all of this.
  2. ernave


    I'd like to add a double-click action to something in inventory. I've found, in the ravage codebase, in /code/survival/inventory.sqf while {true} do {//true still works after respawn, use alive if we need to reboot waituntil {!(isnull (finddisplay 602))}; showCommandingMenu ""; { ((findDisplay 602) displayCtrl _x) ctrlSetEventHandler ["LBDblClick", "_this call fnc_gearLBDblClick"]; } count [633, 638, 619]; If I'm reading that right, when the layer opens the inventory, this code closes it, then reopens it with fnc_gearLBDblClick as the doubleclick event handler. I suspect that means I *cant* add my own double click handler without overriding yours. Am I right about that? If so, I guess I can try a scroll menu action.
  3. ernave


    You can programmatically add a condition to a trigger? At any rate, I was only guessing that Ravage uses triggers to spawn AI. We'd have to ask Haleks to confirm that. If that's the way it works, you'd also need a reference to the trigger in order to modify its condition. I'm pretty sure that ambient zombies don't use triggers. They appear to be spawned from a continuously running loop that checks for structures in range. The reason I suspect that is, there's a global variable "canspawnzeds" that can be updated to turn them off.
  4. ernave


    Sounds like you got it working but just for discussion I'll toss this out there: I *think* the way that AI patrols work is, they are triggered by proximity to a named map location (usually a city). So if you delete them or kill them, you'd have to exit the trigger area, then re-enter it for them to respawn. I don't think there's a way, in Arma, to manually fire a trigger without meeting its activation condition. But something I've done before is to teleport myself away from the city, then back to it. That usually works to give me another wave of AI.
  5. Hi @Vandeanson, would you ever consider an init.sqf version that just had the bleeding/infection/bandages/meds stuff in it? Where I'm going with this is, I'd like to package those features (bleeding etc.) into a mission such that a person wouldn't have to download the full mod.
  6. ernave


    I assumed there was an event that fired when that happened. Conceptually, there is code that is different between a zombie and a bandit that tells it precisely what to do when it acquires a target, yes? Zombies move toward the target. A bandit without a gun would not. So presumably, at that point in the code where the zombie AI plots a movement, it could also play a scream. But of course, I've never looked at the code so I don't know.
  7. ernave


    Looking forward to seeing it! This is by far my favorite arma mod. If I could make a suggestion: if zombies would scream when they see you, and also when they attack, I think it would go a long way toward making them more scary. Also, I love the option you added to set their voice pitch up or down - if you varied the sound based on the type of zombie, I think that would add a lot to the game. You'd hear a certain sound an think, "uh oh, a bolter is after me" Finally, if they spawned in lying on the ground, and then stood up, that would be creepy/unnerving as well. Maybe some of them could even lie down when idle. A player would think they'd been killed by AI ...then they'd get up.
  8. ernave


    @EO I see. I guess I'll just fiddle with it and see what I can come up with. Do you happen to know if there's a function inside Ravage that I could call to sort of "restart" all patrols? I've noticed that they often crash into buildings and kill all the crew (not Haleks' fault that arma's AI is stupid). Is there a way to have those patrols despawn and get new ones?
  9. ernave


    Oh wow, that is so cool! I've been wanting something like that! Presumably, I could add the UH1 entry dynamically, right? My thinking is, I'd like to have a heli somewhere on the map for the player to find, and after he finds it, enemy heli patrols will spawn. So, I'd have a trigger that would add an object to rvg_aiVehicles Think that'll work? Also while we're on the subject of ravage vehicle, I'd like to increase fuel consumption so that obtaining fuel is a more important goal. I'm thinking of something like this: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/95892-faster-fuel-consumption/?do=findComment&comment=1613329 Though I haven't figured out yet how I'll access every vehicle's init. Any help would be appreciated. I also don't want the AI to run out of fuel, so ideally, I'd like to check that a player is driving the vehicle then adjust its consumption rate.
  10. ernave


    Nice! Thanks Haleks. BTW @Valken, that script I posted above for "boss" zombies is pretty neat. Worth checking out. There's a runner zombie that's very heavily armored, and an exploding zombie, although the amount of damage is a bit much in my opinion. It's using "IEDUrbanBig_Remote_Ammo" which will literally take out nearby buildings! I'm not able to loot the zombies though. I can see that it's spawning them with vests and backpacks, but when they're dead I can't look them. Based on what Haleks just said about them being agents, my guess is, that's the reason. I guess you can't check the inventory of agents. The script is doing (in the init EH): _zombie addVest "V_TacChestrig_cbr_F";
  11. ernave


    I was trying to make use of a modified version of a script Haleks provided here: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/183264-ravage/?do=findComment&comment=3340080 My intention was to have a trigger that resulted in every zombie targeting the player. It's not working. Am I doing something wrong? { _x doMove (getpos player); _x forceSpeed 2; } forEach entities [["Zombie"], [], false, true];
  12. ernave


    This script has a couple of different types of bosses. I haven't tried it personally yet. https://github.com/OpticCobra/Arma-3-Ravage-Zombie-Gear/blob/main/ZombieInit.sqf Okay understood. Thanks for the info. I'll try some other mods. Also, thanks a lot for the "audio detection" and "visual detection" settings you added about a year ago. I've been able to tune my missions to exactly the way I like them. Can I ask one more thing? Have you considered giving them an attack sound? I often find that one comes up behind me and silently attacks. I get the visual indication when the screen turns red, but nothing else.
  13. ernave


    Hi. Can anyone tell me what rvg_fnc_horde_fired_near does and how to use it? I found it on this page: https://ravage.fandom.com/wiki/Ravage_functions I had an idea to try and make something the player could throw which would have a short timer, and would then make a loud noise that would attract zombies. Basically, it'd be like firecracker. Ideally, using it would use up a match too. But basically, if you were stuck on a roof because too many zombies had aggroed, you could light a firecracker and throw it and they'd all go after it. I realize they also move toward flares, but they will ignore a flare if they're aggroed on the player. Alternately, has anyone else ever thought along these lines? Does something like this already exist? Thanks.
  14. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with the code below? I don't get an error. Nothing at all happens. I'm trying to spawn a UAV. Thanks. _UAV = [getPos player, 0, "O_UGV_01_rcws_F", WEST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle;
  15. yeah, it totally works. Wow, arma, man.
  16. yeah, in the debug console. Weird. I'll go try it again now...
  17. ernave


    Hi. I just wanted to ask if this is still the case: and if so, is there's a workaround? I'm putting down triggers to spawn hordes in one particular city, and it works great, but then the enemy AI come wandering in and they attract all the zombies to them, and as a result it's no longer very dangerous for players. I know there's a "canSpawnZeds" flag. Is there maybe a "canSpawnAI" flag? And if so, how far outside of a city should I put it? Thanks.
  18. ernave


    I posted a question yesterday asking about despawning units. I have (attempted to) write a script to do it. Could I get some feedback from the smart people here if what I'm doing looks correct? As I mentioned above, I've got a trigger that spawns units in a guard tower. I'm using Haleks' equip function, and I'm also setting the class name to "Bandit_green" - what I want to do is, when the player exits the trigger area, I want there to be a delay of a few minutes, and then I want to check that the player is sufficiently far away, and if so want to delete all those bandits. Here's what I've come up with for the On Deactivation method: // wait 2 minutes and check if the player is more than 1km away while {(player distance _thisTrigger) < 1000} do { sleep 120; }; // delete all bandits { if (_x inArea _thisTrigger) then { deleteVehicle _x; } } forEach entities [["Bandit_green"], [], false, false]; Any feedback appreciated. Thanks.
  19. ernave


    Hi. Is there a way that I can take advantage of Ravage's built-in cleanup functions? I'm using triggers to spawn static units (mostly in guard towers, stuff like that) and using RVG_fnc_equip to equip them. I realize I can delete them with the trigger's On Deactivation event, but that's suboptimal - sometimes, you want to back off or otherwise reposition yourself, and if you exit the trigger area and the units just disappear, that's disappointing. Ravage does a good job cleaning up the units it creates. Can I put mine in a list or give them an attribute so that it'll clean up mine too?
  20. ernave


    Hi. Is it possible to have a trigger that spawns one of your AI OPFOR squads with the "hunter" attribute set? Basically, I want to have a loot box in a city, and when the players gets near it, I want the AI to come after him.
  21. ernave


    Hi. I was trying to force a bandit patrol to spawn using this (from the debug console): [position player] spawn (selectRandom rvg_spawn_GROUPS); And what seems to have happened is, it spawned them at the map's 0 - 0 position, instead of what normally happens, which is to spawn them nearby. Is there a way for me to do what I'm trying to do? Thanks.
  22. ernave


    Is the mod, "Ravage CUP" still needed? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1392780600 It appears that the Ravage mod itself is turning off the lights on Altis. The lights are still off even if I have Ravage CUP disabled. So, are there additional changes in Ravage CUP that I would want? Thanks.
  23. ernave


    cool. In the condition block, what the difference between the default, which is "this" and what you have there?
  24. Let's say that I want to set and read variables in the different parts of a trigger (the condition, the activation, and the deactivation section). Step 1, I give the trigger a name like MyTrigger Step 2, I set a variable in the activation section: MyTrigger setvariable ["somevarname",12345]; Step 3, I can read the variable in deactivation: MyTrigger getvariable ["somevarname",0] My question: can I do this without having to hard code "MyTrigger" in the code? Why do I want to do this? Because I will have many, many copies of this trigger in my mission, and I would prefer not to have to customize the code for all of them. Thanks.