Hello, I have seen numerous post about this issue, but can't seem to find a solution that actually works. So here is my problem.
I have a classic sector game which I play alone or with a friend, against or with each other. Each side (Bluefor and Opfor) have a squad a player can take over and control. Rest of the forces come from an AI spawn module. It all works perfectly except all the ai's spawned from the modules doesn't bleed any tickets on both sides when they are killed in action.
It is only players and ai squad members that I know how to use bleed tickets with. But the Ai's from the module does not work, so it is sort of unbalanced. Please do anyone knows how to bleed tickets form ai spawn module?
Script I use for the ai squad mebmers in unit init:
this addEventHandler ["killed",{[_this select 0,-1,true] call bis_fnc_respawnTickets;}];