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Everything posted by bumyplum

  1. Is there a way to disable a players abort button whilst the player is dead then activate it again once they're alive?
  2. Is there anyway to permently disable the abort button, at the moment i have _abortButton =(findDisplay 49)displayCtrl 104; _abortButton ctrlEnable false; Which disables it whilst your on it
  3. I'm attempting to see how the configure audio settings is put together, I've tried looking at RscDisplayOptionsAudio.sqf how ever just shows : https://gyazo.com/9ab7effae5989aa9d47a0ba9aee89f99 whilst RscDisplayOptionsVideo.sqf shows alot more on how it's created : https://gyazo.com/9a91d4301ee101930fb46bdcec49e1e1 Does anyone know where in the files the audio menu is created?
  4. Say if they started they 10 mags you'd only want them to use one or 10% of a mag or? are you wanting to count a whole squads ammo or just individuals?
  5. So i'm attempting to get whats in the second column of the controls list box, i can get the text from the left side but not the right, _data = ((findDisplay 4) displayCtrl 102) lbText 0; // Returns Inventory. How do i get the information from the ASSIGNED KEYS section I've also tried _text = ((findDisplay 4) displayCtrl 102) lbTextRight 0; how ever it doesn't return it, any infomation is helpful, thanks
  6. configfile >> "RscListBoxKeys" possibly using
  7. Has any one got a clue on what to do because i'm stumped with this one
  8. "IDC: -1, Class Name: BackgroundDisable Type: 0 |||IDC: 1, Class Name: CA_ButtonContinue Type: 16 |||IDC: 2, Class Name: CA_ButtonCancel Type: 16 |||IDC: 101, Class Name: CA_ButtonDefault Type: 16 |||IDC: 102, Class Name: CA_ValueKeys Type: 5 |||IDC: 103, Class Name: CA_ValueXAxis Type: 3 |||IDC: 104, Class Name: CA_ValueYAxis Type: 3 |||IDC: 105, Class Name: CA_ValueYReversed Type: 42 |||IDC: 106, Class Name: CA_ValueJoystick Type: 16 |||IDC: 108, Class Name: CA_ControlsPage Type: 4 |||IDC: 109, Class Name: PlayersName Type: 0 |||IDC: 110, Class Name: CA_MouseFiltering Type: 3 |||IDC: 113, Class Name: CA_MouseAcceleration Type: 7 |||IDC: 114, Class Name: ButtonPresets Type: 16 |||IDC: 125, Class Name: RscText Type: 0 |||IDC: 1000, Class Name: Title Type: 0 |||IDC: 1002, Class Name: CA_ControlsPageText Type: 0 |||IDC: 1003, Class Name: TextAction Type: 0 |||IDC: 1004, Class Name: TextAssignedKeys Type: 0 |||IDC: 1005, Class Name: CA_TextMouseSens Type: 0 |||IDC: 1006, Class Name: TextYReversed Type: 0 |||IDC: 1007, Class Name: TextXAxis Type: 0 |||IDC: 1008, Class Name: TextYAxis Type: 0 |||IDC: 1009, Class Name: CA_TextMouseSmoothing Type: 0 |||IDC: 1010, Class Name: CA_TextMouseAcceleration Type: 0 |||IDC: 1011, Class Name: TextGeneral Type: 0 |||IDC: 1080, Class Name: TitleBackground Type: 0 |||IDC: 1081, Class Name: MainBackground Type: 0 |||IDC: 1082, Class Name: TabsBackground Type: 0 |||IDC: 2300, Class Name: KeyboardGroup Type: 15 |||IDC: 2301, Class Name: MouseGroup Type: 15 |||IDC: 2400, Class Name: ButtonKeyboard Type: 16 |||IDC: 2401, Class Name: ButtonMouse Type: 16 |||" Details for display 4
  9. for "_i" from -1 to 99999 do { _data = ctrlType ((findDisplay 4) displayCtrl _i); if (_data isEqualTo 5 or _data isEqualTo 42 or _data isEqualTo 102) then { systemChat format["ctrlType: %1 | displayCtrl: %2", _data, _i]; } }; ^^^ returns // ctrlType : 5 | displayCtrl 102 // CT_LISTBOX ctrlType : 42 | displayCtrl 105 // CT_XLISTBOX // _data2 = ctrlShown ((findDisplay 4) displayCtrl 105); // Returns False _data3 = ((findDisplay 4) displayCtrl 105) lbText 0; // Returns Reversed _data4 = ((findDisplay 4) displayCtrl 105) lbText 1; // Returns Normal displayCtrl 5 is for Inverting Y axis on mouse therefore i can't find any other list boxes https://gyazo.com/f48f52e150511533045f9b240deacf30 // Image of all IDC and Class names for display 4
  10. ctrlType ((findDisplay 4) displayCtrl 102) // Returns 5
  11. _data = ((findDisplay 4) displayCtrl 102) lbText 0; _data2 = ((findDisplay 4) displayCtrl 102) lnbText [0,0]; _data // returns "Inventory" _data2 // returns nothing I'm not sure what i'm doing wrong
  12. I know that command exists I was just curious on how to get the information on the right for future reference since I'm unaware on how to do it
  13. bumyplum

    Uniform not global

    Are you sure "textures\prisonuniform.paa" is correct? try changing it to a default arma texture and see if it works
  14. Is there anyway to check what an ctrleventhandler does for example "LBSelChanged" to see what is linked to the control and what it does if its executed in the mission? _thisScript might come into play but not sure
  15. bumyplum


    After doing some filtering i found the idd for Video ctrlActivate ((findDisplay 49) displayCtrl 301); Loads up the video setting from the pause menu how ever i'm not sure how to open the pause menu through a script
  16. Is there a way to force a player to left click?
  17. bumyplum

    Uniform not global

    Try use; [player,[0,"textures\prisonuniform.paa"]] remoteExec ["setObjectTexture",0,true];
  18. bumyplum

    Force Click

    Are you not able to do it within the mission from debug console for example?
  19. bumyplum

    Force Click

    _ctrl = findDisplay 46 createDisplay "RscDisplayEmpty" ctrlCreate ["RscShortcutButton", -1]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [0,0,.2,.2]; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; _ctrl ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "<a color='#00FF00' size='1' href='http://youtube.com'> </a>"; I've attempted to create a button which on pressed opened the link how ever i'm unable to get it to actually load the link
  20. bumyplum


    Would you be able to use this to find out a command to open the settings menu?
  21. bumyplum


    For example using getText how would i get the displayeventhandler for "Abort" on the pause them just for reference
  22. bumyplum

    Map markers script

    waitUntil {!isNull (finddisplay 12)}; ((findDisplay 12)displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw",{ params ["_ctrl"]; private _list = []; { if ((side _x) isEqualTo (side player)) then { _list pushBackUnique _x; } } forEach allPlayers; { _ctrl drawIcon [ getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "icon"), [side _x] call BIS_fnc_sideColor, _x, 32, 32, getDir _x, name _x, true ]; } forEach _list; }]; //// May not be the most efficient way but i believe it works.
  23. bumyplum


    My goal is to find out what a non specific ctrleventhandler does, im not sure how else to explain it
  24. bumyplum

    Force Click

    i want a player to click a href to a youtube link but i want them to click it automatically