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About HybridCobra

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  1. HybridCobra

    Formula Arma

    That's totally fine dude. at least i know it's on the way!
  2. HybridCobra

    Formula Arma

    When will this be released? i'm so eager to get this mod! or has this project beeen abandoned? if so please upload the only functioning cars.
  3. HybridCobra

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    i would like to see a Ferrari F10 Formula One car, i can give you comp in steam cards and/or CSGO low end skins.
  4. HybridCobra

    MKY Sandstorm script

    where is the current script for the brownout effect? if it's there what do i need to do for it to work?
  5. HybridCobra

    MKY Sandstorm script

    hey mky, i can't get the script working. i'm importing everything except for the mission.sqm, every time i play the mission its supposed to play in it doesn't work. all i want is the Brownout effect, not the dust storm, just the brownout. and it won't do anything.do you know how to fix this?
  6. i didn't mean he had to make custom props, just work with CUP assets, etc. but i've never made a map but if this was added i'd play it for hours on end.
  7. would you please make the highway like a border such as in this clip at 1:47 and 3:44 where you can see the fences on the side of the highway?
  8. HybridCobra


    i'm using the F/A-18 super hornet mod for a carrier operation, in real life when the aircraft are stationed on the carrier they hqave their wings folded and flaps way down, i know it's possible the manually out the flaps down but there a setting or an addon or a script that lets you put them down in the editor? TL:DR i want to manually put flaps down on aircraft in the 3d editor
  9. hey guys, i'm just here because i want to know how to make AI takeoff from aircraft carriers. i just want the simple script, no arguing in the comments, no debating, you can working together to figure out problems but overall i just want the scripts, sorry if that seemed rude but i'm doing a cinematic and i wanna get it done because if i don't do it in a deadline i'm gonna get demotivated. thanks.