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About Tactical_Lunatic

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    Private First Class

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  1. Tactical_Lunatic

    Feedback Thread

    The AI in combat mode is some of the worst AI Ive ever encountered, virtually invincible to headshots, can drop several different players in a single shot regardless of locations, can shoot through walls and other "solid objects" and preset loadouts are unreliable, these are jus a few of the issues with the game, playing anything else other than combat mode is pointless as the other modes are hacked to death, but combat patrol in itself has the potential to be a very good tactical shooter if the AI is fixed otherwise this game will fall on its backside and fail!
  2. Tactical_Lunatic

    New mode Feedback

    the tk's are really annoying i was in a lobby with a french "player"(cant remember name) who kept team killing me, and when i spoke up i was greeted with a barrage of verbal abuse, some people though (myself included) prefer the CP mode over the other PvP modes because of the hackers/glitchers ect, but as ive mentioned before the AI in combat patrol is terrible and really ruins what could be a very good tactical shooter imho, this needs to be rectified quickly or it will be a game breaker tbh. theres a few of us gathering as a team with the goal of filling a lobby with trusted decent players which i plan on streaming, we just need to complete a 10 man squad so as to not worry about being joined by greifers/tk's ect, but if the AI isn't fixed then it will put any potential viewers off playing the game.
  3. Tactical_Lunatic

    New mode Feedback

    nobody seems to be streaming it tho? either that or i jus cant seem to find any streams at all.
  4. Tactical_Lunatic

    New mode Feedback

    can we not join friends via steam yet? this could make teamwork possible. also do you know when it will be made possible to stream via twitch?
  5. Tactical_Lunatic

    New mode Feedback

    maybe as a seperate "vehicle patrol mode" with several bases setup around the map, with the team having to travel between 2 or more mission selected bases, via certain areas which would include checkpoints ect, or maybe even bomb disposal (game randomly selects 1 player on the team to be bomb disposal BD) requiring the team to get in to an area, and protect BD while he/she defuses an explosive device and get out again. i realise it can be hard for getting missions done, but if you can get a decent team together who play as a team (instead of running off trying to play like cod or battlefield) then i find it much better and more likely to complete a mission with zero casualties. This could perhaps be aided by a prefered/avoided player option. thanks for the info on driving licence though i didnt know about it, what else does the supporter pack come with? :)
  6. Tactical_Lunatic

    Bullets from the sky?!?

    i prefer playing combat patrol for the same reason tbh, but i do find the ai in it to be really frustrating at times (my other thread) how often are the updates? and is the a thread/news feed that we can find progress info?
  7. Tactical_Lunatic

    New mode Feedback

    larger scale patrols as an option, maybe requiring vehicular patrol, dealing with checkpoints (both friendly and hostile) along the route
  8. Tactical_Lunatic

    Bullets from the sky?!?

    there was more than one in the first game, but both their gamertags started with the same T.P. and they were both on opposing teams (1 on my team one on other)
  9. Tactical_Lunatic

    Bullets from the sky?!?

    cant see any other reason for bullets coming from the clouds tbh dude
  10. Tactical_Lunatic

    New mode Feedback

    Would be better if combat patrol had a freeroam option were players could go where ever they want on the map, instead of being more or less confined to one small area at a time.
  11. Tactical_Lunatic

    Bullets from the sky?!?

    dont know why its posted the same thread twice, please delete one thread thanks
  12. Tactical_Lunatic

    Bullets from the sky?!?

    while in a clash match earlier i was killed by bullets (tracer rounds )from the sky by a "player" by the name of T.P._sh0kks_, also encountered a teleporter in another clash match, and a "player" who was blatatly using some form of wall hack, i didnt get the names of the other 2 but the first was reported using your troublesome report system.
  13. Tactical_Lunatic

    Bullets from the sky?!?

    while in a clash match earlier i was killed by bullets (tracer rounds )from the sky by a "player" by the name of T.P._sh0kks_, also encountered a teleporter in another clash match, and a "player" in a raid match who was blatatly using some form of wall hack, i didnt get the names of the other 2 but the first was reported using your troublesome report system.