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Mr H.

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Everything posted by Mr H.

  1. @Doctor-Vanilla he wants to equip the gear he had when starting the mission not the one he had when he died. this should work: in your initplayerlocal.sqf (create it if you don't have one) _storeGear = getUnitLoadOut player; uiNameSpace setVariable ["StoredUnitLoadOut", _storeGear]; in your onplayerrespawn.sqf player setUnitLoadOut [(uiNameSpace getVariable "StoredUnitLoadOut"),true]; the "true" means that ammo will be replenished, change to false if you don't want that.
  2. Maybe they just used DrawIcon 3d
  3. and obviously change the image path to whatever you want. (Alsoi I think that in the video you posted the watermark was added to the video via obs and not ingame).
  4. with uiNamespace do { titleImage = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscPicture", -1]; titleImage ctrlSetPosition [_x,_y,_w,_h]; titleImage ctrlCommit 0; titleImage ctrlSetText "media\img\splashscreen.paa"; }; change x,y,w, h to screen coordinates ((safezone is better) and Height and Width, to get the coordinates right go in game, press the escape menu and use the GUI editor ( https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/User_Interface_Editor_(Arma_3) ) for further info). To delete the watermark : with uiNamespace do { ctrlDelete titleImage; };
  5. I have edited the code above, now the key works to toggle the bullet cam on and off (i've tested it) as for MP, you certainly do not want the bullet cam to activate every time you shoot and such things. The script above is nice but might need some other refinements. Bullet cam in MP seems quite dangerous since the player looses control over his unit during camera shots. You could filter it to activate only when the player is using a specific weapon or firemod for instance.
  6. try this (untested): BRNG_CamStatus = true; if (isnil "BRNG_BulletCamDeEh") then { BRNG_BulletCamDeEh = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown","if ((_this select 1) == 57) then { if (BRNG_CamStatus) then {BRNG_CamStatus = false; hint 'Bullet Cam: Off'; } else {BRNG_CamStatus = true; hint 'Bullet Cam: On'; }; }; false;"]; }; _EHIndex = player addEventHandler ["Fired", { _null = _this spawn { if !(BRNG_CamStatus) ExitWith {}; _missile = _this select 6; _cam = "camera" camCreate (position player); _cam cameraEffect ["External", "Back"]; waitUntil { if ((isNull _missile) or !BRNG_CamStatus) exitWith {true};//(speed _missile < 1) dont wait on stuff like smoke grenades _cam camSetTarget _missile; _cam camSetRelPos [0,-3,0]; _cam camCommit 0; }; uiSleep 0.4; //Slo-mo _cam cameraEffect ["Terminate", "Back"]; camDestroy _cam; }; }]; player setVariable ["BulletCam_eventHandler_index", _EHIndex, true]; ////////////to completely remove bullet cam use code below somewhere (eg in a trigger) //player removeEventHandler ["Fired",(player getVariable "BulletCam_eventHandler_index")]; Note that this script should work fine in SP but will need some work to work in MP Pressing the spacebar should toggle bulletcam on and off, also if you want to change the key change the 57 to a value found here https://resources.bisimulations.com/wiki/DIK_KeyCodes
  7. you'd have to remove the event handler to do that but this scriptseems to include a key to toggle the bullet cam on and /off (spacebar)
  8. yeah I also have the issue with the terrain "eating" the map, any chance for a fix?
  9. Hi, In my dialogs.hpp I'd like to group several controls under one common idc (so that i can do ctrlshow [_group, true] or false to hide and show the whole group. I'm currently using rscControlsgroup as a parent to achieve that but it is not satisfying because safezone size and positions params of controls inside the controlsgroup are relative to the controlsgroup position and dimension. I have tried grouping them like this: class Group1 : RscControlsGroupMRHSAT { idc = 1208; show = false; class controls { class MRHMarkings: RscPictureMRHSAT { idc = 1231; //show = false; text = "MRHSatellite\Paa\screenmarks.paa"; x = 0.250625 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.122 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.49875 * safezoneW; h = 0.49 * safezoneH; }; class MRHAltitudeName: RscStructuredTextMRHSAT { idc = 1204; text = "Altitude"; x = 0.63125 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.192 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.0590625 * safezoneW; h = 0.028 * safezoneH; }; class MRHAltitudeDisplay: RscStructuredTextMRHSAT { idc = 1205; text = "AltDisplay"; x = 0.63125 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.22 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.0590625 * safezoneW; h = 0.028 * safezoneH; }; class MRHViewModeName: RscStructuredTextMRHSAT { idc = 1206; text = "View Mode"; x = 0.63125 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.248 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.0590625 * safezoneW; h = 0.028 * safezoneH; }; class MRHViewModeDisplay: RscStructuredTextMRHSAT { idc = 1207; text = "ViewDisplay"; x = 0.63125 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.276 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.0590625 * safezoneW; h = 0.028 * safezoneH; }; class MRHSlider: RscSliderMRHSAT { idc = 1202; type = CT_SLIDER; style = SL_VERT; x = 0.716563 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.122 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.0328125 * safezoneW; h = 0.49 * safezoneH; color[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; coloractive[] = { 1, 0, 0, 0.5 }; //onLoad = "call MRH_fnc_SetSatRange;"; onSliderPosChanged = "((findDisplay 9751) displayCtrl 1205) ctrlSetStructuredText parsetext (str (round (_this select 1))); _cam = missionNamespace getVariable ""SATCAM""; _cam setPos [(getpos _cam select 0), (getpos _cam select 1), (_this select 1)];"; }; }; }; that is to say without assigning position/dimension settings to the controls group itself. And surprisingly enough it seemed to work... Until I tried changing to different UI sizes and then it all got fucked up. So basically is there a way to group controls under a same idc without using controlsgroups?
  10. Hey I've released the mod. More info here: and thanks for the help guys.
  11. thanks! I will look into it asap
  12. @Crielaard you can now disable lasering, as well as target tracking or access to fuls screen mode.
  13. @loopdk and @Robisfunny I am aware of the issue and will fix it in a next update. For the moment the feed works for anyone who has used the satellite console, but not if the user has not used it. If it doesn't work for you even after that, please make sure that you have PIP enable in your arma 3 graphics options. Also note that if you exit full-screen mode directly to the game without going back to the windowed satellite feed the pip will stop working as well. I'll fix it too soon.
  14. It cannot be disabled right now but I might add the option in a future release.
  15. Thanks guys here's a shitty video with french commentary of the mod in action: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/215489459
  16. yes but the script also grabs triggers and their parameters, units and their waypoints & loadouts, init scripts; in short EVERYTHING. You can use it to spawn whole missions, which is what I'm using it for, and objectsgrabber just won't do that
  17. @davidoss objects grabber and objects mapper aren't anywhere as efficient as this script is. After further testing: Triggers have some issues, condition "NOT PRESENT" is not passed "PRESENT" is set instead. Trigger owners are not recorded. @Larrow commented his code on this. Trigger timeout is not set. (though from my testing its correctly grabbed from the sqe)
  18. If you have no scripting knowledge what you are trying to do might prove difficult to achieve, you should start with simpler stuff and some training in basic scripting, there are tons of tutorials out there: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Introduction_to_Scripting is a good start. Some things (like what you want to do) will require scripting and cannot be done without.
  19. Bis fnc Stalk is what you are looking for ^^ (for terrorist hunting part) . The rest will require some more scripting. For your rescue chopper you'll have to make a script that tells the chopper to move to the chopper when it's shot down. Use and eventhandler " LandedTouchDown" to detect when your first heli has touched the ground to launch the script.
  20. Hey I can spawn compositions alright and it works like a charm, but the deleting function doesn't work. I've tried it with very simple test compositions including a small group of AIs and a marker. The composition spawns as expected but won't get deleted. Are you still supporting this awesome script? EDIT: the deleting function DOES work properly I was just not using it properly, my bad. Markers won't get spawned properly though, only the text will show, not the marker pic.
  21. sorry to bump this up but I have the same issue
  22. ace 3 did this for nvgs in their latest version, you should have a look at their github to see how they did it, might be a good start. Otherwise have a look at this https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ppEffectCreate
  23. Hi, So in order to test my code I usually make everything that can be made in the editor in a mission (I create a subfolder which will be the addon root directory instead of putting everything in the mission's root directory). My question is the following: If you have a folder that is "myaddon\stuff", in your mission, when you turn it into a mod, you have to change every single path to "\myaddon\stuff" adding a \ at the start of every path in every single file the addon contains. I do this manually or with the replacement/search tool in Notepad ++. But maybe my method is not the correct one. How do you guys do this? What am I doing wrong? Is there a faster way?
  24. thank you for your answers! My mod is almost finished I'll share it on the forum when I release it.