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avibird 1

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Posts posted by avibird 1

  1. hello I have a little issue that I need help with. 


    I have a few buildings in this mission that have groups of 2-3 units in each building with triggers setup to spawn other units inside the buildings. The original groups have a waypoint set for sentry with this code [SHC1,SHC2,SHC3,SHC4,SHC5,SHC6,SHC7,SHC8,SHC9,SHC10,SHC11,SHC12,SHG2,SHG3,SHG4,SHG5,SHG6,SHG7,SHG8,SHG9,SHG10,SHG11,SHG12] join SHG1;  When an enemy unit gets within certain distance the other units in the buildings will spawn when the original units in the group spot the enemy units the above code kicks in and the new spawn units will join the group and form a large group and start moving into a group formation once the original group sentry waypoint is activated the second waypoint comes into play its a move waypoint with this code (group this) setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["3","MOVE"], false]; This will give the new large group  coming out of the building generated waypoints within the set zone using GAIA standalone script works great to simulate a group coming out of building following an attack.


    The issue I have is sometimes the leader of the original group (SHG1) will get killed before the second waypoint with the patrol script (GAIA) kicks in and the new building group will never be joined together. If the second waypoint gets completed then the second man in the group will take the lead and the new group will work. My question how can I get the spawned second group to join the  original group and not just the lead unit ( named SHG1). The original group name is Station House Guards with the first unit name SHG1.


    How can I get the spawned units to join the group rather than the first unit in the group to prevent the issue if the first unit gets killed before the second waypoint gets activated and the new group starts to use GAIA for waypoints.


  2. Unfortunately the script is  very broken these days. Here is a good list of multiple partol scripts that I use in my missions it makes things a little less predictable when you use a few in a mission. No particular order of best to worst ?


    1. Upmons mostly broken now.


    2. Ups a big bug that units go into combat mode for no reason. If Used to use the no share parameter it works fine.


    3. Usps still works with a good Random House search section.



    4. GAIA works great but maybe too aggressive  maybe too good if you have a large number of groups.


    5.EOS was good I have not used it in a while.


    6. DAC  used a lot with Arma2 need to look at it again.


    7 Alive never really used it for my missions. It's a big mod. 


    8.AISSP this is a very good with lots of options. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19832


    9. Dynamic Enemy Population  DEP




    10. Engima's various ai systems


    11. [RELEASE] T8 Units - a less dynamic AI creator


    12.HETMAN - Artificial Leader




    Here is a list of AI scripts as well.


  3. Well Jebus is the gold standard in my opinion right now. I always use murklor been using it since arma2 there are a few other spawn scripts that you can use if you search on armaholic but jebus is currently being updated and you can use multiple purse Patrol scripts within jebus or just editor Place waypoints to make your own Patrol script.





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  4. I believe not. Vcom will make it's own waypoints and if you read a few post above you will see one of my post about Vcom units will always have a combat Full speed setup once the contact is made. Vcom is not a patrol script it's a combat enhancement script for the AI. GAIA, T8 Units - a less dynamic AI creator, USPS, DAC  and UPS (must use no share prameter to prevent units being on combat alert all the time), UPMONS pretty much broken don't use. 


    If you want a partol script use the ones I stated abour. I was very disappointed to find out that Vcom is not a real partol script. It's great for calling in for reinforcements to an AO but not a setup partol script due to the fact that units are always in alert combat full speed.

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  5. Yes caching units all the units get delete it from the map and respawned when the range trigger is set off.  Reducing the group leader is still on the map following what ever waypoints are setup and the rest of the units of the group gets spawned when the trigger is set. 


    This is my understanding. Also the Reduced group members in theory can be killed if a mortar strikes the area that the group should be in but I could be wrong about this ?

  6. Lol I am having major issues getting into my bios now with Windows 10. For some reason I can't get into with holding my F2 key ect. When I try to go into it from the recovery mode screen the option is no longer there. 


    My Gigabyte motherboard used to have this program called easytune that allowed me to OC my CPU with a quick hit of a button but I never really used it but after 8 years the program is no gone and I don't have access to it anymore. 


    If I could OC my CPU to 4.0mhz I would be very happy the CPU goes from 3.30 to 3.70 with the turbo boost function supposedly it has. Did you add many fans when you OC to 4.6?


    The more I read  about Arma and RAM uses more RAM or even a SSD drive will probably do  very little for my over FPS. ARMA will not use more the 2 or 3 MB of RAM.  I may added 8 GB of more RAM just to have 16 so I can keep other program up. I have read that Windows 10 can use a lot of extra Ram at times.   


    250GB SSD for only ARMA3 OS and steam.


    Still very confused what to do at this point. Like you said Arma likes fast clockspeed of the CPU over anything eles. My motherboard really can't handle a much faster processor than I have now so OC should really be my answer but it scares me because I don't know what I'm doing ?

  7. Well my motherboard and CPU can only handle 1333 speed of RAM I got my system almost 8 years ago lol time flys. 


    I can get 8 MB of the same ram speed of DDR3 1600 @1333 megahertz for around 75 dollars and a 250 GB SSD for 75. An update for 150 dollars after 8 years is not bad but will it improve my FPS in moderate to heavy missions that is the question. 11-16 FPS is really not enjoyable and hurts my eyes and gives me a freaking headache lol 18 to 23 I can cope with it ?. Is it worth it attempting to upgrade! 

  8. After doing some more research on my computer specs my CPU i5 2500 Sandy Bridge processor can only utilize Ram at 1333 megahertz. I'm not ready for a complete PC overhaul new motherboard  GPU CPU at this time that will come when arma4 gets announced and new specs. If I add 16GB of additional RAM @1333 with a new SSD for my OS and steam applications hopefully that will improve my FPS for large missions to reach the low 20s I would be extremely happy. It should run me a little over $200 to do this upgrade and hopefully it will pay off ?

  9. I am not a noob and know this has been talked about for a while but need some clarification what is the best things to use to boost my FPS during game play with moderate to large scale missions. I know my hardware is going old my PC was made for ARMA2 when arma first came out.


    windows 10

    intel i5-2500k CPU @3.30Ghz

    AMD radeon HD 6950 with a core clock 800Mhz

    System Memory 8GB

    standard hard dive 600GB

    motherboard P67A-UD3P-B3 F2 Gigabyte


    Now for my questions.

    I have the ability to overclock my GPU using

    Radeon software or MSI afterburner

    I can improve my  memory clock to 1325 MHZ from 1250 GPU clock to 840MHZ from 800 using both programs. Which is a better program to use for ARMA3. I really can't tell.


    Does Razer Cortex really work for ARMA3 I don't really see any real difference with FPS or general lag

    I DL this program call timer resolution it is used for decreasing lag with keys mouse and movements. Does this really work?

    My intel i5 has a  turbo boost technology does this really work or should I really overclocking it.



    With my arma sitting set to mostly set to high I get around 114 FPS when I preview main menu if I adjust some of my sitting to low and standard/disable i can get 160's however if I put my self in a empty world I get around 45 and high 30's in a town.

    When I start one of my mission I only get in the mid 20's to the high teens  still playable but sometimes next to the towns it drops to the low teens at this point the game becomes unenjoyable. I just need to improve like 5 FPS or so





  10. @GEORGE FLOROS GR  I put this code in a game logic on the map


       _x setVariable ["selections", []];
       _x setVariable ["gethit", []];
       _x addEventHandler 
       [    "HandleDamage",
               _unit = _this select 0;
               _selections = _x getVariable ["selections", []];
               _gethit = _x getVariable ["gethit", []];
               _selection = _this select 1;
               _projectile = _this select 4;
               if !(_selection in _selections) then
                   _selections set [count _selections, _selection];
                   _gethit set [count _gethit, 0];
               _i = _selections find _selection;
               _olddmg = _gethit select _i;
               _curdmg = _this select 2;
               if (_projectile == "") then {
                   _newdmg = _olddmg + (_curdmg - _olddmg) / 40;
                   _gethit set [_i, _newdmg];
    } forEach allUnits;  



    works well for my needs. It gives the units hit by the AI drivers to get healed and back into the mission. If the get hit by a fast moving tank one hit they will die right away. If a unit falls from a roof top not to high they can still get fix up if someone is around to help them. I like this fix for the dumb AI driving for sure. I did not really see much of a difference with the AI driving in a standard town with no major road blocks setup. May it still has some use in a town with many road blocks setup ? will need to test again.

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    • Thanks 1

  11. I have a very nice script that will give all human or AI units friendly or Foe to always have a roundbof AT/AA unit  or one magazine of any weapon in the inventory. I have been using it since ARMA2 because of the lack of AI rearm ability in the vanilla game. It will not work for vehicles guns but maybe you can tweak it or somebody can help you with it. 

  12. 2 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

    Hello there @genesis92x  !


    I'm using the Vcom script 3.0 .

    Does this also includes the scripts for the vcom driving script or i need to use this also?




    Thanks !

    Hey @GEORGE FLOROS GR I don't think the Vcom driving has been updated for while and since the developers updates on the AI driving the overall pathfing of the AI is a lot better so I feel the driving script is not needed anymore. With that said the AI will still hit pedestrians and friendly units so I am using a code to allow only damaged after a hit but after multiple hits the unit will die. Most of the times the units will go incapacitated and I have AI healing scripts running to patch them up. If you want the code I will post it I'm not at my computer right now.

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  13. @dreadpirate if you every get around to a new update could you think about this. like you did with the Variable name now is carried over after the units spawn. This  works out great to get a new spawned AI groups to join a pre existing group in the mission Thank you for that.  Now for some reason code in the spawned group init does not carrier over as well (maybe I am doing something wrong) But I would like to add Dostop  and a setFormDir  to a group that will spawn by JEBUS to really be able to setup a close quarter combat in a house with very small triggers throughout the house to allow the units to move again. This works out great with editor placed units but Jebus the units will automatically move back into formation and auto rotate back to the default north position 360. Avibird

  14. I use it before all the updates with Arma and the script it's self.  Yes it was very system heavy for my machine with a lot of lag and FPS drop but this new update is great no lag or major FPS drop. The combat is awesome but like I said can't really use it for partols in a mission design with AI running around in combat mode all the time. Hope it could be modified so if no enemy contact after X amount of time units will switch to safe aware and limited speed. ?

  15. Found this old post from 2014  @KC Grimes wrote this code that seems to work I tweeted the the damage numbers in the script to make the units go unconscious after the first hit but able to be revived. Works better good to assisting Urban combat with vehicles as long as you're running an AI revived script works great.


    { _x addEventHandler [ "HandleDamage", { _unit = _this select 0; _selections = _x getVariable ["selections", []]; _gethit = _x getVariable ["gethit", []]; _selection = _this select 1; _projectile = _this select 4; if !(_selection in _selections) then { _selections set [count _selections, _selection]; _gethit set [count _gethit, 0]; }; _i = _selections find _selection; _olddmg = _gethit select _i; _curdmg = _this select 2; if (_projectile == "") then { _newdmg = _olddmg + (_curdmg - _olddmg) / 70; _gethit set [_i, _newdmg]; _newdmg; } else { _curdmg; }; } ]; } forEach allUnits;


    The original number was 20; _gethit set 

  16. Been searching and trying to write a code that will only allow partial damage when hit by a vehicle for all AI units. 


    AI driving is still something to be desired in Urban settings. Working on mission that has multiple Urban AO with a few Patrol Vehicles link to all the AO.  There must be a way to set damage to units while hit from a a vehicle to only partial damage that will allow the unit to go unconscious but not die. I have another script that allows AI units to heal unconscious units. Any help would be great. 
