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About Teuf

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  1. I had to revert back to the old 1.24, Functionality of 1.3 is completely greek to me, particularly limiting the Huron boxes I used on the carrier to a certain weight of weapons, fuel and what not. I put in into my MP game and it just broke. I'm not fluent in the coding and where to put things for this to be a viable option for me. I've attempted to ask outside of this forum for assistance and the only answers I seem to get are just another big string of code which I have no idea where to put it. I surrender.
  2. BTW..those directions didn't work for the respawn...so I just dropped it back into the huffer. I'm sure I missed something somewhere.
  3. Grumpy...that post was just explaining that the MP functionality was erratic based on the INFO you gave me. Just a heads up for the guy that asked. What's with the salt. Info is info..was it a freaking secret or something?
  4. I suppose this is basically shedding light on it now. Grumpy designed this iteration for Single player missions stuff, not MP. That's why there is such erratic behavior for the aircraft on having dialogs and the inability of other players to interface properly with the GOM script.
  5. 1.23 is Broken I switched back to 1.22 and no error.
  6. Okay, this might be buried somewhere in this thread but for clarity's sake, This portion on the first page: [vehicle player,"PILOT"] call GOM_fnc_addAircraftLoadout , Does that go in the specific aircraft for when you just want a pilot to rig his OWN plane? Not really sure where this INIT portion is supposed to go.
  7. Maybe I kicked the directions somewhere...I put the [this] call GOM_fnc_addAircraftLoadout on a huffer sitting on the flight deck...I'm able to load some preloads that I saved in your mission but For the life of me I can't load individual weapon pylons. I can select the weapon I want to stick in there but the "install weapon" button does not light up. Does it have to be on a Ammo Truck?
  8. { dataType="Object"; class PositionInfo { position[]={15512.274,26.013704,1083.4333}; angles[]={0,5.4597039,0}; }; side="Empty"; flags=4; class Attributes { textures="DarkGrey"; reportRemoteTargets=1; receiveRemoteTargets=1; reportOwnPosition=1; pylons=";;;;PylonMissile_Missile_BIM9X_x1;PylonMissile_Missile_BIM9X_x1;PylonMissile_Missile_AMRAAM_D_INT_x1;PylonMissile_Missile_AMRAAM_D_INT_x1;PylonMissile_Missile_AMRAAM_D_INT_x1;PylonMissile_Missile_AMRAAM_D_INT_x1;PylonMissile_Missile_AMRAAM_D_INT_x1;PylonMissile_Missile_AMRAAM_D_INT_x1;"; }; id=229; type="B_Plane_Fighter_01_Stealth_F"; class CustomAttributes { class Attribute0 { property="ammoBox"; expression="[_this,_value] call bis_fnc_initAmmoBox;"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="[[[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]],[[],[]]],true]"; }; }; }; class Attribute1 { property="VehicleCustomization"; expression="if (local _this) then {([_this] + _value) call (uinamespace getvariable 'bis_fnc_initVehicle');};"; class Value { class data { class type { type[]= { "ARRAY" }; }; class value { items=2; class Item0 { class data { class type { type[]= { "ARRAY" }; }; }; }; class Item1 { class data { class type { type[]= { "ARRAY" }; }; class value { items=8; class Item0 { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="wing_fold_l"; }; }; class Item1 { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=1; }; }; class Item2 { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="wing_fold_r"; }; }; class Item3 { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=1; }; }; class Item4 { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="wing_fold_cover_l"; }; }; class Item5 { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=1; }; }; class Item6 { class data { class type { type[]= { "STRING" }; }; value="wing_fold_cover_r"; }; }; class Item7 { class data { class type { type[]= { "SCALAR" }; }; value=1; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; nAttributes=2; }; }; The part I hightlighted in read may be what you're looking for....I can't get the it to retain the loadout after respawning though...it's maddening.