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Posts posted by O360_A1AD

  1. i solved it myself about the PaintShop preset😀

    and i want to change loadout that automatically equip when you spawn with no preset selection.

    by the way, is there are any kind of persistence vehicle inventory system? i want save our team's property permanently. and i guess it increase immersion of game play experience.

  2. 22 hours ago, pSiKO said:


    I look to the respawn loadout

    the virtual garage is useful for protecting your vehicle (when you leave a public server) or for moving vehicles between FOBs

    you need the corporal level and the menu will appear on your vehicle

    got it thanks.


    oh, by the way is there any way that i can change color preset of PaintShop? like pink, red and things like that.

    and i also want change authority level of vehicles.

  3. 20 hours ago, pSiKO said:

    i will (re)install ace to test 😉


    edit: I fixed some problems with ace

    ACE Arsenal Menu

    Virtual Garage and PaintShop

    small fixes



    please update your pbo from github


    tell me if anything else is missing/broken 😉

    I cheked that.


    edit loadouts with ace arsenal                ... Working

    PaintShop                                                   ... Working

    respawn loadout list from ace arsenal  ... Not Working

    Virtual Garage                                            ... dunno how to access it


    anyway thanks😄


  4. On 7/1/2020 at 7:25 PM, pSiKO said:

    ['Open',[nil,_box]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;

    OK, here is the sentence from open_arsenal.sqf.

    if ( edit_loadout > 0 ) then {
        closeDialog 0;
        waitUntil {!dialog};
        if (GRLIB_limited_arsenal) then {
            _box = missionNamespace getVariable ["myLARsBox", objNull];
            _savedD = BIS_fnc_arsenal_data;
            _data = _box getVariable 'LARs_arsenal_Liberation_data';
            BIS_fnc_arsenal_data = _data;
            _savedC = _box getVariable [ 'bis_addVirtualWeaponCargo_cargo', [] ];
            _cargo = _box getVariable 'LARs_arsenal_Liberation_cargo';
            _box setvariable [ 'bis_addVirtualWeaponCargo_cargo', _cargo ];
            ['Open',[nil,_box]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;
            _nul = [ _box, _savedD, _savedC ] spawn {
                _box = _this select 0;
                waituntil { !isNull ( uiNamespace getvariable ['RscDisplayArsenal', displayNull] ) };
                waitUntil {  isNull ( uinamespace getvariable ['BIS_fnc_arsenal_cam', objnull] ) };
                BIS_fnc_arsenal_data = _this select 1;
                _box setVariable [ 'bis_addvirtualWeaponCargo_cargo', _this select 2 ];
        } else {
            ["Open", [true]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;

    you talking about middle one i guess. i replaced it with "[_box, true] call ace_arsenal_fnc_initBox;" (https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/arsenal-framework.html) but nothing happend, just default arsenal was opened. 

    what would you do ?🤔

  5. 17 hours ago, pSiKO said:



    frankly, I don't know how to do this !! (I don't use ACE)


     at least you found the right file; "open_arsenal.sqf"

     you have to change the call below (Vanilla A3 Arsenal) by the call used by ACE (which i don't know).

    ['Open',[nil,_box]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;


    alike, I use default loadout preset for the arsenal box, you have to "cleanup the box" and the refill with ACE preset,

    in my opinion, the best place is "\scripts\client\build\do_build.sqf" around lines 290 (see code below) you have to add the code to manage ACE preset


    not so easy but doable 🙂


    				if (!(_classname in  GRLIB_Ammobox)) then {
    					clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicle;
    					clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicle;
    					clearItemCargoGlobal _vehicle;
    					clearBackpackCargoGlobal _vehicle;


    I hope I helped


    thanks for the information I'll try it later.

    btw "green box" i meant in the last post is user interface which show on left side of the screen when you are choosing spawn loadout.

  6. Hi, pSiKO i really like this scenario.

    especially the function that consume point when you take loadout preset from arsenal.

    btw, i want change scenario's default arsenal to ace arsenal because vanilla arsenal is too slow to launch.

    and, i also want change loadout preset that show on green box to the ace arsenal's preset. 

    i found "open_arsenal.sqf" in your pbo file but i don't know what should i do. 

    so if you could, tell me how to change it. 

  7. Hi, i want player to respawn with exactly same loadout which player had it when one died.

    I put both "onPlayerKilled.sqf""onPlayerRespawn.sqf" which includes script for it into mission pbo and it worked but also it disconnected player from most of liberation system like halo jump, arsenal.

    So where should i describe script for it and what is the correct script for it.

    please tell me.

  8. 23 hours ago, Mail_Manof_Doom said:


    Not sure how to go increasing the Zeus authority but the duplicating white boards and chairs is an issue with them being editor placed and also being on the build list.

    You could fix it one of two ways. Either remove it from the buildlist in the particular Blufor preset you are using, or if you are willing to open the mission in editor, remove them from the mission in editor.

    it worked! thanks.

  9. 14 minutes ago, damsous said:

    Try with the initplayerlocal, you just need to give a variable name to the support request module in the exemple its "NATO".

    After you just need to sync this module to the other support module (CAS, supply drop....)




    if ((typeOf player) == "B_Soldier_SL_F") then  {
    player synchronizeObjectsAdd [NATO];
    BIS_supp_refresh = TRUE;




    Note "B_Soldier_SL_F" is the classname of the NATO squadleader, so every playable NATO squadleader will be able to call support, that work on SP, MP, dedicated server and JIP.


    just create an InitPlayerLocal.sqf put that code and play with a NATO squadleader.


    But you want to add this function at mission start or add it as task reward ?



    I understand what you talking. your script is working completely.

    now I'm talking about incomplete sync between arty supp module and arty which builded with script that i wrote above.

  10. @Darkhound7 @damsous thank both of you .


    btw i put 

    case "B_Mortar_01_F": {[_vehicle,ArtillerySupport] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;};

    to do_build.sqf and i put

    if (_nextclass == "B_Mortar_01_F") then {

    [_nextbuilding,ArtillerySupport] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;


    to save_manager.sqf

    it worked temporary, but once I leave and re-connect the server, artillery support is disappear from support list.

    restarting mission or server make artillery support back to the list, but it's not responding.


    Could anyone tell me if you have an ideas for fixing this.



  11. 4 hours ago, Darkhound7 said:

    Try not syncing the Support Requester to the slot but put this into the init of the slots (players) you want access to the support.   [commandant,SupportRequester] call BIS_fnc_addSupportLink;   Sync the requester to the support modules and make sure you name the requester SupportRequester. Hope that makes sense. Just tested it on my Dedi box.. Works fine. In my example only the commandant has access. You can add the code to other slots but change the name from Commandant of course. Hope that all makes sense. Ishould be in bed lol

    It worked!  I appreciate your help.
