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Everything posted by TheCr8rMaker

  1. Black sands..... Iwo Jima??
  2. TheCr8rMaker

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    @Professor Death there's some similar options in Military Gear Pack
  3. @callofmarty I think the excited aeroplane syndrome most modded planes are showing rn is due to physX tweaks done by BI when Tac-Ops released
  4. The IFA3 mortars now have ammo handling which could be causing your problems and FOW have a similar system. Your best bet for a solution is ask on their dev thread for either of the mods or talk to them on their discords best of luck
  5. TheCr8rMaker

    Logitech sound bug

    I've got 930's and have only had this issue since buying them, you're not alone but unfortunately there don't seem to be any fixes for it
  6. That's correct buddy, IFA3_AIO_LITE is everything iron Front in one, not sure if WW2_Objects is part of it though
  7. IFA3, FOW, CUP Terrains, ACE, and a bundle which don't effect this picture
  8. A little Joint Op that occurred tonight
  9. It was the night before D-Day, And all through France, Not a creature was stirring Not even the Krauts
  10. TheCr8rMaker

    [WIP] Static animations pack

    it looks like you're missing a semi colon at the end of the init
  11. Wait... the C47 will come with static line and stand up anims...? you gorgeous, glorious, bastards
  12. German troops round up suspected members of the Dutch Resistance, 1 tried to run Mods Used: IFA3, CBA, CUP Terrains, AresModAchilles
  13. TheCr8rMaker

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Does anyone know why you can no longer talk to people when zeus controlling an AI?
  14. Wondering if anyone knows why the US Rocket bags can only fit one round in them, despite being able to carry 3 irl?