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Everything posted by Stahpills

  1. Stahpills

    seelenlos Zeus

    Hello Fry, I am running Exile servers - and testing this on an Exile server - Altis map - for dev testing. I have Infistar on the dev box, along with ExAd client, R3F Logistics, and a few other custom features that are working. I have a very similar SLZ setup and issue as yukihito23. I also reach the exact same point in my rpt log for the server init: " 11:20:15 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: 2 Curator(s) created! - (SLZ_fnc_initPre: 34) 11:20:15 "SC/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] SLZ_fnc_initPre (245.998 ms)" 11:20:16 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: Only SL Zeus curator modules in this mission! (SLZ_fnc_initPost: 24) 11:20:16 "SC/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] SLZ_fnc_initPost (0 ms)" 11:28:03 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: Stahpills connected and is in whitelist - (any: 38) " When I load up my client, I get a notice in "SLZ Verbunden" in my chat window. Both load the same, and my Zeus key (key and Zeus work fine in a local server Zeus environment in same client) has no effect when I press it in-game for this server. My setup differences: My mod is in @Seelenlos folder and loaded as "-Servermod=@Seelenlos;..." I used the CfgRemoteExec.hpp from Infistar template - noticed that it sets jip = 0; so I set jip=0 and jip=1 in my slz class explicitly to see if that does anything. Does not seem to. I have tried this CfgRemoteExec with and without BattlEye: class CfgRemoteExec { class Functions { mode = 1; jip = 0; class fnc_AdminReq { allowedTargets=2; }; class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets=2; }; // 2017-03-01 - Stahpills - ExAd class ExAdServer_fnc_clientRequest { allowedTargets=2; }; // 2017-03-02 - Stahpills - Seleenlos Zeus class slz_fnc_assigncurator {jip=1; allowedTargets = 2;}; }; class Commands { mode=0; jip=0; }; }; Please let me know if there is now a known fix, or if I can provide / test anything else. EDIT: I have been looking at the change log - I see that "neutral" zeus was removed recently. In Exile I am not sure what player slot I am in. So I also attempted the following: Logged in with #login <serverpassword> to see if this puts me in the right role - no joy Killed my character and respawned, tried to access Zeus again - no joy Killed my character and respawned, then did the #login <serverpassword>, tried Zeus key again - no joy Many thanks - looking forward to being able to use this. Regards, Stahpills