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About M3gz

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  1. Hi DirtySanchez, I haven't played with it since I did this post, tried putting another on, but it doesn't seem to snap right on existing objects. Will jump on discord when I learn how to use it. :D
  2. Love your work DirtySanchez, Shame some clowns try to rip off the community, I tried to look at a servers mission pbo the other night, but it was locked/encrypted so no one can open it, douche bags... Hey mate, did you end up working this out and get your server running? I am having the same problems. My initPlayerLocal.sqf [] execVM "addons\statusBar\statusBar.sqf"; NR_fnc_SalvageVehicle = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers "Custom\SalvageVehicle\SalvageVehicle.sqf"; if (!hasInterface || isServer) exitWith {}; missionNamespace setVariable ["freeVectorBuilding",(compileFinal preprocessFile "eXpochVectorBldg\eXpochClient_FREE_vectorbuilding.sqf")]; // 75 NPCs private _npcs = [ ["Exile_Trader_Aircraft", ["AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_Ease"], "Exile_Trader_Aircraft", "WhiteHead_02", [[],[],[],["U_I_pilotCoveralls",[]],[],[],"H_PilotHelmetHeli_O","rhs_googles_yellow",[],["","","","","",""]], [30695.9, 11936.1, 21.1798], [0.00401416, -0.999992, 0], [0, 0, 1]], ["Exile_Trader_AircraftCustoms", ["AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_Ease"], "Exile_Trader_AircraftCustoms", "WhiteHead_11", [[],[],[],["Exile_Uniform_ExileCustoms",[]],["V_RebreatherB",[]],[],"H_PilotHelmetFighter_B","rhs_googles_orange",[],["","","","","",""]], [30703.5, 11936.4, 21.1798], [-0.106438, -0.994319, 0], [0, 0, 1]], My CustomCode //vector ExileClient_construction_thread = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_thread.sqf"; ExileClient_construction_beginExistingObject = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_beginExistingObject.sqf"; ExileClient_construction_beginNewObject = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_beginNewObject.sqf"; ExileClient_object_construction_network_constructionResponse = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_object_construction_network_constructionResponse.sqf"; ExileClient_construction_handleAbort = "eXpochVectorBldg\ExileClient_construction_handleAbort.sqf";
  3. Hi guys, yes I too have one like that, PBO manager just crashes and says that the file is corrupt, so I deleted it, rejoined the server again, same thing when I try to open it.